Got a TV camera in there this morning.
Here’s the agenda.
See also yesterday’s session.
Here’s Susan Waller of Spectra
refusing to even listen to a question that she had just asked for:
FERC-required Open House about the
Sabal Trail natural gas pipeline
by Sabal Trail Transmission and Spectra Energy,
Video by Blake Clark, Madison, Madison County, Florida, 17 December 2013.
Blake Clark remarked on this video he took:
This short clip speaks for it’s self. Notice Susan Waller’s condescending tone through out the clips entirety. It is assumed, and I have witnessed her speaking to most landowners inquiring more information in the same tone here. Are the people at Sabal (Spectra) or “what ever they may be calling themselves this week” really concerned for you, your questions, or your property? You decide!
Visit for more information on the Sabal Trail Pipeline, Thank you!
she complained that someone who presented her with evidence
was “disruptive”.
What I wanted to ask her about was Continue reading
When someone took Susan Waller up on her offer to answer questions about the Sabal Trail pipeline, she seemed to find the truth as reported by her own company to a federal pipeline oversight agency to be “disruptive”.
Disable Sabal – Sabal Trail (Spectra Energy) Open House Madison, FL,
We are a very genuine, safe, law-abiding company.So said Spectra VP or Shareholder Outreach Susan Waller. She then complained that “your group” was “disruptive” and “you don’t want to hear the truth”.
So Ben Vieth showed Waller lists of incidents of corrosion reported by Spectra to PHMSA. To which another Sabal Trail rep. said, “We have a safe operation”.
Here’s the video:
Video of Spectra answering a question about Sabal Trail in Madison, FL
Sabal Trail natural gas pipeline,
FERC-required Open House, Sabal Trail Transmission and Spectra Energy (Sabal),
Video by Blake Clark, Madison, Madison County, Florida, 17 December 2013.
It’s interesting that even after Continue reading
It all started with someone handing out DVDs in a Federal Reserve museum,
continued with people being arrested on a public sidewalk for doing nothing,
and ended with a judge reaffirming that yes, you can video police.
John [?] wrote for Next News Network a 19 October 2013, Federal Reserve Bank Settles Counterclaim with Journalist,
In May of 2011 in Missouri, Bruce Baumann was peacefully passing out DVDs with his local media chapter, WeAreChange Colorado, outside the Federal Reserve Bank in Kansas City. However, when Baumann and fellow activist Ronald Lewis attempted to enter the Federal Reserve’s money museum, they faced resistance from the private bank’s security, which led to both of their arrest. Although this resulted in ongoing litigation for nearly 30 months following the incident, Baumann was confident that he would not only be successful in defeating the charges, but he would also be victorious in trampling the Federal Reserve Bank with a counterclaim.
Unbeknownst to Lewis, his name was previously recorded on a list Continue reading
Press freedom is an essential part of liberty, and without liberty there is no security. It’s good to see the CEO of AP speaking up about this, after Julian Assange, Bruce Schneier, and Benjamin Franklin.
Colleen Slevin wrote for AP yesterday, AP CEO: Press freedom v. security a ‘false choice’,
Governments that try to force citizens to decide between a free press and national security create a “false choice” that weakens democracy, and journalists must fight increasing government overreach that has had a chilling effect on efforts to hold leaders accountable, the president and CEO of The Associated Press said Saturday.
Gary Pruitt told the 69th General Assembly of the Inter American Press Association that the U.S. Justice Department’s secret seizure of records of thousands of telephone calls to and from AP reporters in 2012 is one of the most blatant violations of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution the 167-year-old news cooperative has ever encountered.
The Justice Department action involving the AP resonated far beyond the U.S., including Continue reading
It’s good to see fracking reviewed in the VSU Spectator, including that it’s coming to Georgia unless we stop it, and we should stop it. It’s unfortunate the story ends with a bad idea when there’s a much better idea already rapidly being deployed: solar power.
Stephen Cavallaro wrote yesterday for the VSU Spectator,
Fracking hits Georgia,
Fracking, the process of harvesting the environmentally unfriendly natural gas called shale that is being pushed by the government, plows its way through Georgia.
More like being pushed by fossil fuel companies who have bought too many politicians.
In March, I discussed a deal backed by the government between British-owned Centrica and American-owned Cheniere. The agreement was that Cheniere would spread toxic chemicals across America in order to fuel millions of British homes.
Kind of like Continue reading
MacGyver needs to show an imprint on a floorboard to someone. Pull
out your phone and take a picture! No, in 1986
he MacGyvers a chisel
and hammer and pries the floorboard up.
Even in 1996 the telcos and most of the public thought
dedicated copper and fiber connections were needed for reliable communications.
(“Allison, can you explain what the Internet is?”)
But now you can pull out your phone and take a picture and post it over the packet-switched Internet to facebook for all the world to see.
In 2023 baseload nukes and coal plants and oil pipelines will be like
phone booths connected by dedicated copper, while rooftop solar charging
cars will be as common as phones in your pockets.
Solar power will win like the Internet did,
beating all other sources of power within a decade.
Meanwhile, Continue reading
VDT fourth in class in newspaper AP Georgia awards, half for people who don’t work there anymore.
VDT today, Times wins AP awards; I’ve added some links and notes in [square brackets]:
The Valdosta Daily Times won several awards at the recent Georgia Associated Press Managing Editors Newspaper Awards luncheon in Atlanta.
Former Times’ reporter Jason Schaefer received a First Place in Deadline Reporting award for his story on homeless individuals in 2012. [“Life on Hard Ground”, which apparently is not online, but apparently was published on paper 3 December 2012.]
Former news photographer Paul Leavy won a Third Place Award in Photography for his photo of a meth lab arrest at a local motel. [For Tip leads to meth lab raid 27 January 2012, by another former reporter, David Rodock.]
This is the first admission I’ve seen that Jason Schaefer doesn’t work there anymore, even though his byline hasn’t appeared since his last story on homeless people, 3 July 2013.
Kay Harris also won two awards,
for Continue reading
LAKE now has a
google+ page.
Please add
the LAKE google+ page
to your circles on g+.
Yes, I previously announced lake was on g+, but google complained we were posting too much on that individual account, so we made a business media page, and now google is complaining don’t post enough! So, send us stuff to post, eh?
Nuclear reactor Farley 1,
about 125 miles from here tripped off its Reactor Coolant Pump Buses yesterday.
They plan to get around to informing the press about it real soon now;
they didn’t even tell the NRC until today.
Maybe somebody would like to call Farley and ask what’s going on?
“The Farley plant resident inspectors can be reached by calling 334-899-3386.”
Maybe ask them what caused
all those other downtimes at Farley over the years; maybe also about Browns Ferry and Hatch,
where new Resident Inspector Phillip Niebaum previously worked.
Southern Company CEO Thomas A. Fanning
asked us to look at SO’s safety record.
NRC Current Event Notification Report for June 12, 2013,
Event Number: 49106:
Notification Date: 06/12/2013
Notification Time: 01:33 [ET]
Event Date: 06/11/2013
“This is a report of an automatic RPS actuation and automatic ESF actuation per 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) and 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A). Additionally, this is to report intentions for a press release per 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi).
“At 2105 CDT on 6/11/13, Farley Unit 1 experienced an automatic reactor trip from 100% power. The initiating event was the loss of the 1B Start up Transformer which resulted in de-energization of the B-Train ESF 4KV buses and the 1B and 1C Reactor Coolant Pump Buses. The 1B Emergency Diesel Generator auto started and tied to the B-Train 4KV Emergency buses.
“Both MDAFW Continue reading