Tag Archives: Quad Cities 1

Down and Low NRC Reactor Status 6 March 2013

104 100% total
4 3% newdown
17 16% newlow
6 5% newtop
16 15% down
32 30% low
72 69% top
Since the last time I reported on NRC nuclear reactor statuses, 23 February 2013, six are back up, four are newly down (total of sixteen down), seventeen are newly running low (thirty two low). That’s 30% below 100% power, and only 69% (72 out of 104) running at full power. And that’s not counting Vogtle 3 and 4, which Georgia Power customers are paying for while never getting any power from them. This still doesn’t look like the 24/7 nuclear power we were promised, and it’s not too cheap to meter, either. Meanwhile, solar is already at grid parity without subsidies in India and Italy and will be soon in the rest of the world.

Newly down since 23 Feb 2013 on 6 March 2013

Newly down since 23 Feb 2013 on 6 March 2013
Newly down since 23 Feb 2013 on 6 March 2013: FitzPatrick, Indian Point 3, Brunswick 2, Monticello.

Newly low since 23 Feb 2013 on 6 March 2013

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