Tag Archives: John S. Quarterman

Videos: A development back again + a communications tower @ GLPC 2016-07-25

A development rezoning tabled previous GLPC meeting (and since approved the next evening by the Lowndes County Commission) and a communications tower to be voted on by the County Commission tonight, Those two Lowndes County cases were the only ones on the Planning Commission agenda for July 25th 2016. See also the Continue reading

Videos: funded flood map, Behavioral Health Board still vacant, Rezoning also on GLPC Monday, road abandonment, land exchange @ LCC 2016-07-26

On July 26th 2016, they approved up to $40,000 for the Withlacoochee River Flood Inundation Map Project, and I thanked them for that and for considering my modest suggestion. The County Manager, unlike the previous morning, did not mention it’s time for scheduling meetings to set millage rates. Still no applicant for the Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Board, but Commissioner Joyce Evans thought she had a prospect for later.

They approved the event center rezoning which also sailed by the previous night’s Planning Commission.

Below are links to each LAKE video with a few notes, followed by a video playlist. See also Continue reading

Videos: Vacant seat Behavioral Health Board, Rezoning also on GLPC Monday, road abandonment, land exchange, and flood map project @ LCC 2016-07-25

They didn’t have an applicant for the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities at Monday morning’s Work Session; Chairman Bill Slaughter invited anyone who wanted to apply to speak up. The Withlacoochee River Flood Inundation Map Project had the longest discussion, and the County Manager reminded everyone it’s time for scheduling meetings to set millage rates. They vote tonight at 5:30 PM; see Continue reading

Road paving and Alapaha BoatRamp in Naylor Town Hall @ LCC 2016-04-14 @ LCC 2016-04-14

Most people wanted to know which roads would be paved when, in Bemiss, to Alapaha Subdivision, and next to the new Civic Center. Steve Stalvey (Utilities), Mike Fletcher (Engineer), Joe Pritchard (County Manager), Joyce Evans (Dist. 1), George Page (VLPRA), Paige Dukes (County Clerk), Demarcus Marshall (Dist. 4), Bill Slaughter (Chairman), seated: Robert & Carolyn Dinkins They did also talk about the planned new civic center and the Alapaha Boatramp they’re building.

I thank the Chairman for clarifying his remark about paving every road in the county. He and other county officials also went on about safety being a big concern, which is news to me, on my road the county insisted on paving that became a drag race track. And what’s this about Continue reading

Southern Company Annual Meeting @ SO 2016-05-25

Road trip to Callaway Gardens for the annual question time with Tom Fanning, questions provided by environmentalists and Southern Company (SO) stockholders from at least four states.

Energy Mix This figure from page ii of the meeting Notice illustrates both the problem and the solution for Southern Company. Natural gas has replaced coal as SO’s top energy source, and Nuclear is still in there. But renewables are up to 4%. And over on the right of the same page:

  • Growth in Renewables
    Approximately 3,800 megawatts of announced or added renewable capacity since 2012. This includes the development of what is expected to be the largest voluntary solar portfolio in the U.S. (at Georgia Power Company).

Interesting use of “voluntary”, but never mind that. If SO keeps that up, it will Continue reading

Videos: Community Wellness and Housing, Comprehensive Plan Workshop #3 @ SGRC 2016-03-21

Here are LAKE videos of the third Workshop of 21 March 2016 about the Lowndes County Comprehensive Plan Update.

The fourth Workshop is tonight, 5-7PM, at SGRC, 327 W. Savannah Avenue Valdosta, Georgia. Here’s the current draft of March 30, 2016, which resulted from that third workshop. Come help us update it!

Videos: Comprehensive Plan Update Workshop #2 @ SGRC 2016-03-07

Very interesting input on the second Workshop on updating the Lowndes County Comprehensive Plan, including quite a bit about agriculture, rivers, and roads. Educational issues are in the Update, including the underlying issue: poverty.

See also the invitation with a link to the Workbook draft used at that meeting.

Here are links to the LAKE videos of the two main topics, followed by a video playlist. Continue reading

Help fix land revaluation: come to Farm Bureau –Board of Equalization

Come to the Farm Bureau in two weeks to hear Tax Assessor staff present their updates and provide your input Contents for changes to the rural land revaluation, this time taking into account rivers, aquifer recharge zones, and uniformity. Maybe the Tax Assessors actually don’t want more flooding in Valdosta; both the City of Valdosta and GA-EDP have already shown interest in attending about that point.

At an appeal on my property valuation, the Board of Equalization stopped short of actually ordering the Tax Assessors to redo last year’s rural land revaluation, because staff volunteered Continue reading

Lack of site plan disconcerting and unacceptable –Glenn Gregory about cemetery rezoning @ GLPC 2016-01-25

For an item also on the Valdosta agenda tonight, lack of transparency and concern for trees perplexed a prominent local citizen at the Planning Commission, Glenn Gregory speaking as you can see in the LAKE video of the 25 January 2016 GLPC Regular Session. Glenn Gregory said:

I think y’all might have a site plan, but the public does not have a site plan.

Commissioner Celine Godwin recommended Gregory take his transparency recommendation to the Valdosta City Council. We shall see, at 5:30 PM tonight. Gretchen will be there with the LAKE video camera.

Jason Stewart, VDT, 29 January 2016, Gregory opposes cemetery proposal, Continue reading

Videos: Video: Comprehensive Plan @ GLPC 2016-01-19

Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing at GLPC Following the email announcement about the Comprehensive Plan, I showed up late, expecting no formal presentation and a typical SGRC tables-and-easels mill-about meeting, and found the Planning Commission and staff in their usual seats. Turns out they were there for their Work Session agenda; see the LAKE videos. As you can see in this video of the first part of the meeting, there were citizen questions from Valdosta City Council Sandra Tooley and from me. Continue reading