Tag Archives: Gretchen Quarterman

Videos: Vallotton agriculture on Bemiss Road, historic preservation, personal services @ GLPC 2015-03-30

They took the Lake Park personal services case first and recommended it 8:0. REZ-2015-06 Vickers was withdrawn by applicant. Vallotton Farms‘ reversion to Estate Agricultural was recommended 8:0 after an explanation by attorney Bill Langdale (and yours truly chimed in). Denser zoning for Edward Jennings LLC was recommended 5:4 with a rare example of the Chairman voting, this time in favor. And the Valdosta historic preservation LDR changes were recommended 8:0. Those two Lowndes County cases have already been heard at the Lowndes County Commission Work Session yesterday morning and will be voted on tonight at the Regular Session. The Vallotton case greatly puzzled the County Planner and at least one of the Commissioners.

Here’s the agenda, reordered according to how they actually considered the cases, with links to the videos, results of the votes, and a few notes. Continue reading

Spay, Rezonings, Body Armor, HEAT, Water, Waste, Ponds, and Roads @ LCC 2015-04-13

Update 2015-04-13: videos.

The three rezonings from the Planning Commission are on the agenda for this morning’s Lowndes County Commission Work Session. One has been withdrawn by applicant, Vallotton Farms still wants to rezone to Estate Agriculture, and another wants to rezone to commercial. Also to be considered this morning and voted on tomorrow evening are three water-related items, a Georgia Department of Agriculture Spay/Neuter Grant Request, two Sheriff’s requests ( body armor, and High Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic (HEAT) Team grant), two paving items (Boring Pond Road Phase III and Resurfacing of 3 County Roads (Howell Road, Whitewater Road and Ousley)) a Fuel Island Upgrade, and what’s this about Execution of the Resolution for the Hazardous Waste Trust Fund? Ah, that’s about reimbursement for monitoring of the closed Clyattville landfill about which the county chooses to reveal very little. Last I heard, the Sabal Trail methane pipeline was still proposed to go through there with its hundred-foot right of way and 36-inch pipe. I wonder how that would affect monitoring?

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2015, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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County revenue and property tax appeals –Craig Cardella @ LCC 2015-03-24

9. CWTBH - Craig Cardella A local citizen got cut off just as he said the county attorney’s opinion was he could interpret state law about property taxes however he wished, in the 24 March 2015 Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission.

9. Citizens Wishing to be Heard-Please State Your Name and Address

Video. Craig Cardella’s concern was that the County Commission does not have enough money to do things that are important to the community. He said he had given a similar talk to Valdosta Mayor and Council recently. He said he had been a city manager in the past, and had worked in and around local government nearly all his career.

In 2009 GA State Senate authorized Continue reading

Videos: Fire aid, drinking, driving, and air conditioning @ LCC 2015-03-24

One citizen got cut off just as he said the county attorney thought he could interpret state law however he liked. In addition to the Lake Park Fire Department Automatic Aid Agreement the County Manager asked at the Work Session to add to agenda, they also added Southern Region Traffic Enforcement Network (SRTEN). Plus not on the agenda there was recognition of student guests. See also the previous morning’s Work Session Keep Lowndes-Valdosta Beautiful cleanup presentation. They meet again this morning.

Also voted on two weeks ago were changes to the speed zone ordinance, a GEMA grant application, a proposal for engineering services for Exits 22 and 29, HVAC for county buildings, and a liquor license. Here’s the agenda with links to the videos and a few notes.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015  8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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Videos: KLVB, Drinking, driving, and air conditioning @ LCC 2015-03-23

Keep Lowndes-Valdosta Beautiful did cleanups in wetlands in both the Withlacoochee and the Alapaha River watersheds, plus at exit 22, and the general illegal trash dumping situation came up. Did the county change the speed limit on your road? The County Engineer said only in one area, but they didn’t publish the list. Also discussed were a GEMA grant application, a proposal for engineering services for Exits 22 and 29, HVAC for county buildings, and a liquor license. Here’s the agenda with links to the videos and a few notes.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015  8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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Baseball and water; electric sign withdrawn @ ZBOA 2015-04-07

Today at 2:30 PM, the owner of the baseball diamond west of Hahira is not expected to appear, because he’s working. If you want to see him, try Yankee Stadium, Bronx, New York, tomorrow evening. There’s a water connection variance on Jumping Gully Road, and the electric company parking variance on Norman Drive in Valdosta tabled last month has been withdrawn.

Here’s the agenda, which oddly is not yet on the City of Valdosta website. Continue reading

Videos: Goodwyne and Subaru and Williams Signs @ ZBOA 2015-03-03

Videos of ZBOA decisions on one single-family residence and a car dealership sign in the county, and an electric company sign parking variance in the city. They meet again this afternoon.

Here’s the agenda, with decisions, followed by the videos. Continue reading

Return to agriculture, historic preservation, and personal services @ GLPC 2015-03-30

While Vallotton Farms wants to revert to Estate Agricultural, 300x238 Parcel 0108 173, in Vallotton Farms, by John S. Quarterman, 30 March 2015 Vickers and Edward Jennings LLC want denser zoning. It’s not clear what the Valdosta historic preservation case or the Lake Park personal services case are about, since the county still doesn’t publish board packets. Note that Vallotton Farms (both the part outlined in red that appears to be the subject of the rezoning and the bigger part west of Bemiss Road) is on Cherry Creek, upstream from the dam, and upstream from Cherry Creek Sink on the Withlacoochee River, which leaks into our drinking water in the Floridan Aquifer. Better agriculture upstream from that than other possibilities.

Here’s the agenda. Continue reading

Videos: Hasty waste meeting @ LCC Waste 2015-03-16

See the LAKE video below, the WALB story by Colter Anstaett including interviews with Cary Scarborough of Deep South Sanitation and Steve Edwards of Advanced Disposal Services. The county actually posted the resulting Solid Waste Ordinance on their County Ordinances web page (although I don’t see the updated franchise agreement anywhere), and they even posted the results of that meeting. Neither the county’s results summary nor WALB mentioned Commissioner Marshall’s question about recycling glass nor Chairman Slaughter’s response that glass can be disposed of as ordinary trash, which means they’re not going to recycle it.

Here’s the paper agenda from the meeting and the county’s results summary: Continue reading

Drinking, driving, and air conditioning @ LCC 2015-03-23

Is the county changing the speed limit on your road? Maybe, but they didn’t publish the list, so this is all you know:

300x388 Speed-zone-ordinance-001, in Speed Limit Ordinance, by John S. Quarterman, 23 March 2015 The Georgia DOT is in the process of updating the existing Speed Zone Ordinance for Lowndes County. Attached is a copy of the updated Speed Zone Ordinance with the changes that were requested by Lowndes County. With the execution of this Ordinance, the speed limits on these roads wili be updated. A signed copy of the Ordinance will be forwarded to the Department of Public Safety for the updated radar permit for Lowndes County.

Also on the agenda are a presentation by Keep Lowndes-Valdosta Beautiful, a GEMA grant application, a proposal for engineering services for Exits 22 and 29, HVAC for county buildings, and a liquor license.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015  8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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