I’m glad GBR spoke up for Sam Allen. The VDT article falsely stated that he had changed his mind about VDT support between Tuesday night & Wednesday when he spoke at the news release.Continue readingI was standing beside Sam when he complemented one reporter after she interviewed him following the election returns at the Bd of Elections Tuesday night. The compliments were for her individual professionalism only as he stated to her that he appreciated that she always put exactly what he said in the paper. I agreed with his statements & complimented her also, because I have observed her professionalism in other venues & it is a refreshing change for some of the VDT reporting heritage.
Sam’s Wednesday comments about the VDT not providing balanced
Tag Archives: referendum
Truth really needs no defense! —George Rhynes @ VCC 10 November 2011
George also commended the bicyclers and said he had videoed the bicycles he found out front.I want the record to show and I hope the Valdosta Daily Tims will print it, that former Superintendent Sam Allen, all he did was to act as a professional, which he is.
Here’s the video:
Truth really needs no defense! —George Rhynes @ VCC 10 November 2011
bicycle, path, health care, health, sidewalk, grant,
Regular Session, Valdosta City Council (VCC),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 10 November 2011.
Videos by George Boston Rhynes for K.V.C.I., the bostongbr on YouTube.
We have just had a very divisive issue —Ken Klanicki @ VCC 10 November 2011

Here’s the video of Ken Klanicki:
We have just had a very divisive issue —Ken Klanicki @ VCC 10 November 2011
bicycle, path, health care, health, sidewalk, grant,
Regular Session, Valdosta City Council (VCC),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 10 November 2011.
Videos by George Boston Rhynes for K.V.C.I., the bostongbr on YouTube.
People say we don’t talk —Sam Allen 8 Nov 2011

It’s OK, to be beat. But to be beat by a one-armed man….
Here’s the video:
People say we don’t talk —Sam Allen 8 Nov 2011
Victory Celebration,
Vote No for Consolidation, Friends of Valdosta City Schools (FVCS),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 8 Nov 2011.
Videos by George Boston Rhynes for K.V.C.I., the bostongbr on YouTube.
The grass roots effort, outspent by a 10 to 1 margin, defeat the CUEE effort by 4 to 1! —Jim Parker
Hip! Hip! Hooray!
Absolutely amazing! The grass roots effort, outspent by a 10 to 1 margin, defeat the CUEE effort by 4 to 1! That’s what it’s all about! This is what democracy looks like!
Thanks to all the put in the time and effort and showed up at the polls. Now I hope we can have a serious discussion about the education of our children in Valdosta. Y’all in the county can, too.
-Jim Parker
School Consolidation has Lost with 13 of 16 precincts reporting
The percentage of no votes keeps going up, this time with since I last looked. There is no way school consolidation can win now.
School Referendum-Valdosta top NO 6,153 – 78.07% YES 1,728 – 21.93% Total Votes: 7,881
Lowndes County Election Results
As of 11/08/2011 at 12:00pm, the turnout of
active registered voters was 16.4%
Refresh Page | Switch to Results
13 of 16 precincts are 100% reported:
- Precinct 1 – Newsome
- Precinct 2 – Pine Grove
- Precinct 3 – Westminister
- Precinct 5 – Jaycee
- Precinct 6 – Naylor
- Precinct 7 – Wood Valley
- Precinct 8 – James H. Rainwater
- Precinct 9 – New Clyatville
- Precinct 10 – Mildred Hunter
- Precinct 11 – Dasher
- Precinct 12 – South Lowndes
- Early Voting
- Absentee Voting
CUEE Campaign Disclosure Report Completed
From: Sam Allen
Date: November 6, 2011 5:26:15 PM EST
Subject: CUEE Campaign Disclosure Report CompletedFriends,
Attached is a copy of the CUEE Disclosure Report.How many children could this have help!!!!! How many teachers and support staff could we have saved? Are we in still in a recession?
Sam Allen
Samuel Allen, Superintendent Emeritus
We don’t need consolidation to change anything that needs to be changed —Barbara Stratton
I’m definitely against consolidation, but I don’t like trackingContinue readingeither. When I was self employed breeding & training race horses in the 80’s I worked part time as a substitute teacher. The county system used a form of tracking that grouped students into slow, medium & fast learners. My children were in the top group so it worked well for them. However, I did not like the system because I observed a lot of students who lost the desire to try because they were classified in the slow learner group.
I finished the last month for one 7th grade class & had to sit in on the end of year decisions to pass or fail. One student was
Jobs, Title VI, and education —George Boston Rhynes @ VBOE 25 October 2011

If we are concerned about our children really getting an education, better be concerned about equal employment and getting federal funds, so these parents get their equal share of the jobs, in the community…. I’m talking about the qualified parents that apply for jobs in this area and some of you know they don’t get them.
Here’s Part 1 of 2: Continue reading
VBOE School Consolidation Forum @ VHS 8 September 2011

Here’s a playlist:
VBOE School Consolidation Forum @ VHS 8 September 2011
education, schools, referendum, consolidation, unification,
Forum at Valdosta High School, Valdosta Board of Education (VBOE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 9 September 2011.
Videos by Gretchen Quarterman for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.