Tag Archives: Internet access

Videos: 911 Center Award, Appointment to 7 Rivers RC&D, Network Hardware, and Solid Waste Franchises @ LCC Work 2025-03-24

An additional item within another, 7. Reports – County Manager – recognition of 911 center award, added 4 minutes to an otherwise brief meeting on a light agenda, for the Lowndes County Commission Work Session yesterday morning.

[Collage @ LCC 24 March 2025]
Collage @ LCC 24 March 2025

They vote this evening at 5:30 PM.

Below are links to each LAKE video, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also the agenda and the board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request. Continue reading

Appointment to 7 Rivers RC&D, Network Hardware, and Solid Waste Franchises @ LCC 2025-03-24

It’s a light agenda for the Lowndes County Commission this week, with one board appointment, one request for replacement for various end-of-life network hardware, and renewal of the two solid waste franchises to Advanced Disposal Services and Deep South Sanitation. The only BUDGET IMPACT listed is $79,351.45 for the network hardware.

For the Seven Rivers Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc. they will consider replacing retiring Jake Price, who is the UGA Extension Service county agent for Lowndes County, with Corey Millirons, who lists his Knowledge & Skills as “Agricultural, common sense & desire to improve community”.

Here is the agenda.

The board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request is on the LAKE website.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2025, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

Continue reading

Lift Station Pump, Juvenile Justice Grant, Fees for Web and Telephone Payments, 3 rezonings, 1 withdrawn, 1 lighting, beer @ LCC 2020-10-12

Here is a map of “North Central Lowndes County” which is the area the county wants most to develop with subdivisions. It’s in the board packet materials for Addition to Basic Decorative Street Lighting District – Coventry Villas Subdivision, for last week’s Lowndes County Commission meeting.

[Exhibit B: Basic Decorative; North Central Lowndes County 2; Revised 9/2020]
Exhibit B: Basic Decorative; North Central Lowndes County 2; Revised 9/2020

This the first table of tax dollar amounts we’ve had add up to a positive total.

Cost What
($1,107,500.64) 2021 LMIG Resurfacing Grant Application
($99,938.00)2020 Addressing Victimization within the Juvenile Justice System Grant Application
$42,067.69 Nelson Hill Lift Station Pump Upgrade
$5.00Approval of Increase in Convenience Fees for Web and Telephone Payments

The real total should be both less than that (the LMIG grant has a 10% match) and more (the $5.00 is times each telephone or online payment).

Here’s a list of what they plan to do with the 2021 LMIG Resurfacing Grant Application: Continue reading

Videos: Annual Planning Meeting Day 2 @ LCC 2017-02-17

We learned why Lowndes County has gotten religion about Internet access and speed: Moody AFB wants it.

Commissioner Scottie Orenstein made the case for board packets and agendas in electronic form instead of the paper packets they currently use. Maybe they’ll even reveal them to the public before their meetings, like real MSAs do. Meanwhile, Community Engagement means marketing, as in telling people what the county did, not listening to the citizens.

They talked about interconnecting (almost) all of the county’s water systems, about routes to get trucks out of downtown Valdosta. The water-sewer ordinance is in ten or twelve pieces, and the county is all for expanding water and sewer throughout the county as long as it doesn’t cost developers money.

There’s a regional T-SPLOST meeting in Waycross by SGRC Feb 28 2017, but Lowndes commissioners and staff said nothing Continue reading