Here are pictures of a cemetery at the end of Baytree Road, just east of I-75 and slightly south of the Withlacoochee River.
The Lowndes County Tax Assessors identify it only as Continue reading
Here are pictures of a cemetery at the end of Baytree Road, just east of I-75 and slightly south of the Withlacoochee River.
The Lowndes County Tax Assessors identify it only as Continue reading
Back again: the James Road subsidy for a failed mega-mall that we just keep on paying,
eight years later!
Five companies showed up at the May 27th pre-bid meeting, but only one bid for $71,192 was received from Rountree Construction for the Commercial Driveway for Raceway on James Road, said County Engineer Mike Fletcher at the 22 June 2015 Lowndes County Work Session. The Commission at their 23 June 2015 Regular Session approved that yet another fix-up payment caused by the county’s 2009 widening of James Road “from a two-lane local road with ditches to a five-lane road with curb and gutter” for the never-happened Market Street mall and subdivision project. And local elected officials say bus systems need subsidies? Every road and bridge is a subsidy for private developers. And James Road is a subsidy we just keep on paying year after year.
The county spent SPLOST VI funds and $587,000 in GDOT funds on this subsidy for private developers, some of them from Tampa, while requiring local James Road property owners to Continue reading
Hahira Annexation request
was actually heard at
the Planning Commission meeting that started at the same time.
All the incumbents were reappointed to the
Hospital Authority
and the
shadowy Lowndes County Public Facilities Authority.
Both the road abandonments were approved, of
Old Statenville Road
Excess Right of Way on James Road and Riverside Road.
All that plus a
GEMA Sheltering Memorandum of Agreement
and a
beer license,
Poll Manager Recognition.
The blank page Budget Session was at 9:30 AM after the Work Session, all the same day as this Regular Session. See also my question about Budget Public Hearings.
Here’s the agenda. See the videos from the Work Session of the same morning and the videos from the previous Regular Session of May 13th for context on the Public Hearings and on the James Road Subsidence.
WORK SESSION, TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014, 8:30 a.m.
REGULAR SESSION, TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014, 5:30 p.m.
327 N. Ashley Street — 2nd Floor
Nevermind the County Engineer said about the Cat Creek Road bridge,
“All construction will take place during the months of June and July”
(Work Session 2014-03-24),
it was closed when Gretchen was headed for this morning’s Work Session,
so she had to go by Moody AFB on Bemiss Road, and was a few minutes late.
That’s why there’s no video for the first few agenda items,
and the videos are handheld.
They vote 5:30 PM this evening at the Regular Session,
is the same time as the Planning Commission meeting.
The smaller acreage for the
return of the Hahira Annexation request
is because it no longer has frontage on Hagen Bridge Road,
only on GA 122, thus removing
the county’s previous grounds for objection
(but it’s also on
the Planning Commission agenda at 5:30PM today, same time as the Regular Session).
There is an appointment to the
Hospital Authority
and two reappointments to the
shadowy Lowndes County Public Facilities Authority
that approves bonds.
Two Public Hearings for road abandonments, of
Old Statenville Road
Excess Right of Way on James Road and Riverside Road.
All that plus a
GEMA Sheltering Memorandum of Agreement
and a
beer license,
Poll Manager Recognition.
Here’s the agenda, with links to the videos and a few notes. See videos from the previous Regular Session for context on the Public Hearings and on the James Road Subsidence.
WORK SESSION, TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014, 8:30 a.m.
REGULAR SESSION, TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014, 5:30 p.m.
327 N. Ashley Street — 2nd Floor
Hahira Annexation request is back
(while on
the Planning Commission agenda the same day),
and there is an appointment to the
Hospital Authority
and two to the
shadowy Lowndes County Public Facilities Authority
that approves bonds.
Two Public Hearings for road abandonments, of
Old Statenville Road
Excess Right of Way on James Road and Riverside Road.
All that plus a
GEMA Sheltering Memorandum of Agreement
and a
beer license,
Poll Manager Recognition.
The county’s front page and calendar link to a blank page for a Budget Session Tuesday. Guessing by previous behavior, that may mean at 5PM before the Regular Session at 5:30 PM, which in turn is the same time as the Planning Commission meeting. The Work Session is also Tuesday, at 8:30AM, due to Memorial Day Monday.
Here’s the agenda. See videos from the previous Regular Session for context on the Public Hearings and on the James Road Subsidence.
WORK SESSION, TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014, 8:30 a.m.
REGULAR SESSION, TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014, 5:30 p.m.
327 N. Ashley Street — 2nd Floor
In a
Special Presentation to Thomas Smith on retiring from the 911 center,
we saw a rare use of the county’s video camera to display the podium
at the front of the room.
Escalated from contingency fund to SPLOST payment (we still don’t know how much):
fixing the
James Road 10-inch drop in 48 hours
in front of Westside Elementary School due to faulty road construction in 2008.
Also due to that same hasty 2008 James Road widening and realignment
for the
James Road second mall and massive subdivision mega-project
that never happened,
they scheduled a Public Hearing for abandoning
Excess Right of Way on James Rd & Riverside Dr.
And they voted
to fix three discrepencies MIDS, Inc. found in its contract of last year.
They voted for the low bid on the
lift station pump without ever saying what the other bids were.
They reappointed Airport Authority Chairman Steve Everett for another four-year term; he did not appear. They approved the 911 Center surplus item sale. They scheduled a Public Hearing to abandon part of Old Statenville Road SE because they say only seven cars a day, no, now it’s ten cars a day, use it and there are no houses on it. Nobody had any questions about the a beer license.
And the County Manager said a quarantine on the Animal Shelter was being lifted and the next Work Session would be Tuesday (27 May 2014) because of the holiday (Memorial Day).
Here’s the agenda.
WORK SESSION, MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014, 8:30 a.m.
REGULAR SESSION, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2014, 5:30 p.m.
327 N. Ashley Street — 2nd Floor
They vote tomorrow evening on paying for an emergency road fix
and several discrepencies.
James Road
dropped 10 inches in 48 hours in front of Westside Elementary School,
due to faulty road construction in 2008.
Also due to that same hasty 2008 James Road widening and realignment
for the
James Road second mall and massive subdivision mega-project
that never happened,
there is
Excess Right of Way on James Rd & Riverside Dr.
that the County Engineer wants to quit claim and give back to the neighboring
In other discrepencies, MIDS, Inc. found three in its contract of last year
and wants a
Transportation Service Contract Addendum
to fix the work the county didn’t check.
A Commissioner wanted to know why
the three bids for a lift station pump varied so much.
Airport Authority Chairman Steve Everett wants to be reappointed for another four-year term. The 911 center has surplus items out back it wants to sell off. County staff want to abandon Old Statenville Road SE because they say only seven cars a day use it and there are no houses on it. Nobody had any questions about the a beer license.
Here’s the agenda.
WORK SESSION, MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014, 8:30 a.m.
REGULAR SESSION, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2014, 5:30 p.m.
327 N. Ashley Street — 2nd Floor
If anybody knew about upcoming appointments, like this one
to the
Valdosta-Lowndes County Airport Authority, they might want to apply,
or suggest a likely applicant.
surplus items?
Transportation Service
needs a
Contract Addendum?
Why is the Commission considering abandoning
Old Statenville Road SE
Excess Right of Way on James Rd & Riverside Dr.?
Does this mean the infamous 2007
James Road second mall and massive subdivision mega-project
is finally really dead and gone?
Or something else?
Is it comforting to know the only thing that is clear on your
Lowndes County Commission’s agenda for tomorrow morning is
a beer license?
Here’s the agenda.
WORK SESSION, MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014, 8:30 a.m.
REGULAR SESSION, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2014, 5:30 p.m.
327 N. Ashley Street — 2nd Floor