The room was packed as
the Chairman commented on
Dr. Amanda Hall’s proposal
for an
anti-tethering ordinance,
as did
four citizens
(realtor Alan Canup,
veterinarian Jeff Creamer,
LCDP Chairman Tom Hochschild,
Carol Kellerman),
Chairman Slaughter again.
Frenchie DePasture
commented on trash,
at Tuesday evening’s Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission.
Mike Allen, Utilities Director until last Friday,
got an offer he couldn’t refuse from Hilton Head, South Carolina
a presentation from County Manager Joe Pritchard.
Finance Director Stephanie Black
read from the agenda
a budget award (or
passing grade) received by Lowndes County for the ninth year in a row,
as one of 1400 awardees this year.
No rezonings, but Continue reading