County Planner Jason Davenport sent email to the Planning Commission
yesterday noon before their evening meeting:
In light of the comments from the Chamber of Commerce from last week
related to TXT-2015-01 I have prepared a document that helps show the
amendments and various TRC and Chamber recommendations/comments side by
side. The amendments are overall organized into two groups, those that
are recommended for approval and have no objection and those that have
opposition and/or other comments. I will plan to provide physical
copies of the attached document at tonight’s meeting. Thank you.
Maybe this is a precedent for the county taking citizen comments more seriously;
one hopes it doesn’t apply only to the Chamber.
Updates about Moody, Tillman Crossing, and the Withlacoochee River Wastewater Treatment Plant,
for tonight’s Planning Commission meeting, received after last week’s GLPC Work Session.
I would post tonight’s GLPC agenda, but it’s not on the county’s website.
See the surprise addition in this update of
REZ-2015-20 City of Valdosta WWTP, about which details were not included: “The proposed site plan
is the same one that was presented to you with your paperwork last
So if you’re not a Planning Commissioner, you don’t get to see what the City of Valdosta is proposing for its new Withlacoochee River Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Details of massive revisions to the proposal for changes to the Moody Activity Zoning Districts,
sent by County Planner Jason Davenport to the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC) and the Lowndes County Commissioners on 11 November 2015,
in advance of the GLPC’s 23 November 2015 Work Session and 30 November 2015 Regular Session.
He copied LAKE due to an open records request from Gretchen Quarterman.
The whole thing is
on the LAKE website.
Especially interesting are two slides apparently intended to finally the question on everyone’s mind of which developers are these changes for?
After the County Commission Work Session shown in these LAKE videos,
the Planning Commission met Monday evening,
and this evening (Tuesday 5:30PM) the County Commission votes,
but will table the
ULDC amendments.
In addition to all the other items
the agenda and mentioned in the previous post,
they went into an
Executive Session about Pending Litigation.
Who are they suing now?
Or who’s still suing them about for example James Road?
Here are links to the LAKE videos of yesterday morning’s meeting, followed by a video playlist.
The Planning Commission meets Monday evening to consider
those ULDC amendments,
so county staff will recommend to the County Commission at their Monday 8:30 AM Work Session that they table the MAZ text changes
at their Regular Session Tuesday 5:30 PM evening.
the Air Force wants to maintain the road rights of way
for Davidson Road and along Grassy Pond.
And the
Land Bank Authority
wants to appoint some more members, acording to “the attached resolution”
which of course we the taxpayers aren’t allowed to see without an open records request.
Fourteen Navy installations in California will get as much as a
third of their power from solar energy, following the Navy’s
agreement to make the largest purchase of renewable energy of any
federal entity, an agreement that calls for the construction of a
210-megawatt direct-current solar facility….
With the Mesquite project, last month’s groundbreaking on a
17-megawatt project at Camp Lejeune, N.C., and an upcoming
groundbreaking on a 42-megawatt project at Kings Bay, Ga., the Navy
is on track to have 1.2 gigawatts of solar power….
A usually reliable source says groundbreaking is tomorrow for
Kings Bay Solar.
Last month,
ZBOA voted 5 to 1 to let
Moody Family Housing
have a reduction of 25% (half of the 50% they wanted)
so as to include a requirement of native trees.
Gretchen Quarterman made the motion, Paul Alvarado seconded, and Satrina Plyler (filling the unexpired term of Scott Orenstein) voted against.
Videos: Moody Family Housing doesn’t want to replace trees it cut down on Val-Del
Regular Session, Valdosta-Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBOA),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 4 August 2015.