Continue readingFrom: SUSAN LEAVENS
Sent: Tue, July 26, 2011 2:31:16 PM
Subject: Your attention would be grateful in regaurds to the Lowndes County Animal ShelterTo the Honorable Agriculture Commissioner Mr. Gary Black,
July 26, 2011
I would like to introduce myself, my name is Susan Leavens I currently live in Quitman Georgia and I am an employee with Lowndes County, formally as an animal control officer with Lowndes County Animal Services. In June of last year I turned in three statements to Pat Smith who is no longer with the animal protection division she is currently running the Thomasville Animal Control. After speaking with Ms. Pat an advising her of the situations that have occurred and are currently occurring in the Lowndes County Shelter; she advised me to have statements written by individuals that were willing and not afraid of retaliation. Two current employees myself and Ronnie Ganas wrote statements, one previously employee Amanda Jordan. The issues were heard before Vinessa Sim-Green and several other animal protection employees along with Ms Cora Potter. An administration hearing took place an several “options” were offered to the Lowndes County Manager Joe Prichard. These were things that would help the shelter run more efficiently and perhaps come up to date with the Georgia Dept. of Ag. standards; but the issues of animal cruelty, inhumane treatment and practicing veterinarian medicine (surgery by castration of a 2 young adult pot belly pigs). My concern is that the director was never charged in any criminal court of law for her actions regarding the animals at the shelter.
Tag Archives: Law
“the qualified voters voting thereon in each separate school system proposed to be consolidated” —GA Constitution
Justia > US Law > Georgia Law > Georgia Constitution > Art. VIII EDUCATION
Paragraph I. School systems continued; consolidation of school systems authorized; new independent school systems prohibited. Authority is granted to county and area boards of education to establish and maintain public schools within their limits. Existing county and independent school systems shall be continued, except that the General Assembly may provide by law for the consolidation of two or more county school systems, independent school systems, portions thereof, or any combination thereof into a single county or area school system under the control and management of a county or area board of education, under such terms and conditions as the General Assembly may prescribe; but no such consolidation shall become effective until approved by a majority of the qualified voters voting thereon in each separate school system proposed to be consolidated. No independent school system shall hereafter be established.
There are problems at the animal shelter. They have not been resolved.
Let’s construct a timeline:
- 2011-05-20 euthanasia violation
- 2011-05-20 statement from Heather Terry
- 2011-05-23 County Manager Joe Pritchard
tells the Commission and the public:
“We were not able to substantiate … accusations other than that … castration of pig.”
Pritchard also said they (the county in its previous investigation, presumably the one of 2010) examined the character of those testifying for the complaints and he said they found biases.
- 2011-05-24 County Commission Chairman Ashley Paulk
tells the Commission and the public:
“Whatever problems there are, they’re going to be resolved.”
- 2011-05-24 The VDT quotes County Manager Joe Pritchard
as saying:
“It’s no longer a case of an individual making a claim, as it will be evident by the physical evidence provided by the security cameras.”
“You take that policy, coupled with the updated standard operating procedures, added to the technical verification and I think that addresses the issues. My purpose is to eliminate any problem or potential problem.”
- 2011-05-31 statement by Director Linda Patelski saying two people fired for euthanasia violation of 20 May 2011
Maybe we citizens need to hear the rest of the story —Barbara Stratton
Ref comments by outof control – This is definitely confusing. I don’t see anything in the controversy about contracts being put out to bid. Isn’t the fact an electrical company owned by one of the board members was contracted to do work on a government project illegal conflict of interest? It appears to me that someone needs to come in & educate all the government entities (elected & appointed)& the public in Lowndes Co on what conflict of interest means.Continue readingI have seen several incidents in government meetings where an elected or appointed individual excused himself from voting because of an admitted COI. How does that excuse the COI when COI also includes impaired objectivity, unequal access to information, etc. Basically if there is any connection between a government elected or appointed official & a private company contractual relationships of any kind come under COI & are not supposed to be allowed even if a bid process takes place.
That is another reason why citizens should not allow public/private partnerships. Normal bidding procedures are ignored
Somebody has gotten fired at the animal shelter
On 16 June 2011 Susan Leavens got a letter from Shirley King, with attached PDF, containing:
complaint from Susan Leavens (unknown date):
“Employee working with Lowndes County Animal Services euthanizing animals wihtout certification.”
2011-06-03 PDF notice of violation from Ga. Dept. Ag. to Lowndes Co. Animal Services
a long handwritten statement by Pat Smith, also annotated:
“Copy of report received by [signed] Joe Pritchard 6-3-11”
Ashley Paulk is a big man again
This was about a contract with Black Crow media. Last night Ashley Paulk told various people after the County Commission meeting that when he went down to Black Crow to do the morning radio show he usually does before the board meeting, he wasn’t even allowed in the building. I asked him, so does this mean you’re going to keep quiet? He answered,“These contracts are invalid, and the same employees who did this did the same thing last year and we told them then not to do it again. They seem to think the Authority doesn’t run Parks and Rec., but we do, and since this was done illegally, with prior warning not to, these individuals should be fired for insubordination.”
“No, not when I’m right!”Remember, Ashley Paulk was a big man back in April Continue reading
“Once the investigation is complete and closed all documents will be provided to you.” —Custodian of Records
—– Forwarded Message —- From: “King, Shirley”The attached PDF is here on the LAKE website. Interestingly, although that message from Patricia Mitchell, “Animal Protection Office Custodian of Records” says
To: “”
Sent: Wed, October 27, 2010 2:21:02 PM
Subject: Open Records Request
Ms. Leavens, as you requested under the Georgia Open Records Act, please find message from the custodian of records for Animal Protection attached.
If we may assist you any further, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Shirley J. King
Open Records Coordinator
“Once the investigation is complete and closed all documents will be provided to you.”it also says:
“By policy the department only retains 2 years (2008 & 2009) inactive files and 1 years (2010) active files.”So if the investigation takes more than 2 years, do the earlier files about it start to vanish?
All employees were drug tested and interviewed —Joe Pritchard
John, this is the first open records reguest I did with GDA. The rest will be in order of date of the request.The document Shirley King attached for Item #2 was this PDF of a letter from Joe Pritchard of 27 August 2010 telling
Documents about the animal shelter are appearing here on the LAKE web pages. Here are the messages Susan Leavens forwarded along with this particular letter.
-jsq Continue reading
I tried following the chian of command —Susan Leavens
Concerned Citizen,Continue readingPlease understand that there are state laws that people get arrested for each day also; the county ordiance mirrors the state law(s) however if you have not read the statements no one was arrested either. And do you think the bulldog was the first incident? Keep reading!! Below are some other things which have occured in the shelter.
Page 3 #15 Cruelty,
Page 5 #23 hoplesly disable animal,
page 5 #26 humane care,
page 7 #36 records,
Section 5 page 10 Emergencies involving animals,
to name a few of the Lowndes County Ordinance.So when you say why didn’t I(Officer Leavens)end
Return cameras or I’m going to pursue it through the Sheriff’s office —Ashley Paulk @ LCC 28 June 2011
…the Humane Society provided two county employees with undercover cameras as a gratuity.The picture shows Ashley Paulk (center) motioning to VDT reporter David Rodock (foreground) as he directs the VDT to publish what he just said. Mechelle Sullivan is on the right, and County Manager Joe Pritchard looks on from left. Voting Commissioners Evans, Raines, and Powell are just visible between Paulk and Sullivan.
I want those two undercover cameras returned by my two employees, or there will be some administrative action.
I’m making this a public record.
If I don’t get those cameras back and the gratuity I’m going to pursue it through the Sheriff’s office.
Needs to be public record in the VDT.
The VDT did take dictation and publish that this morning, adding this quote from Chairman Paulk:
“It’s a gratuity. You can’t give a government employee something in order to get something in return. It’s not legal.”Other things are also not legal, yet never seem to be pursued.
Speaking of pursued, Chairman Paulk encountered a group of Continue reading