The Industrial Authority was very forthcoming
about everything about their new office purchase
except who they were buying it from;
this was at the
16 April 2013 Board Meeting
of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority.
The seller turns out to be a household name hereabouts.
New Office –Roy Copeland
Chairman Roy Copeland talked about the at least five year process
for finding “a new home” for VLCIA.
He noted that before he joined the board they were considering
buying a property he and his wife own.
He and former Lowndes County Chairman Ashley Paulk looked
at another property near the Courthouse.
VLCIA even toured the historic Lowndes County Courthouse
but concluded it couldn’t be renovated for their purposes.
Jerry Jennett noted the search had gone on even longer than five years.
Copeland said the parameters they had set were, as far as he recalled, Continue reading