The person chairing the Brooks County Board of Elections
didn’t like George Rhynes recording their public open meeting, and didn’t
know that state law says anyone can.
What are you doing?
Several people explained to her that Georgia law says he can. Then she unilaterally declared an executive session without any vote or saying what it was for. Several people explained to her she couldn’t do that. Her response (after the video clip):
Video by George Boston Rhynes for bostongbr on YouTube.
I just am feeling very threatened at this point, very picked on and torn apart.
Eventually she declared the meeting adjourned without any vote. Various people explained to her she needed a motion and a vote for that, too.
Then they suspended someone from the election office until an investigation could take place.
I would post names of the various people, but I can’t find any list of members or employees of the Brooks County Board of Elections online.
In addition to the Quitman Board of Elections not understanding Georgia’s sunshine laws, Continue reading