Now that Atlanta has finally taken notice there’s even more reason
to repel these pipeline invaders.
There’s still time to submit an amicus brief for the
court case in Leesburg, Georgia.
And time to file an ecomment or an out-of-time motion to intervene against Sabal Trail.
Or against
Elba Island LNG
or against
Transco and Atlanta Gas Light’s Dalton Expansion Project.
Or to oppose
Kinder Morgan’s southeast Georgia Palmetto oil pipeline
at the Georgia Department of Transportation or GA-EDP.
Both those state agencies have to provide permits for Sabal Trail
to get the Georgia emininent domain it demands in Leesburg,
so they are relevant to Sabal Trail, as well, as is your opinion
and those of all local elected governments in Georgia.
Dan Chapman, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 3 April 2015, Pipeline project fuels fight on state’s future,
Regardless of route, Sabal Trail opponents fear pipeline construction could create sinkholes Continue reading