Tag Archives: Oil

“In 20 years we’ll be meeting all of our energy needs with solar” –Ray Kurzweil

The man who knows more about doubling rates than anyone else in the world (he accurately predicted computers winning at chess and the Internet, including the correct dates), Ray Kurzweil, interviewed by Lauren Feeney on PBS:
One of my primary theses is that information technologies grow exponentially in capability and power and bandwidth and so on. If you buy an iPhone today, it’s twice as good as two years ago for half that cost. That is happening with solar energy — it is doubling every two years. And it didn’t start two years ago, it started 20 years ago. Every two years we have twice as much solar energy in the world.
Think about how fast the Internet has grown in the 21st century. That’s what he’s talking about: from unknown to TV news anchors to facilitating multiple revolutions in weeks. He continues: Continue reading

PCA’s building the greenest mill in the country –CEO

Malynda Fulton writes in the VDT that, according to its CEO Paul Stecko, Packaging Corporation of America (PCA) is building
…the greenest mill in the U.S. and possibly the least costly to operate. This mill will become the mill of the future instead of the mill from the past.
This is at the PCA plant in Clyattville.

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Why green?

Through the new boilers, PCA was able to eliminate the use of fossil fuel and run the boilers on renewable energy, Stecko explained.
In other words, it’s a biomass plant. The article doesn’t say whether the biomass is entirely materials that would otherwise have been discarded, nor how efficient it is.

The article does say: Continue reading