While Georgia Power
invokes forty-year-old territoriality laws
to try to prevent you from selling or buying solar power with
whomever you want to,
Drs. Sidney Smith and Pat Godbey continue to open new solar power
installations, this time in Richmond Hill, Georgia last Friday.
Dr. Sidney Smith said the new installation lowers
the customer’s electricity rate and doesn’t raise it for two years.
The emailed invitation:
Lower Rates for Customers LLC celebrates the second installation of
selling power to South Eastern Pathology Associates at 1pm Friday February
17th at the Georgia Skin and Cancer Clinic located at 9665 Ford Avenue
Richmond Hill, Georgia 31324.
Join us to celebrate the expansion of our company in Bryan County as we
lower the power bills for another customer. We will continue to lower
our customers electric bills by 1% and fix their rates for two years.
We look forward to seeing you.
Dr. Sidney Smith and Dr. Pat Godbey
I don’t think Georgia Power is going to offer that rate, are they?
No, I don’t think so.
But that’s just the start.
What we’re doing though is we’re creating a system where this
communicates with software.
What our real goal is
is to go to
south Georgia farmers
and say put solar panels on your property, and
we’ll connect those to the grid.
Sell power through the grid, and we’ll give credit to somebody else
in the state who wants it.
He gave an example.
If you live in Atlanta, you don’t have any property to put solar
panels on, do you?
I think there’s are a lot of people in Atlanta
who would like to rent some property right now, don’t you think?
How about if you could actually, out in the county,
have an income that would last forever?
That would be an investment that you could make today,
that a generation in the future would be able to take advantage of.
And the possibility of that happening is real.
The only thing that stands between that happening,
and our future being very different,
is legislation.
They’re actually passing some bills now,
that solidify
the fact that I can put this on this property.
Georgia Power right now…
Georgia Power
opposes SB 401, which is the bill Dr. Smith was referring to.
If you want SB 401 to pass, you can
sign the petition
call your state senator.
the video:
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