Tag Archives: K.V.C.I.

Tom Gooding and the Chamber rebuffed @ VBOE 20 Sep 2011

Tom Gooding, Chair of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce, asked the school boards to do the Chamber’s homework. He got no takers.

Reiterating the Chamber’s demand from its letter of 9 September 2011, Gooding asked VBOE superintendent Dr. Cason at the 20 September VBOE forum to commit to meeting about what to do if the “unification” referendum passes.

Dr. Cason said that should have happened two years ago, and

Now is not the appropriate time.
He said if the referendum passes, then the two school boards will sit down together. Dr. Cason didn’t say anything about inviting the Chamber or CUEE to such meetings, since, after all, neither the Chamber or CUEE would have any legal role.

Here’s the video:

Tom Gooding rebuffed @ VBOE 20 Sep 2011
education, referendum, consolidation, statement,
Forum at Valdosta Middle School, Valdosta Board of Education (VBOE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 20 September 2011.
Videos by George Boston Rhynes for bostongbr on YouTube.


Boston catches up with Atlanta: you can video police

Poilce are public employees, and the public has a right to video them doing their duty; so says a federal appeals court.

Pace Lattin wrote for Technorati, Federal Courts Rule it is Not Illegal to Film Police John S. Quarterman

The First Court of Appeals has reached a decision that would allow the general public to video-tape police officers while they are working. This decision comes right after several well-known public cases have come to light involving citizens being arrested for video-taping police.

This specific case in question was Simon Glik vs.The City of Boston (and several police officers), in which a teenage Simon Gilk was arrested after videotaping Boston Police abusing a homeless man. While Mr. Gilk was not interfering with the police, he was arrested on wiretapping charges.

The ACLU had sued on his behalf, even when the charges were dropped, noting that there was a growing epidemic of citizens in the United States being arrested by police for videotaping, even when documenting police brutality and abuse.

The First Court Agreed with the ACLU that this should be legal, and wrote that: “The filming of government officials engaged in their duties in a public place, including police officers performing their responsibilities, fits comfortably within these principles [of protected First Amendment activity].

The Atlanta Police Department already avoided this problem by settling a previous case and making a policy that citizens can video police. This appeals court ruling now says anybody can, nationwide, because of the First Amendment.

Why has this become an issue lately? Continue reading

Okra and Workforce Development @ VLCIA 19 July 2011

People keep mentioning the okra gift, and George Rhynes was kind enough to video it for his blog, K.V.C.I., so here it is.
  1. I suggested to VLCIA as I earlier did to the Lowndes County Commission that they hang up a clock so people can see how much more time they have to speak. You can see Crawford Powell lurking in the doorway. Joyce Evans was also in the hallway at this VLCIA meeting. That’s 2 out of 3 voting Lowndes County Commissioners. Maybe VLCIA will get organized enough to find chairs for them next time.
  2. I pointed out Project Excel is the private prison CCA wants to build in Lowndes County, and I still owe VLCIA a letter about why I think that’s a bad idea.
  3. Finally, I gave new executive director Andrew Schruijer a present. Crawford Powell suggested it was potatoes. Nope, this time it’s okra! Picked it myself that morning.
Here’s the video: Continue reading

Quitman 10 host organization of NAACP in Brooks County

The Quitman 10 started out as activists, and now they’re taking it a step further: they hosted an organizational meeting for an NAACP branch in Brooks County. George Boston Rhynes was there and made this video of students singing about education, not incarceration:

Education, not Incarceration
Organizational Meeting, Brooks County NAACP,
Quitman, Brooks County, Georgia, 18 July 2010
Videos by George Boston Rhynes for K.V.C.I.

George videoed the whole meeting and posted it on his blog. He wrote in his introduction to this series of videos: Continue reading

Friendliest City In America! (Valdosta, Georgia)

George Boston Rhynes sent this Tuesday:
The Friendliest Town In America (Valdosta) Georgia! KVCI, (Keeping Valdosta Citizens Informed), George Boston Rhynes on Site. An attempt to keep all citizens fully informed and ask that you spread the word about our beloved community! Luke 4:18……. Just keeping it real.

George Boston Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia
A concerned citizen and brother of all humanity

Here’s the video:

Here’s George’s blog, K.V.C.I. Keeping Valdosta Citizen Informed

Writeups on this event of Monday 27 June 2011 by Continue reading