The Chairman confirmed that yesterday’s
“Lowndes County Commission Goals”
was a continuation of the rather testy
goals discussion at their February planning session,
in which they disagreed on things such as whether to hold Work Sessions
at times when working people could attend.
And ten days later held a three-minute Work Session.
There’s still no agenda for that 9:30AM to 10:30AM Goals meeting
on the county’s website,
even though it appears they had one.
They declared Solid Waste Management accomplished, yet they spent even more time discussing Litter Control and Beautification and kept that on their short-term goals. Later they seemed to decide to make a special class of ongoing issues, including litter and Moody AFB.
The elephant in the room is that tax revenue is down and inconsistent.
Below are links to each LAKE video of that Goals meeting, with a few notes, followed by a video playlist. Continue reading