Tag Archives: Government

State of District 4 Address –Demarcus Marshall @ Town Hall Meeting 2014-12-15

Text published by Demarcus Marshall (PDF) and LAKE video of his address at the Town Hall Meeting 15 December 2014. -jsq

For those unaware, Super District 4 was a newly created district in Lowndes County two years ago. I assumed this office without a predecessor to this district seat. It was my understanding of this district to compliment the other districts by adding more responsiveness and accountability for the citizens of Lowndes County.

Upon being elected and occupying the seat, I inherited a wonderful staff; however, the county faced several challenges. The economy was Continue reading

Videos: Swearing Commissioners this morning @ LCC 2014-12-19

Here are videos of swearing in the new Commissioners, Commissioners, Mark Wisenbaker (District 3) and Scott Orenstein (District 2), and also the re-elected Commissioner, Demarcus Marshall (District 4), by Senior Superior Court Judge, H. Arthur McLane, at 10 AM this morning, 19 December 2014. Continue reading

Georgia Power can’t get a schedule from its own contractors for Vogtle nuclear project

After two years of no integrated project schedule (IPS), Georgia Power tried to get the the elected Public Service Commissioners to tell it how to enforce a contract for Plant Vogtle that Georgia Power brought to them. This video clip ends with formerly staunch pro-nuclear Commissioner H. Doug Everett saying any company that did that probably would be imprudent. And Everett also said:

We haven’t seen any results.

Georgia Power’s representative, I think Rob Trokey, said:

We have agreed haven’t we that the company does not manage this project. They oversee it, they may report to this commission the status of it, but it does not manage this project.

Answer from the Commission:

It doesn’t.

So who does? According to Georgia Power: Continue reading

Lowndes County’s own videos @ LCC 2014-12-09

Paige Dukes told us about this Monday, but why steal her thunder about the county’s new website and the videos on it?

Joe Adgie, VDT, 17 December 2014, Lowndes County website goes live,

County residents can pay bills, read county ordinances, search for real estate and read meeting agendas on the new site.

In addition, a first for the county government, videos of the Lowndes County Commission meetings are also available through the site and on YouTube.

“Due to schedules, Continue reading

No Development Authority meeting today @ VLCIA 2014-12-16

According to their Meeting Schedule.

The Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority’s Regular monthly meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 5:30 pm at the Development Authority Conference Room, 103 Roosevelt Drive has been cancelled. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 20, 2015.

Happy Holidays!


Town Hall meeting tonight with Demarcus Marshall, Lowndes County Commissioner District 4

A commissioner who represents half the county wants to listen to all of the county tonight at the Civic Center, 6PM. facebook event.

6PM Monday 15 December 2014
Lowndes County Civic Center
2102 E Hill Avenue
Valdosta, GA 31601

An evening to address community concerns, solicit ideas and feedback, and have an opportunity for your voice to be heard by your elected county commissioner!

Dr. Demarcus Marshall
Lowndes County Commissioner
Super District 4


Valdosta Passes Resolution Against Sabal Trail Pipeline: not in this city, this county, or this state @ VCC 2014-12-11

Go away, Sabal Trail:

NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City of Valdosta supports the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners in their opposition to the construction of the Sabal Trail pipeline in any portion of Lowndes County. The City’s support includes concerns with fundamental property rights, the manner in which eminent domain might be utilized, and the lack of demonstrated benefit to the City and County. Furthermore, the City of Valdosta supports the Lowndes County Commission in their formal request to the Federal Energy Regulation Commission (FERC), and to State and Federal Legislators in the effort to have Lowndes County and the State of Georgia bypassed in the construction of the proposed pipeline.

Here is Continue reading

Resolution against Sabal Trail pipeline + 3-1 ordinances @ VCC 2014-12-11

The resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline, including to be filed with FERC, was passed 6 to 1 by the Valdosta City Council Thursday 11 December 2014, supporting the resolution the Lowndes County Commission passed unanimously Tuesday, plus a clause about protecting our drinking water in the Floridan Aquifer; see separate post. John Robinson thanked the city for a VSEB contract. The personal care home rezoning passed. The taxicab ordinance was deferred (not all cab company owners had been consulted yet), while two others passed. Also some bids rejected while others were approved, a reappointment of Tom Kurrie to the Valdosta Housing Authority, and recognized employee of the month Terrial Small.

Here’s the agenda. For background, see the videos of the Tuesday Work Session, including a bomb report by Police Chief Childress. The videos from the Thursday Regular Session are linked below, followed by a video playlist.

Continue reading

Against Sabal Trail pipeline + 3 ordinances + bomb report @ VCC 2014-12-09

The Valdosta City Council discussed a resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline at their Work Session Tuesday, as you can see in these videos. Come see them vote on it tonight at 5:30 PM at City Hall.

They also heard a bomb report at the Work Session, in addition to discussing all the other business, especially the taxicab ordinance.

At the same time Tuesday, the Lowndes County Commission unanimously Continue reading

Videos: Pipeline, Tourism + KLVB appointments + flowers @ LCC 2014-12-09

The vote was unanimous for the resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline at the Lowndes County Commission Tuesday, to be followed tonight by the Valdosta City Council voting on their resolution of support for Lowndes County against Sabal Trail, including an additional clause about protecting our drinking water in the Floridan Aquifer. This follows a long string of county and city resolutions against that unnecessary, destructive, and hazardous pipeline boondoggle.

Speaking of boondoggles, Continue reading