The corpulent corporate giant asked for a variance, and met with
unexpected opposition, as well as unexpected results.
The formal title of the item was
VAR-2010-15 McDonald’s Corp. (4601 Foxborough Avenue),
on the agenda of
the Valdosta-Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBOA).
McDonald’s was
“Requesting a Variance to the maximum square footage allowed for drive-thru signage.”

Lowndes County Zoning Administrator Carmella Braswell.
introduced the case, and
Chair Allan Strickland mentioned pictures of other fast food restaurants
with signs within ordinance limits.
A McDonald’s employee and his lawyer
presented their case,
in which we learned that
McDonald’s wants two signs for a large total variance
and that
McDonald’s doesn’t want to do custom signs.
Well-known local lawyer
Gary Moser stepped up to
speak for over 200 residents of the Foxborough neighorhood
who don’t want a McDonald’s at their entrance.
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