Tag Archives: Matt Martin

Appointments to KLVB, ZBOA, Library board, three rezonings @ LCC 2019-07-08

Update 2019-07-09: Videos.

On the Lowndes County Commission agenda for Monday and Tuesday, appointments to three boards, three rezonings, and a mystery agreement.

They have no candidates to replace Malinda Taylor on the Lowndes County Library Board. Paul Alvarado and John McCall want to be reappointed to the Valdosta-Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals. Gregory Powell apparently does not want to be reappointed, and Victoria O’Steen and Kelisa Brown have applied for Keep Lowndes Valdosta Beautiful (KLVB).

[Area map]
Area map

The rezoning cases are three from the preceding Planning Commission meeting; GLPC unanimously recommended approval of all three.

The mystery Agreement with Cornerstone is, according to the agenda sheet, a $96,000 ($8,000 / month) item:

As a part of Lowndes County’s ongoing support of Moody Air Force Base, the services of Cornerstone Government Affairs, Inc. are being recommended. In addition to assistance with matters related to the Department of Defense, Continue reading

Valdosta * 2, Remerton, Lowndes County * 3 @ GLPC 2019-06-24

Tonight at the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission, presumably REZ-2019-08 Knudson & Son Outdoor Activities will be skipped, since last month the Lowndes County Commission already decided that case, and ZBOA denied most of the applicants’ requested variances.

[Context map]
Context map

The only other big one (by acreage) tonight is REZ-2019-11 Stewart, 4151 Stewart Circle, 0072 001, ±12 ac., R-1 to C-H.

Here is the agenda.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
Lowndes County City of Valdosta City of Dasher City of Hahira City of Lake Park

Monday, June 24, 2019 * 5:30 P.M.
Public Hearing, Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue, Valdosta, Georgia

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Videos: 3 Hahira rezonings + annexation, Valdosta PD + LDR @ GLPC 2016-05-31

Here are LAKE videos of the controversial Hahira rezonings and annexation at the Planning Commission May 31st 2016. The longest GLPC discussion was actually on the Valdosta sign ordinance changes.

County Manager Joe Pritchard acknowledged receipt of a letter from Hahira at the Lowndes County Commission Work Session 2016-05-23 and the next day the County Commission voted they had no objections. After nobody from the audience spoke for or against, the Planning Commission on 2016-05-31 recommended anexation, chaired by vice-chair Jody Hall of Hahira. Probably the Hahira City Council discussed this item at the Hahira City Council Work Session the same day as the County Commission Work Session, and proceeded with the annexation at the Hahira Regular Session of June 2nd, but the last Hahira minutes online are from February 2016.

Thanks to Hahira City Planner Matt Martin, packet materials Continue reading

3 Hahira rezonings + annexation, valdosta PD + LDR @ GLPC 2016-05-31

The controversial Hahira rezonings and annexation are on the Planning Commission agenda tonight at 5:30 PM. Thanks to Hahira City Planner Matt Martin, packet materials for the Hahira items are on the LAKE website.

Here’s the agenda that was not available before the GLPC Work Session, but is online now before tonight’s 5:30 PM Regular Session.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
Lowndes County City of Valdosta City of Dasher City of Hahira City of Lake Park

Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue
Tuesday, May 31, 2016 * 5:30 P.M. * Public Hearing

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Videos: Nottinghill tabled, Barrington, Whitewater, New Statenville + VLD * 2 + Dasher + Hahira variance @ GLPC 2013-09-30

In last month’s Planning Commission meeting we learned that developers get agenda items in PDF; yet the county still doesn’t publish agendas or minutes, much less agenda packets, online. Nottinghill (on Orr rather than Cat Creek Road this time) was tabled. Norwood (on Springhill Drive in Valdosta) got recommended denial by 5-4 and was later withdrawn, plus a a Hahira variance (5 to 3 against), a Valdosta conditional use permit (unanimously recommended), a Dasher zoning text amendment (unanimously recommended), and three other rezonings in Lowndes County, on New Statenville Highway, Whitewater Road @ Williams Road, and Barrington Drive @ Bemiss Road.

Here’s the agenda, with links to the videos and a few notes.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission

Lowndes County City of Valdosta City of Dasher City of Hahira City of Lake Park



Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue

Monday, September 30, 2013* 5:30 P.M. * Public Hearing

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Open House at Mildred Hunter on Common Community Vision @ VLMPO 2013-10-23

“We have broadband”, said Bill Slaughter, while other people had different opinions on that and other topics Wednesday night at the Mildred Hunter Community Center.

Corey Hull introduced the session and a small but vocal group of citizens discussed all the main topic headings. He noted that there are more than twelve plans already in place in the various cities and counties in the Valdosta Lowndes Metropolitan Planning Area. Yet there were many common themes in those plans, and VLMPO was looking for other common areas in these meetings and online, and more specifically strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. If you have a community group of any size, VLMPO can come talk to it. They’ve been to the Chamber, to Rotary, to churches, etc. They expect to wrap this process up in December, with common vision and goals for the next ten or twenty years.

Matt Martin Local officials present included Matt Martin, Planning and Zoning Administrator for the City of Valdosta, and Lowndes County Chairman Bill Slaughter. Martin didn’t say much, but Bill Slaughter was quite vocal. I thanked him for speaking up, even though I didn’t agree with everything he said. He helped clarify current county codes for stormwater retention, and Martin helped clarify the city’s codes.

As a long-time participant in local development (he’s CEO of Waller Heating and Air) Slaughter said when people are buying houses all they look at is Continue reading

ZBOA decides to publish agendas and minutes on Valdosta website

The Zoning Board of Appeals decided unanimously at its 6 December 2011 meeting to publish its agendas and minutes on the City of Valdosta’s website. This item was not on the agenda, but members of such a board can make motions anyway. Member Gretchen Quarterman suggested it. Valdosta City Planner Matt Martin said they could do it no problem. Discussion ensued. They all agreed to post agends before their meetings, and to post minutes after they are approved (usually at the next meeting, a month later). Maybe other local boards and authorities will follow this example.

Left to right: Laverne Gaskins (V), Gretchen Quarterman (L), Paul Alvarado (V), Allan Strickland, Chair (V), Nancy Hobby (V), Dave Kirk (L), Carmella Braswell (Lowndes County Zoning Administrator), Matt Martin (Valdosta City Planning and Zoning Administrator). Absent: Scott Orenstein, Vice-Chair (V), Dr. William Houseal (L). L: Lowndes County appointee. V: Valdosta appointee.

Here’s the video:

ZBOA decides to publish agendas and minutes on Valdosta website
Agendas and Minutes,
Regular Session, Valdosta-Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBOA),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 6 December 2011.
Videos by John S. Quarterman for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.
