Tag Archives: Law

Protest today against Sabal Trail pipeline

It’s a bad week for Sabal Trail and its proposed fracked methane pipeline, with three back-to-back protests today alone (March and Protest in Valdosta, GA plus Development Authority meeting, and Protest at Sabal Trail Open House in Jasper, FL, plus Hamilton and Suwannee County Commission meetings) after one yesterday (at Albany Open House and Dougherty County Commission) and more to come. Continue reading

Idaho fractivist ejected from jail on own recognizance

Arrested for standing silently in the back of a public meeting, Alma Hasse refused to cooperate with booking or to eat, instead helping prisoners with grievances. After a week, the Payette County, Idaho jail ejected her on her own recognizance with no bail. She says they still plan to charge her with something. Meanwhile, she’s back to filing open records requests, presumably about the Planning and Zoning Commission that had her arrested and that has a record of not divulging information even in response to FOIA requests. I smell a lawsuit, and not by P&Z. Maybe they should have gone to the VDT’s Open Government Symposium in Macon Friday. Maybe some of our local elected and appointed officials have learned that this isn’t the answer:

So it’s just if you disagree you’re disruptive.

Alma Hasse’s husband Jim wrote on her facebook page 16 October 2014, Alma is FREE!!!! PLEASE SHARE!!, Continue reading

VDT Open Government Symposium: in Macon?

Yay open government symposium! But why in Macon, why not in Valdosta, if it’s organized by the new VDT editor? Sure, Macon is the geographic center of the state, but it’s only about an hour from Atlanta, and one thing most people in Atlanta don’t understand is how big Georgia is, so asking them to drive four hours to Valdosta would be educational for them. And if the VDT is so interested in government transparency, why doesn’t it investigate the county’s lawsuit against local business Deep South Sanitation at the expense of the local taxpayers that benefits nobody but “exclusive franchise” ADS and its investors in New York City? Why is the VDT’s front page story that gave a platform for Spectra’s Andrea Grover no longer online, especially now that the Sabal Trail deadline she announced has been busted? Let’s see the VDT lead the way. Here’s a first test: Gretchen is going to Macon with the LAKE video camera. Will the VDT let her video?

Unsigned article, VDT, 11 October 2014, VDT leading way in open government, Continue reading

Board Packet @ LCC 2014-10-13

The address is correct for the road abandonment public hearing agenda item The board packet, unlike on the agenda, so if citizens had ready access to this board packet they’d know whether they should show up tonight at yesterday morning’s Work Session and tonight’s Regular Session for 6.a. Abandonment of Unopened Right of Way off Water Oak Drive.

There’s one quote, from xylem, for the Continue reading

Videos: GLPC appointment, abandonment, septic, pump, and VOCA @ LCC 2014-10-13 @ LCC 2014-10-13

300x253 Map on Screen, in Water Oak Trail Road Abandonment, by John S. Quarterman, 13 October 2014 It’s Water Oak Trail, not Water Oak Drive, for the road abandonment: how are people supposed to know to show up for a public hearing when the address isn’t even on the right street?

Update 2014-10-14: The board packet has the correct address, so if the county put that packet on its website the citizens wouldn’t be confused. And the lift pump replacement got a single quote for $30,040.20, so this is yet another single-sourced non-competitive deal. Why do Commissioners have no questions about that?

Plus an unscheduled recognition of Leadership Lowndes attendees, a Planning Commission reappointment with no previous advertisement, yet another water pump replacement, a well and septic rezoning on Madison Highway, and a legal grant, on the agenda.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2014, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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County Planning Commission arrests citizen for speaking in public hearing

The Payette County, Idaho Planning and Zoning Commission accused somebody of having previously provided false information and had her arrested for responding in a public hearing to a direct accusation by name. It appears that it was a Commissioner’s information that was misleading, and the same Commission has a history of not revealing relevant information even in response to an open records request. There is video of the Thursday event. She is still being held in jail, and permitted no outside communication.

Jerry Nelson wrote for Epoch Times 12 October 2014, Alma Hasse, Idaho Fractivist, Arrested in Public Meeting, Continue reading

Another Planning Commission appointment, plus abandonment, septic, pump, and VOCA @ LCC 2014-10-13

This morning: another Planning Commission appointment with no previous advertisement that there was an opening, yet another road abandonment, yet another water pump replacement, a well and septic rezoning on Madison Highway, and a legal grant, on the agenda.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2014, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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GA Supreme Court rules against Deep South Sanitation: DSS vows to keep going

Lowndes County suing a local business with our tax dollars has produced a preliminary Georgia Supreme Court ruling overturning the appeals court and favoring the county’s “exclusive franchise” with ADS, a company owned by New York City investors. Local company Deep South Sanitation vows to keep going.

Do you think this lawsuit is a good use of your tax dollars? What will you think if ADS’ rates go up from Veolia’s bid of $13.05/month ($156.60/year) just before ADS bought Veolia, to ADS’s bid of $13.39/month ($220.68/year)? Continue reading

Videos of Dougherty County citizens opposing Sabal Trail pipeline @ DCC 2014-09-15

As a Commissioner said, “It don’t pass the smell test” that Sabal Trail already bought land for a compressor station before they even filed for a formal permit. A Commissioner said “We have to be more aggressive.” Well, then, time to pass a land-user ordinance against pipelines! Thanks to Jennifer Maloney, you can see for yourself Albany and Dougherty County citizens and Commissioners opposing the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline in a community effort at a Dougherty County Commission meeting 15 September 2014. Continue reading

Lula Smart acquitted on all counts: Quitman 10 vindicated

Lula Smart cleared by a jury in third trial. Third strike by the prosecutors: they’re out! Will they stop wasting our taxpayer dollars now?

Katheryn Hayes Tucker, Daily Report, 17 September 2014, Acquittal in Trial Over Absentee Ballots,

Lula Mary Smart was acquitted on 19 felony charges of voting irregularities Wednesday following a month-long trial in Brooks County Superior Court in South Georgia.

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