Tag Archives: LCC

Videos: 9 consideration, 6 tax lighting, 4 appointments, 2 rezonings, 1 proclamation @ LCC 2014-10-27 LCC 2014-11-10

REZ-2014-17 Grand Bay Estates, in Lowndes County Commission Work Session, by John S. Quarterman, 10 November 2014 They vote tonight on what they discussed yesterday morning in these videos. A subdivision rezoning gets no objections while a rezoning for agricultural use gets massive objections. Also few if any of those objectors have said anything about the Sabal Trail pipeline. Do priorities around here seem odd?

The emergency security monitor replacement is, you guessed it, a no-bid contract with the same company that originally installed them. Which fits with the no-bid Alapaha Water Plant Expansion, back this time for property acquisition after twice failing to get a setback variance at ZBOA.

The state changed the qualifications Continue reading

9 for consideration, 6 special tax lighting, 4 appointments, 2 rezonings, 1 proclamation @ LCC 2014-11-10

Only one emergency expense this time, and it’s not for a road or water treatment! It’s for security video monitors for their own palace. Presumably those are different from the big monitor behind their podium that very rarely we see in use.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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Pipeline, road repair, Bailey, water, and Commercial Tax Schedules @ LCC 2014-10-28

They finally made a decision onG the Bailey rezoning: the one the applicant liked least. They accepted the Creekwood Subdivision detention ponds; and the Glen Laurel infrastructure; will all that be maintained any better than the one at Hamilton Circle? Dr. Michael Noll spoke for WACE against the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline.

Agenda item 6.i. is changed in the county’s online agenda from Rural to Commercial without the agenda being marked as amended.

See agenda, the LAKE videos of the previous morning’s Work Session, and the board packet obtained via open records request by LAKE and scanned and posted on the LAKE website. Here are videos of events as they transpired, followed by a video playlist.

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Board Packet @ LCC 2014-10-27

Surprisingly, when asked for this packet Monday morning, the County Clerk agreed to provide it later that same day, and did. However, she delivered it on paper. Processing time for that interleaved with other tasks took LAKE until now. Here is the board packet for the 27 October 2014 Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission. It answers many questions that the public board meeting left hanging, such as what land does the county plant to acquire for that booster pump. If the county would put these board packets on their own website before their meetings, the citizens who pay their salaries would be able to see what they were talking about.


Videos: Emergency road repair, grandfathered business, water, and Rural Land Agricultural Improvement Schedules @ LCC 2014-10-27

More detail and issues with Bailey REZ-2014-16 after much discussion last time. Almost ten minutes on 6a. Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention. Numerous things incomplete or just FYI such as drug seizures in the financial report, none of which the citizens could see. This was in the Work Session Monday morning. They vote Tuesday 5:30 PM in the Regular Session.

They actually named the multiple bids for a water item, unlike the single-source price-not-quoted pump replacement last time. And they’re buying some property (at some place unnamed) for a booster pump.

The Rural Land Agricultural Improvement Schedules was actually for Commercial land. We learned why Shiloh Road needs emergency repairs. Nothing about that on the new county Lowndes411 twitter account, and the county still doesn’t publish its own board packets.

I can understand why the Commission needs to approve a juvenile justice grant, a GEFA loan application, to accept quit claim deeds for a subdivision’s detention ponds, and to accept infrastructure for a subdivision, not to mention a CDBG agreement. But to replace batteries in a UPS?

See the agenda. Here are links to the videos of the items as they transpired this morning. Continue reading

Emergency road repair, grandfathered business, water, and Rural Land Agricultural Improvement Schedules @ LCC 2014-10-27

Bailey’s back after much discussion last time. This time they’re actually going for multiple bids for a water item, unlike the single-source price-not-quoted pump replacement last time. And they’re buying some property (at some place unnamed) for a booster pump.

What’s this mysterious Rural Land Agricultural Improvement Schedules? Why does Shiloh Road need emergency repairs? Nothing about that on the new county Lowndes411 twitter account, and the county still doesn’t publish its own board packets.

I can understand why the Commission needs to approve a juvenile justice grant, a GEFA loan application, to accept quit claim deeds for a subdivision’s detention ponds, and to accept infrastructure for a subdivision, not to mention a CDBG agreement. But to replace batteries in a UPS?

Here’s the agenda.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2014, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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Videos: Discussion, GLPC, abandonment, septic, pump, and VOCA @ LCC 2014-10-14

Some actual discussion! 20 minutes of it, on 6.b. REZ-2014-16 Bailey, Madison Hwy/Williams School Ln, at the 14 October 2014 Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission. With no discussion, they approved a single-sourced pump replacement and the DA’s VOCA grant application. They abandoned Water Oak Trail (not Water Oaks Drive), and they reappointed Jody Hall to the Planning Commission with no discussion and no presentation by him. The county now has a twitter account, but the new website still isn’t ready, after how many months?

See the Continue reading

Board Packet @ LCC 2014-10-13

The address is correct for the road abandonment public hearing agenda item The board packet, unlike on the agenda, so if citizens had ready access to this board packet they’d know whether they should show up tonight at yesterday morning’s Work Session and tonight’s Regular Session for 6.a. Abandonment of Unopened Right of Way off Water Oak Drive.

There’s one quote, from xylem, for the Continue reading

Videos: GLPC appointment, abandonment, septic, pump, and VOCA @ LCC 2014-10-13 @ LCC 2014-10-13

300x253 Map on Screen, in Water Oak Trail Road Abandonment, by John S. Quarterman, 13 October 2014 It’s Water Oak Trail, not Water Oak Drive, for the road abandonment: how are people supposed to know to show up for a public hearing when the address isn’t even on the right street?

Update 2014-10-14: The board packet has the correct address, so if the county put that packet on its website the citizens wouldn’t be confused. And the lift pump replacement got a single quote for $30,040.20, so this is yet another single-sourced non-competitive deal. Why do Commissioners have no questions about that?

Plus an unscheduled recognition of Leadership Lowndes attendees, a Planning Commission reappointment with no previous advertisement, yet another water pump replacement, a well and septic rezoning on Madison Highway, and a legal grant, on the agenda.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2014, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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Videos: Transportation, Water, Safety, and Alcohol @ LCC 2014-09-23

300x255 2100 East Hill Avenue, in GDOT option at Clay, Hollywood, and US 84, by John S. Quarterman, 23 September 2014 Commissioner Demarcus Marshall recused himself in the Regular Session of 23 September 2014, for the Public Safety Radio System System Upgrade, in case anybody thought a Motorola VP with the same last name was related. (Update 11:10 AM: added transcription of the three-part motion.) Rental leases for the Leila Ellis Social Services Building got more discussion. They added VOCA-funded VWMAP and GDOT at Clay and Hollywood (from the previous morning’s Executive Session), that the Tax Assessor’s database says is owned by the School Board, to the amended agenda. Everything else, including the USGS water level gauge on the Little River, was breezed through with no discussion, so fast the Chairman almost forgot to ask for speakers in an alcohol license public hearing, and he didn’t bother to mention before they adjourned that nobody had signed up for Citizens Wishing to Be Heard.

Here’s the amended agenda with links to the videos and a few notes, followed by a playlist. See also the LAKE videos of the previous morning’s Work Session and Board Packet.

327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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