I really feel like the Lowndes County Commissioners meetings are more to pacify the community then to actually listen to the concerns of the citizens which I’m sure most counties are the same. I feel quite positive matters of concern actually never leave that room, I’m pretty certain if the room were full and more individuals showing concern for their community maybe things could change slightly. I have gotten the impression that they really don’t want to hear people’s opinions. I was once under the impression that there job of commissioners where to also hear from the residence of the county. It certainly has shown me how transparency issues and intimidation also go hand in hand. When you think of a member of county government it’s a position of power and power some obviously let go to their head. But after reading the article it appears no matter where in this country when you oppose them you obviously could be removed in handcuffs. You’re only allowed to have your 3 to 4 minutes to speak after interruptions and snide remarks. First Amendment right allows us to have freedom of speech… but broken down, it allows us our time at the podium less freedom of speech if Mr. Paulk decided to stop us. I wonder how the rest of the commissioners feel about his antics toward people being heard. Maybe they don’t have concerns in the matter but you have to wonder if they feel intimidated as well and just choose to say nothing.-Susan Leavens
Tag Archives: public comment
Valdosta City Council rules —Jane Osborn
Continue readingCity Council rules on public participation at meetings…they could allow comments at the time of an agenda item if they chose to do that….
Valdosta, Georgia, Code of Ordinances >> PART II – CODE OF ORDINANCES >> Chapter 2 – ADMINISTRATION >> ARTICLE II. – MAYOR AND COUNCIL >> DIVISION 1. – GENERALLY >> Sec. 2-47. – Public participation.
Public participation in meetings of the city council shall be permitted in accordance with the provisions of this section.
EPA Call for Comments on Biomass Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Monday 13 Sep 2010

On July 9, 2010, OAR Assistant Administrator Gina McCarthy signed a Call for Information in which EPA requests public comment and information from interested parties on approaches to accounting for greenhouse gas emissions from bioenergy and other biogenic sources.The EPA page provides several ways to send in comments.The purpose of this Call is to request comment on developing an approach for such emissions under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and Title V Programs (GHG Tailoring Rule) as well as to receive data submissions about these sources and their emissions, general technical comments on accounting for these emissions, and comments on the underlying science that should inform possible accounting approaches. GHG emissions from bioenergy and other biogenic sources are those generated during combustion or decomposition of biologically-based material, and include sources such as, but not limited to, utilization of forest or agricultural products for energy, wastewater treatment and livestock management facilities, landfills, and fermentation processes for ethanol production.
Also, Stop Spewing Carbon Campaign has prepared this handy link for submitting comments to the call.
See these links for much more about biomass, especially as proposed for Valdosta and Lowndes County, Georgia, and for carbon dioxide in particular. The air quality permit for the Wiregrass Power LLC biomass plant has no restrictions at all on CO2.