Tag Archives: Planning

Videos: subdivision, manufacturing, and used cars @ GLPC 2018-02-26

Third time was the charm for William Branham and his Copeland Road subdivision, which the Planning Commission recommended 6:1.

Below are links to each LAKE video with a few notes, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the agenda.

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Videos: Branham subdivision, Bemiss Knights Academy, Lake Park @ GLPC 2015-09-28

Almost half an hour on the Bill Branham subdivision on Copeland Road resulted in a split denial: the only denial in this Planning Commission Regular Session.

Slightly less time on the Charles Bennett accessory dwelling unit on Green Meadown Drive got unanimous approval with staff conditions.

Ten minutes on the Clint Joyner’s request for Knight’s Development’s 30-acre subdivision rezoning on Bemiss Knights Academy Road got unanimous approval. About the same on Tim Blanton’s rezoning of 45+ acres to residential agriculture passed unanimously. Ditto rezoning for Richard Bonner’s rezoning for a fast-growth corridor between Highway 84 and Interstate 75. Less time for Jon Nijem’s expanded parking on Baytree Road to pass unanimously.

Keith Sandlin’s Lake Park case did sail through, as did John Thomas’ rezoning for a showroom for his show car business.

Commissioner Willis’ term was coming up for reappointment.

Below are links to each LAKE video with a very few notes, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the Continue reading

Videos: Dasher, Remerton, Valdosta, Lowndes County @ GLPC 2018-01-29

The Planning Commission last month welcomed Ed Hightower, appointed earlier that same month by the Lowndes County Commission. They heard one case each from the seldom seen Cities of Dasher, and Remerton (longest at almost 38 minutes on apartments at the old mill site). plus and three from Lowndes County including REZ-2018-02 CR Ventures – Rocky Ford Rd – 71 acres (third longest at 23 minutes), and five from Valdosta including Deep South Sanitation (second longest at more than 37 minutes), which was also separately heard on a related matter by ZBOA a week later.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each item, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the agenda, and the three Lowndes County cases will be voted on by the county Tuesday evening. Continue reading

Dasher, Remerton, Valdosta, Lowndes County @ GLPC 2018-01-29

One case each from the seldom seen Cities of Dasher and Remerton, plus five from Valdosta and three from Lowndes County, at last week’s Planning Commission meeting; video up shortly.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
Lowndes County City of Valdosta City of Dasher City of Hahira City of Lake Park

Monday, January 29, 2018 * 5:30 P.M. * Public Hearing
Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue

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Videos: Cothron on Tucker Road and second West Ridge Business Park rezoning @ GLPC 2017-11-27

Twenty five minutes on 7. REZ-2017-14 Cothron 5310 Tucker Road 5 acres from E-A to R-A to split out two 2.5 acre house lots and a home business office (is there a deed restriction?), fourteen minutes on a storage building in 3. VA-2017-16 220-224 Myddleton Road 0.58 acres from R-6 to M-2 (probably will be at ZBOA for a variance later), and six minutes each on 5. REZ-2017-12 West Ridge Business Park 1.2 acres from C-G to C-H and 4. VA-2017-17 City of Valdosta LDR text amendments. Everything else sailed through.

They nominated the same Chair and Vice-Chair as currently: Franklin Bailey and Jody Hall. County Planner Jason Davenport pointed out traditionally they rotate every two years, but the Commission could decide to keep the same officers, and they did.

Below are links to each LAKE video with a few notes, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the agenda. Continue reading

Videos: Office in the woods, B&B, Church @ GLPC 2017-10-30

Well, it wasn’t all that brief, because 3. REZ-2017-11 Dasher Johnson & Howell Roads for an office far away from any similar zoning was contentious and almost 40 minutes long, with a split vote against, although later the Lowndes County Commission passed the rezoning anyway.

Second longest was 4. CU-2017-05 206 East College Street (B&B) at almost nineteen minutes. Everything else sailed through.

Below are Continue reading

Second West Ridge Business Park rezoning in two months @ GLPC 2017-11-27

Second rezoning in two months at West Ridge Business Park, which does not appear to be among the eight Valdosta-Lowndes Development Authority business parks, none of which appear to be on the agenda for today’s Planning Commission meeting.

Parcel 0059 140B, 2812 Cameron Road
Lowndes County Tax Assessors, Parcel 0059 140B, 2812 Cameron Lane

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission Continue reading

B&B, Church, Office, Home @ GLPC 2017-10-30

Three small rezonings in Valdosta and Lake Park, plus a 44.97 acre office rezoning by Arrow Engineering in Lowndes County: this could be one of the briefest and least contentious Planning Commission meetings ever.

Or not. Lowndes County Tax Assessors say that 44.97 acre parcel is owned by PINE RIDGE DEVELOPERS LLC, 105 CYPRESS ESTATES PARKWAY, INGRAM, TX 78025. They also own 108.68 acres on the north side of Naylor.

Parcel 0186 078, Pine Ridge Developers LLC
Parcel 0186 078, Pine Ridge Developers LLC, Dasher Johnson Road and Howell Road.

Here’s the agenda.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission Continue reading

Videos: Return of Register + Laurel Run, Tucker Road @ GLPC 2017-09-25

There was shouting last night at the end of REZ-2017-09 Robert A. Register Estate, because some people didn’t like a recommendation for rezoning even with numerous conditions attached. That one took almost an hour, far longer than all the rest of the agenda. Tonight at 5:30 PM this rezoning in Lake Park goes to the Lowndes County Commision for the actual decision; they already discussed it yesterday morning.

Below are LAKE videos of last night’s Planning Commission meeting. See also Continue reading

Return of Register + Laurel Run, Tucker Road @ GLPC 2017-09-25

Tabled last month, REZ-2017-09 Robert A. Register Estate is back on the Planning Commission agenda for tonight. Meanwhile the Lowndes County Commission already discussed it this morning and is scheduled to vote on this rezoning Tuesday evening.

TRC table of recommendations, REZ-2017-19 Register Estate
TRC Table of recommendations for REZ-2017-09.

Plus REZ-2017-10 Laurel Run Homes, LLC and REZ-2017-08 West Ridge Business Park.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission Continue reading