Tag Archives: Lowndes County Commission

Packet: VLDA appointment, VAWA Grant, Cross Connection Control Plan, Jail Addition, Code Red, 911 addition @ LCC 2023-11-13

The board packet for the November 13, 2023, Work Session and the November 14 Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission is on the LAKE website, received in response to a LAKE open records request.

[Collage, Lowndes County Commission Board Packet 2023-11-13]
Collage, Lowndes County Commission Board Packet 2023-11-13

Cost What
$192,780.00Lowndes County 911 Bids
$31,500.00Code Red Service Agreement Renewal
$25,669.00Approval of Solicitor General’s VAWA Competitive Grant Application for 2024

Here again is the agenda.

See also the LAKE videos of the Work Session and the LAKE videos of the Regular Session. Continue reading

Videos: 2 Lowndes County Cases, 4 Valdosta City Cases @ GLPC 2023-09-25

All the items got unanimous recommendations of approval from the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission, except 5. CU-2023-03 2525 N Ashley Street CUP for an Event Center in C-H zoning got a recommendation of approval with no conditions by a 6:2 vote. This was at the Monday, September 25, 2023, meeting.

[Collage @ LCC 25 September 2023]
Collage @ LCC 25 September 2023

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

Also below is what happened in each case according to the Minutes.

See also the agenda and board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request. Continue reading

Videos: VLDA appointment, VAWA Grant, Cross Connection Control Plan, Jail Addition, Code Red, 911 addition @ LCC Work 2023-11-13

Update 2023-12-11 Videos: VLDA appointment, VAWA Grant, Cross Connection Control Plan, Jail Addition, Code Red, 911 addition @ LCC Regular 2023-11-14.

Several of the Lowndes County Commissioners were absent at yesterday morning’s Work Session.

[Collage @ LCC 13 November 2023]
Collage @ LCC 13 November 2023

The Commissioners who were present breezed through the agenda in a few minutes. Joyce Evans, Scottie Orenstein, Clay Griner, and Chairman Bill Slaughter had no questions on any item. Commissioners Demarcus Marshall and Mark Wisenbaker were not present.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist. Actually, she did not make any notes this time. And I did not hear anything new in the videos.

See also the agenda. Continue reading

Agenda: VLDA appointment, VAWA Grant, Cross Connection Control Plan, Jail Addition, Code Red, 911 addition @ LCC 2023-11-13

Update 2023-11-14: Videos: VLDA appointment, VAWA Grant, Cross Connection Control Plan, Jail Addition, Code Red, 911 addition @ LCC Work 2023-11-13.

At the Lowndes County Commission meeting this week, John Crawford wants to be reappointed to the Valdosta-Lowndes Development Authorty; it’s a joint appointment with Valdosta, and the City will be notified after the County vote.


The public does not know what was bid on for the 911 Center addition, beyond “a new storage building, renovation of four (4) offices, and resurfacing of the existing parking lot.” The Finance Department’s Bid Postings links to nothing for this item except a one-page PDF entitled “SECTION A INVITATION FOR BID”, which says, “Bidding documents may be obtained through Studio 8 Design, LLC in Valdosta, GA, 229-244-1188, email: sflythe@s8darchitects.com.”

We do know it will cost $192,780.00.

We don’t even know how much the jail addition will cost; apparently the vote before the Commission is to hire a Construction Manager, but we don’t know how much that will cost, either.

Costs are known for the Code Red renewal (same as last year) and for the VAWA Grant match (less than last time).

Cost What
$192,780.00Lowndes County 911 Bids
$31,500.00Code Red Service Agreement Renewal
$25,669.00Approval of Solicitor General’s VAWA Competitive Grant Application for 2024

There are no rezonings this week, because no county rezonings were proposed at the preceding Planning Commission meeting.

Here is the agenda.

We do not have the board packet yet, because I neglected to file an open records request for it, which I have now done. Why that should be necessary remains mysterious, since many other counties larger and smaller in Georgia and Florida have been posting their board packets on their own websites for years.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2023, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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Videos: Hurricane assistance, Golf carts, mental health, wetland credits, regional transit, Lift Station and Fire Station Access Roads, 2 TIA Road Bids @ LCC Regular 2023-09-26

Andrew Toussaint gave a report about the Small Business Administration and EMA Director Ashley Tye gave reports on hurricane assistance and local disaster group COAD, in this Lowndes County Commission Regular Session of September 26, 2023. Because of those reports and a second recognition of Leadership Lowndes (they showed up late), the meeting took 49 minutes.

[Collage @ LCC 26 September 2023]
Collage @ LCC 26 September 2023

Like the previous morning, Commissioners were unusually chatty.

Commissioner Scottie Orenstein had some questions and comments about 5.a. Quiet Pines Golf Course Ezgo Golf Cart Lease Agreement. and 5.b. Mental Health Model Resolution for ACCG. Commissioners Clay Griner, Demarcus Marshall, County Manager Paige Dukes, and Chairman Bill Slaughter discussed which statehouse bills the mental health resolution mentions, and that it does not support any particular current bill, specifically not HB 520. They passed the resolution unanimously. Continue reading

Packet: Golf carts, mental health, wetland credits, regional transit, Lift Station and Fire Station Access Roads, 2 TIA Road Bids @ LCC 2023-09-25

Update 2023-09-10: Videos: Hurricane assistance, Golf carts, mental health, wetland credits, regional transit, Lift Station and Fire Station Access Roads, 2 TIA Road Bids @ LCC Regular 2023-09-26

It turns out the board packet for today’s Lowndes County Commission meeting contained little or nothing beyond the one-page agenda sheets for the four Bid items.

[Collage, LCC Packet, 2023-09-25]
Collage, LCC Packet, 2023-09-25

So you actually learn more about those items from the LAKE post with the agenda and bid documents.

In the Minutes for the Work Session of September 11 and for the Regular Session of September 12, about REZ-2023-04 Chase, 6119 Quarterman Road, the LAKE letter is only alluded to as “a report from the opposition” in this passage: Continue reading

Videos: Golf carts, mental health, wetland credits, regional transit, Lift Station and Fire Station Access Roads, 2 TIA Road Bids @ LCC Work 2023-09-25

Update 2023-09-26: Packet: Golf carts, mental health, wetland credits, regional transit, Lift Station and Fire Station Access Roads, 2 TIA Road Bids @ LCC 2023-09-25.

Lowndes County Commissioners were unusually chatty in yesterday morning’s Work Session, about 5.b. Mental Health Model Resolution for ACCG, in which they sounded like prison reform advocates.

[Collage @ LCC 25 September 2023]
Collage @ LCC 25 September 2023

Also about 6.a. Grove Point Lift Station Access Road, 5.c. Purchase of Wetland Credits for Shiloh Road Bridge Project, and 5.a. Quiet Pines Golf Course Ezgo Golf Cart Lease Agreement.

They had no questions about the almost $4 million dollar item, 6.b. TIA 2023-05 Briggston Road Grading, Drainage, Base, and Paving Bids, which leads to Wild Adventures.

See below for more notes on those items, with the LAKE videos of each agenda item, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also the agenda and bid documents.

We have not yet received a response to the LAKE open records request for the board packet.

Sure, I only sent that request Sunday. But it is stil mysterious why Lowndes County does not put its board packets on its own website, like many counties smaller and larger in Georgia and Florida have been doing for years. Continue reading

Packet: the 2 Lowndes County Cases @ GLPC 2023-09-25

About the time I posted the agenda and the four Valdosta City cases and moved on to other tasks, the packet materials arrived for the two Lowndes County cases for the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC) meeting tonight, and the draft minutes for last month’s GLPC meeting.

[Collage of the two Lowndes County cases @ GLPC 2023-09-25]
Collage of the two Lowndes County cases @ GLPC 2023-09-25

While the delay was primarily due to me forgetting to send in an open records request until Sunday. Nonetheless, it is mysterious why Lowndes County does not put GLPC board packets on lowndescounty.com along with the agendas, and the same for Lowndes County Commission board packets. Many counties and cities smaller and larger in Georgia and Florida have been doing that for years.

These additional materials are on the LAKE website.

See also the agenda and the city cases.


Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!

2 Lowndes County Cases, 4 Valdosta City Cases @ GLPC 2023-09-25

Update 2023-09-26: Packet: the 2 Lowndes County Cases @ GLPC 2023-09-25

For the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC) meeting tonight, City Planner Matt Martin actually recommended against CU-2023-03 Kristie Jenkins (2525 N Ashley Street – Suites M & O) CUP for an Event Center in C-H zoning.

[Collage @ GLPC 2023-09-25]
Collage @ GLPC 2023-09-25

The last two city cases are a rezoning and annexation request that go together, for Edward Jennings LLC (1869 Madison Highway) 3.96 acres.

Here is the agenda.

The board packet materials for the city items are on the LAKE website, received in response to a LAKE open records request.

We have not yet received anything from Lowndes County. County Planner JD Dillard did acknowledge this morning that they county has two cases, and “We’ll get those to you.” He did not say when.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
~ Lowndes County ~ City of Valdosta ~ City of Dasher ~
~ City of Hahira ~ City of Lake Park ~ City of Remerton ~
Monday, September 18, 2023 5:30 P.M. Work Session
Monday, September 25, 2023 5:30 P.M. Regular Session
Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue, Valdosta, Georgia

Continue reading

Agenda: Golf carts, mental health, wetland credits, regional transit, Lift Station and Fire Station Access Roads, 2 TIA Road Bids @ LCC 2023-09-25

Update 2023-09-26: Videos: Golf carts, mental health, wetland credits, regional transit, Lift Station and Fire Station Access Roads, 2 TIA Road Bids @ LCC Work 2023-09-25.

This week the Lowndes County Commission proposes to authorize spending $4.5 million on road projects, plus golf carts for the Quiet Pine Golf Course at Moody AFB that the county now operates.

[Collage @ LCC Agenda 2023-09-25]
Collage @ LCC Agenda 2023-09-25

The biggest project at almost four million dollars is TIA 2023-05 Briggston Road Grading, Drainage, Base, and Paving Bids, leading from Madison Highway to Old Clyattville Road, where you will find Wild Adventures.

Cost What
$3,892,229.54TIA 2023-05 Briggston Road Grading, Drainage, Base, and Paving Bids
$240,119.00Fire Rescue Station 10 Pavement Resurfacing Bids
$222,377.49Grove Point Lift Station Access Road
$194,166.66NC-TIA 2023-01 Rocky Hill Church Road Grading, Drainage, Base, and Paving Bids
$85,440.00Purchase of Wetland Credits for Shiloh Road Bridge Project
$50,160.00Quiet Pines Golf Course Ezgo Golf Cart Lease Agreement

Perhaps a longer search would find information on the county website about the Purchase of Wetland Credits for Shiloh Road Bridge Project. At least we can say what it is a bridge (or box culvert) over: Big Creek, which runs into Franks Creek, which ends up in the Little River.

[Shiloh Road Bridge in WLRWT]
Shiloh Road Bridge in the WWALS map of the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WLRWT).

However, the Lowndes County Finance Department has a Bids web page that leads to specifics on each bid, including for the Grove Point Lift Station, Briggston Road, Rocky Hill Church Road, and Fire Rescue Station 10 projects. Three of them include a location map and engineering drawings. The exception is for Fire Station 10, but its Bid Documents do reveal the location of that fire station: 2981 US Hwy 84 East, Valdosta, Georgia.

Copies of all these documents and images of their pages are on the LAKE website.

We do not have a copy of the board packet, because I forgot to send the open records request.

Although it is still mysterious why the board packet is not on the county’s webiste where they have an option “packet” that only produces the agenda and an agenda sheet for each item.

Here is the agenda.

327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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