Water was a popular topic, as you can see in these
videos of the
Candidates’s Forum by AAUW.
Same location (VSU Continuing Education Building)
as the one
Chamber held,
but this time the audience got to ask questions.
Yes, Virginia, they do all live in their districts, and some of them have widely divergent views about what cities or school boards should do.
Local AAUW President Diane Holliman gave a welcome, and then Dr. Luke Fowler moderated. Here’s the list of qualified candidates. Here’s Matthew Woody’s writeup in the VDT.
Valdosta City Council District 2
John Hogan and Calvin Graham Sr. were present; Sandra J. Tooley was not.John Hogan pointed out that a road issue could really be a drainage issue, so it’s necessary to look at context.
Calvin Graham Sr. said he was retired military, lived in the district, and had been spending a lot of time volunteering. He indicated the Continue reading