Tag Archives: Military

Mystery Simpson Road paving, taxes, alcohol, emergency, roads, and law @ LCC 2019-01-22

Due to Monday being Martin Luther King Jr. Day, both the Work Session and the Regular Session will be on Tuesday, January 22, 2019, at 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM. Last time they approved paying for right of way on Simpson Road. This time they’re approving Paving on Parker Road and Simpson Road. Why does Simpson Road get this exception to their decade-long custom of never paying for road right of way? Will Scruggs or Reames get the $2 million-plus contract for paving? (Hint: Reames is the low bidder.)

Simpson Road in Lowndes County Tax Assessor Maps.

Meanwhile, the county apparently borrowed money for paving, and is tinkering the Special Assessment Rate for 2019 from 6.5% to 7.5%.

Hm, the county “currently receives $32,770 annually” Continue reading

Ex-military infiltrators of pipeline opposition

Be sure that if you are at all successful in opposing a pipeline you will get infiltrators, whether FBI or private security. Be prepared to deal with it, whether by checking backgrounds, or comparing lists, or by some other methods.

One of the most effective methods appears to be exposing what the pipeline company and their hired hands are up to, as The Intercept_ did about infiltrators at Standing Rock, using leaks from private security firm TigerSwan, which was hired by pipeline company Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) to “protect” its Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). THE INFILTRATOR: How an Undercover Oil Industry Mercenary Tricked Pipeline Opponents Into Believing He Was One of Them, Alleen Brown, The Intercept_, 30 December 2018,

An infiltrator
Joel McCollough, far right, at a climate march launch event in Chicago hosted by Food and Water Watch in April 2017. Photo: Courtesy of Gloria Araya, in The Intercept_.

What he’s certain of is that the glimmer of opportunity he saw at the beginning of the pipeline fight was extinguished when The Intercept published more than 100 TigerSwan situation reports leaked by a former operative, revealing the security firm’s extensive surveillance efforts, coordination with law enforcement, and comparisons of water protectors to jihadi fighters. …

He remembers thinking at one time, “If they watch their p’s and q’s, they will be the standard. They’ll be the company that everybody’s gonna use.” The former contractor laughed. “That didn’t happen.”

DAPL is a petroleum products pipeline, but we heard some of the same Continue reading

ZBOA agenda and packet @ ZBOA 2018-11-06

Two small county family plot variances at ZBOA this afternoon, one in an agricultural zone, the other in the Moody Activity Zone near Moody AFB. And today they vote on who will be Chair and Vice-Chair next year, as well as on their calendar of meetings.

Thanks to ZBOA member Gretchen Quarterman, here is the agenda and board packet, in which you can see where these variances are being requested, who is requesting them, and why.

This agenda is still not on the City of Valdosta ZBOA agenda web page, and the board packet never is.

[Future Development Map]
Future Development Map

Valdosta – Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals

Matt Martin,
Valdosta Planning and Zoning Administrator
300 North Lee Street, Valdosta, Georgia
(229) 259-3563

Carmella Braswell,
Lowndes County Zoning Administrator
327 North Ashley Street, Valdosta, Georgia
(229) 671-2430

November 6, 2018
2:30 p.m.

Continue reading

Videos: New Member and blood bank @ GLPC 2018-07-30

The big news is that Lowndes County Planner Jason Davenport is leaving his position at the county for another opportunity.

GLPC welcomed its new member, Calvin Graham, Sr., who only said “Thank you,” to replace Celine Gladwin, who declined to be reappointed. See previous post for some background.

The one case, CU-2018-05 LifeSouth3. Community Blood Centers – 301 Woodrow Wilson, was presented by City Planner Matt Martin, and after three times addressing one question, Continue reading

New Member and blood bank @ GLPC 2018-07-30

Since Celine Gladwin declined to be reappointed, GLPC has a new member, Calvin Graham, Sr., who ran for Valdosta City Council District 2 in 2013, when he said he was an Army veteran who subsequently worked for the Department of Defense. Sandra Tooley won, and is still on the Valdosta City Council.

Calvin Graham Sr. campainging in 2013

That leaves the Planning Commission with no female members and no architect.

There’s only one case on the agenda for this evening: Continue reading

Valdosta Airfield 1941, Moody Field, Moody Army Airfield, Moody Air Force Base

I did not know that Moody AFB was a local project from the beginning. It’s still about the only thing everybody near Valdosta and Lowndes County, Georgia, can all unite around. Many local people learned to fly at Moody Airfield, some who went into the military, and others who did not. Let us remember them all on this Memorial Day. They also serve who only stand and wait.

Aerial-View-Moody-during-WWII, Pictures
Aerial View Moody During WWII, in Lowndes County Historical Society and Museum, Valdosta, Georgia

Moody Air Force Base, retrieved 28 May 2018, Moody Air Force Base History:

Moody Field began as an Army Air Corps pilot training base during World War II. The concept of an Army Air Field in Valdosta originated with Valdosta and Lowndes County citizens in 1940. Local leaders faced Continue reading

Videos: No Opioid No Probation Military Utility @ LCC 2018-04-24

They would have managed less than four minutes, even with chatting with Leadership Lowndes in the audience, including 45 seconds on the only substantial agenda item, 6 a. Grant Of Easement for Utility Right of Way Moody-Azalea Commons (aka Moody Family Housing).

2013-07-29 GLPC Packet-007 REZ-2013-09 Moody Family Housing
2013-07-29 GLPC Packet-007 REZ-2013-09 Moody Family Housing
Note the big sinkhole in Phase 2.

But citizen Jacinta Howell talked about traffic safety. Let’s remember the immortal words of former Chairman Ashley Paulk during a rezoning near Bemiss Road:

I’m not going to argue Bemiss Highway, it’s not a pertinent fact.

Below are Continue reading

Videos: Opioid Vaginal Mesh, Military Utility, No Probation @ LCC 2018-04-23

Yesterday morning Chairman Bill Slaughter looked straight at the LAKE video camera and said: “We’ll have a record-setting short meeting tomorrow, with one agenda item.” Then he chuckled.

The Work Session was 17 minutes and 35 seconds, because of 12 minutes on the Special Presentation by Andrew Hill on Opioid Litigation (Work Session).

The longest other item was 3 minutes on 6 b. Lowndes County Government Probation Plan and Resolution, which wasn’t ready yet, and is what the Chairman removed from the agenda for tonight.

Indeed it didn’t take five minutes, not even half a minute, for them not to discuss 6 a. Grant Of Easement for Utility Right of Way Moody-Azalea Commons.

Below are Continue reading

Opioid Military Utility Probation @ LCC 2018-04-23

Maybe 15 minutes because of the Special Presentation by Andrew Hill on Opioid Litigation (Work Session).

It won’t take them five minutes to discuss a water and sewer easement for the sinkhole-prone recently-renamed Moody Family Housing Housing, now called Azalea Commons, which is in a recharge zone for the Floridan Aquifer from which we all drink. That subdivision only has water and sewer lines running by it up Val Del Road because the county ran those lines to enable the Nelson Hill subdivision, for which the county permitted razing wetlands, and which then mysteriously got staff variances to avoid building condominiums, mixed elevations, or becoming a gated community.

WRPDO Site Map, Moody Family Housing, REZ-2013-09
WRPDO Site Map, Moody Family Housing, REZ-2013-09.

It’s unlikely to take longer for them to discuss the Lowndes County Government Probation Plan and Resolution.

Here’s the agenda. Gretchen is on her way there with the LAKE video camera.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2018, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

  1. Call to Order
  2. Invocation
  3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
  4. Special Presentation by Andrew Hill on Opioid Litigation (Work Session)
  5. Minutes for Approval
    1. Work Session- April 9, 2018
    2. Regular Session- April 10, 2018
  6. For Consideration
    1. Grant Of Easement for Utility Right of Way Moody-Azalea Commons
      ACC Group Housing, LLC desires to Grant Lowndes county an easement and right of way to provide access to service and maintain the water and sewer lines serving the Azalea Commons residential area.

      Documents:Grant of Easement for Utility Right of Way Moody-Azalea Commons.pdf

    2. Lowndes County Government Probation Plan and Resolution
      Approval of probation plan and resolution

      Documents:Lowndes County Government Probation Plan and Resolution.pdf

  7. Reports – County Manager
  8. Citizens Wishing to be Heard-Please State Your Name and Address
  9. Adjournment


Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!

Videos: Litigation Executive Session, Lighting Ordinance, Drainage, Well, Trash, Software, Trucks @ LCC 2018-03-26

An Executive Session for pending or potential litigation: are they going to sue Deep South Sanitation again? Some of them sure seem to want to find any excuse not to re-approve DSS’s franchise, which was the longest item at three minutes.

Second longest was two minutes for the Bid for Mini Excavator for the Utilities Department. Slow morning at the County Commission.

Below are links to each LAKE video with a very few notes, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also agenda. They vote this evening at 5:30 PM. Continue reading