In which we discover one candidate works for the City of Valdosta
and opposes SPLOST.
Candidates took questions directly from the
audience and answered them, unlike at later candidate forums.
Candidates from the smaller cities started their tradition of
not showing up for forums outside their cities.
Here’s the list of
qualified candidates.
See also the videos of the
30 Club forum 2013-10-21
and the videos of the
AAUW forum 2013-10-15.
Call to Order, Moment of Silence for Congress, Pledge, Approval of Minutes, Treasurer’s Report.SPLOST VII
- Introduction by Gretchen Quarterman
Valdosta Mayor John Gayle
Part 1
He noted that SPLOST VII was approved last year by every precinct in the City of Valdosta. He didn’t say that Continue reading
Part 1