Tag Archives: Law

Videos: Resolution against state fee diversion, economic strategy, road abandonment @ LCC 2018-01-22

1. Call to Order 4. Minutes for Approval, Movies The tire amnesty went well, and added to the agenda: a county resolution in support of HR 158 in the Georgia legislature, to stop state fee diversions.

The County Manager reminded them they had heard about the Community and Economic Development Strategy a few months before (apparently under another name), and there was some confusion about Georgia Power’s continued involvement.

Below are links to each LAKE video with a few notes, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also Continue reading

Videos: Naylor Boat Ramp and Appointments to Public Facilities Authority @ LCC 2017-10-10

By far the most time, almost eight minutes, on 6b. Abandonment of Portions of Old Lake Park Road and Hickory Grove Road SE, the Lowndes County Commissioners spent two weeks ago, involving reference to minutes they approved in that meeting but that still aren’t on the county’s website two weeks later, and resulting in a split vote.

More interesting: the county is finally starting construction on the Naylor Boat Ramp.

By their customary silent “acclamation” they appointed people to the Lowndes County Public Facilities Authority.

Below are Continue reading

Videos: Public Facilities Authority, Health Fair @ LCC 2017-10-09

The longest item was not on the agenda: a Health Fair Update in the County Manager’s Report.

They breezed through everything else including 5 a. Lowndes County Public Facilities Authority Appointment, although the Chairman did have another name to propose.

Below are links to the LAKE video of each item, plus a very few notes, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also Continue reading

Appointments to Public Facilities Authority @ LCC 2017-10-09

Appointments to the board that floated bonds for the county palace, REZ-2017-10 Laurel Run Homes, and two road abandonments, to be considered this morning at 8:30 AM and voted on Tuesday evening.

What is the Lowndes County Georgia Public Facilities Authority, which issued the bonds 548757BE2 and 548757BG7 “Refunding Judicial Administration Complex”?

According to the county’s website it’s a Continue reading

Videos: Hurricane Irma, Register rezoning, Utility Authority @ LCC 2017-09-26

23 minutes last night to approve 3:2 with many conditions rezoning the 6c. REZ-2017-09 Robert A. Register Estate, with no shouting afterwards like there was at at the previous evening’s Planning Commission meeting, yet a lot of grumbling at the Lowndes County Commission Regular Session, especially since they seem to have forgotten the greenspace condition.

Biggest crowd in a long time, REZ-2017-09 Robert A. Register Estate

I would like to commend the Commission for the amount and depth of discussion in this meeting, especially in the unscheduled 10. Commission Comments and Recognitions and Meeting Adjournment, which was mostly about Clay Griner’s idea of having a county-wide utility authority including all the cities in the county. Update 2017-10-20: moved the rest of this utility authority commentary down to the video item below.

Also not on the agenda was Chairman Slaughter comments on community response to Hurricane Irma (which were mostly about county staff; well-deserved especially for Ashley Tye) and Georgia Power Representative recognizes county hurricane response.

While it’s great that Georgia Power came to compliment the county, does that electric utility rep. reside in or pay property taxes in Lowndes County, and why was he not required to state his name and address? Ditto the software salesman for Continue reading

Videos: HEAT on Lake Park @ LCC 2017-09-25

Yesterday morning, most lengthhy at 6 minutes was 6c. REZ-2017-09 Robert A. Register Estate, followed at 2 minutes by 7 a. Amended Motorized Cart Ordinance.

Below are links to each LAKE video of the Work Session of 25 September 2017. See also the previous notes with the agenda. For the three rezoning cases, see also the LAKE videos of the Planning Commission meetings of 28 August 2017 and 25 September 2017.

HEAT on the agenda @ LCC 2017-09-25

This morning, 8:30 AM, all of the items from the previous cancelled meeting are back on the agenda, for voting Tuesday 5:30 PM. Plus four more:

  1. For Consideration:
    1. Addendum to the Withlacoochee Flood Inundation Mapping Project
    2. USGS Funding Agreement for Hwy 122 Stream Gauge
    3. Public Safety Information Technology Purchase
    4. High Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic (HEAT), Document:

      HISTORY, FACTS, AND ISSUES: The certified Lowndes County fatality rate: 2006-14, 2007-14, 2008~19, 2009-16, 2010-18, 2011-15, 2012-11, 2013-7, 2014-14, 2015-19, 2016-20. Any traffic fatality in Lowndes County is too many. For numerous years, the county has been plagued with an unacceptable fatality rate. Consistently for ten years between 2006 and 2016 we suffered with as much as nineteen people dying annually in crashes. In April 2012 the Sheriff created the SPEED team which joined forces with the Valdosta Police HEAT team. Together both agencies diligently fought to reduce the fatality rate. In 2013, Lowndes County recorded an unprecedented lowest rate of the decade with seven fatalities.

      radar gun
      Photo: Valdosta Daily Times

      Soon after, the police department lost their HEAT team which contributed to a Continue reading

Major climate change victory in U.S. House on Bastille Day 2017-07-14

On the anniversary of the French Revolution against a corrupt old regime, the U.S. House of Representatives took a step towards independence from the clammy grip of the fossil fuel companies. This has direct implications on Moody AFB. No more pipelines. Solar power now.

Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, 14 July 2017, In Landmark Move, GOP Congress Calls Climate Change ‘Direct Threat’ to Security: Extreme weather and rising seas threaten bases from Virginia to Guam. For the first time, a Republican House has voted to recognize that.,

One study last year found that rising oceans threaten 128 military installations on the coasts, including naval facilities worth around $100 billion.

The Pentagon has been aware for years of Continue reading

Videos: Paving, animals, speed zones, prison work details, fees @ LCC 2017-06-13

They welcomed Ross Berry, the new CEO of South Georgia Medical Center, and he spoke briefly. Last minute agenda addition: 6.f. Lowndes County Accountability Court Grant and Match Citzen Judy Havercamp spoke about the animal shelter. Citizen Shirley Garlan spoke for her neighborhood, asking to connect to county water.

They spent by far the longest time (almost 20 minutes including public participation) on the New Statenville Highway rezoning for a Dollar General, which they finally approved with conditions, including what County Planner Jason Davenport said was an unprecedented condition on lighting. For this item, see also the the LAKE videos of the preceding Greater Lowndes Planning Commission meeting.

Second longest at more than five minutes was Continue reading

Videos: Dollar General, speed zones, prison work details, fees, road bid fail @ LCC 2017-06-12

Update 2017-06-18: Videos: Paving, animals, speed zones, prison work details, fees @ LCC 2017-06-13.

A rare event this morning at the Lowndes County Commission Work Session: neither Scruggs nor Reames bid on the Resurfacing of Five County Roads and Two Alternate Projects, and the Commissioners don’t like the bids they got. What will they do Tuesday evening? Accept none and try again later? They also went into an executive session about pending litigation.

See the agenda. See also Continue reading