Tag Archives: Gretchen Quarterman

Lowndes County’s own videos @ LCC 2014-12-09

Paige Dukes told us about this Monday, but why steal her thunder about the county’s new website and the videos on it?

Joe Adgie, VDT, 17 December 2014, Lowndes County website goes live,

County residents can pay bills, read county ordinances, search for real estate and read meeting agendas on the new site.

In addition, a first for the county government, videos of the Lowndes County Commission meetings are also available through the site and on YouTube.

“Due to schedules, Continue reading

Valdosta Passes Resolution Against Sabal Trail Pipeline: not in this city, this county, or this state @ VCC 2014-12-11

Go away, Sabal Trail:

NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City of Valdosta supports the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners in their opposition to the construction of the Sabal Trail pipeline in any portion of Lowndes County. The City’s support includes concerns with fundamental property rights, the manner in which eminent domain might be utilized, and the lack of demonstrated benefit to the City and County. Furthermore, the City of Valdosta supports the Lowndes County Commission in their formal request to the Federal Energy Regulation Commission (FERC), and to State and Federal Legislators in the effort to have Lowndes County and the State of Georgia bypassed in the construction of the proposed pipeline.

Here is Continue reading

Resolution against Sabal Trail pipeline + 3-1 ordinances @ VCC 2014-12-11

The resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline, including to be filed with FERC, was passed 6 to 1 by the Valdosta City Council Thursday 11 December 2014, supporting the resolution the Lowndes County Commission passed unanimously Tuesday, plus a clause about protecting our drinking water in the Floridan Aquifer; see separate post. John Robinson thanked the city for a VSEB contract. The personal care home rezoning passed. The taxicab ordinance was deferred (not all cab company owners had been consulted yet), while two others passed. Also some bids rejected while others were approved, a reappointment of Tom Kurrie to the Valdosta Housing Authority, and recognized employee of the month Terrial Small.

Here’s the agenda. For background, see the videos of the Tuesday Work Session, including a bomb report by Police Chief Childress. The videos from the Thursday Regular Session are linked below, followed by a video playlist.

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Videos: Pipeline, Tourism + KLVB appointments + flowers @ LCC 2014-12-09

The vote was unanimous for the resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline at the Lowndes County Commission Tuesday, to be followed tonight by the Valdosta City Council voting on their resolution of support for Lowndes County against Sabal Trail, including an additional clause about protecting our drinking water in the Floridan Aquifer. This follows a long string of county and city resolutions against that unnecessary, destructive, and hazardous pipeline boondoggle.

Speaking of boondoggles, Continue reading

Special Election, Budget, Meters, and Rezoning @ Lake Park 2014-12-02

They called a special election to fill the unexpired term of Sandy Sherrill, who had resigned unexpectedly, plus a referendum for Sunday off-premisses liquor sales, at the Lake Park City City Council Regular Session of 2 December 2014. They amended the 2014 budget and adopted a 2015 budget. More than half an hour on a presentation about water meters. Professional therapy, including massage therapy, at the location being rezoned for Keith Sandlin in rezoning LP-2014-10-20. The Planning Commission 24 November 2014, previously unanimously recommended approval. The Lake Park City Council voted 2 for 1 against, so it passed. And they had direct reports by Police, Fire/Rescure, and Maintenance, since they don’t have a city manager. They appointed an additional member to the cemetery committee. They discussed executive sessions being each time a choice and participants in executive sessions not being bound to secrecy, the real test being not violating the public trust.

Here’s the agenda, and below are the videos, followed by a video playlist. Continue reading

Board packet: Trash, Pipeline, Tourism + KLVB appointments @ LCC 2014-12-08

The text of the Resolution Opposing the Sabal Trail Pipeline, the Commission meeting schedule, the budget calendar, and the proposed sign for the G. Robert Carter Law Enforcement Complex, plus maps for all those special tax lighting districts and details of budget and requests, all in the board packet for the 8 December 2014 Work Session and the 9 December 2014 Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission.

The County Clerk once again provided this packet only on paper and only in black and white. The request to the County Clerk asked for electronic copy, but once again she chose not to honor that part of the request.

There’s no change in that after the Open Government Symposium of 21 November 2014. Also, this request was sent shortly after the previous Commission meeting, and with more than three weeks notice the county only made this latest packet available at 4:35 PM the Friday before the meeting, when they close at 5PM.


Videos: Trash, Pipeline, Tourism + KLVB appointments @ LCC 2014-12-08

Who could have foreseen that ADS wants a rate hike? The Resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline they already sent to FERC is on the agenda for voting along with everything else tomorrow, 5:30 PM, Tuesday 9 December 2014. Congratulations again in advance for doing that!

Update 2014-12-09: board packet.

Staff wants to rename the Sheriff’s complex for former Sheriff and former Comissioner G. Robert Carter. And a bunch of appointments, contracts, calendars, and special tax lighting districts. in a very full agenda. Other county commissions, such as Thomas County, list potential appointees in their agenda. If Lowndes County did that, we wouldn’t have to google to figure out how to spell names of appointees. And without this LAKE video, you wouldn’t know who was being considered, unless you skipped work to go to that 8:30 AM Work Session.

Here’s the agenda. The videos are below in the order events transpired, followed by a video playlist.

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ADS wants a trash collection rate hike: who could have forseen? @ LCC 2014-12-08

Who could have forseen the rate hike ADS requested Monday morning at the Lowndes County Commission Work Session? Maybe anybody who noticed that ADS’ bid was 40% more than its quickly-acquired subsidiary Veolia’s bid.

Update 2014-12-10: No report from ADS in the board packet. Joe Adgie reported on this topic in the VDT 10 December 2014, Advanced Disposal wants price increase.

1. Call to Order 4.Minutes for Approval 8a.Advanced Disposal 8.a. Advanced Disposal —Steve Edwards (work session)

Video. ADS wants to amend the exclusive franchise for solid waste collection due to “lost revenue and unanticipated costs”. And their number one reason: competition with “another hauler”, in other words Continue reading

Pipeline resolution, Trash report, Tourism + KLVB appointments @ LCC 2014-12-08

The Resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline they already sent to FERC is on the agenda for voting. Congratulations in advance for doing that!

Advanced Disposal is back to report on their trash disposal. Did they turn in their required written report this time? How about that recycling? ADS’ Steve Edwards scheduled to report is the same who couldn’t forsee any further acquisitions before they bought three more companies. And a bunch of appointments, contracts, calendars, etc. in a very full agenda.

Shortly after the previous Commission meeting, almost a month ago, I filed an open records request for the board packet. Today at 4:35PM I got a call saying it’s ready. It takes me 30 minutes to get there. They close at 5PM.

Here’s the agenda.

327 N. Ashley Street — 2nd Floor
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Rezoning and Budget @ Lake Park 2014-12-02

I wonder what they’re amending in the 2014 budget and what’s in the 2015 budget? Rezoning LP-2014-10-20 was previously heard at the Planning Commission 24 November 2014, which unanimously recommended approval. Plus this is local elected body that hears citizens’ concerns not once but twice.

Thanks to Tabatha Fowler for the agenda.

120 North Essa Street, Lake 300x299 Lakeparklogo, in Lake Park City Council, by John S. Quarterman, 2 December 2014 Park, Georgia 31636
DECEMBER 2, 2014
7:30 PM

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