Tag Archives: GMA

Videos: Final Public Hearing: Intent to Opt Out of Homestead Exemption, HB 581 @ LCC 2025-02-24

2025-03-25: Videos: Opt out of HB 581 and increase local homestead exemptions, Accountability Court Grant and truck for Magistrate Court @ LCC Regular 2025-02-25.

Yes, the Lowndes County Commission will vote on the subject today, Tuesday, February 25, although that item is not yet on its agenda.

Yesterday they held the third and final Public Hearing about opting out of the homestead exemption scheme passed by the state legislature as HB 581. No citizens spoke, and very few even attended.

[Collage @ LCC 24 February 2025]
Collage @ LCC 24 February 2025

The county already has better homestead exemptions for both people younger than 65 years and older. Staying in would have no option of opting out later. Opting out leaves the possibility of opting in later.

For the previous Public Hearings, see Continue reading

Final Public Hearing: Intent to Opt Out of Homestead Exemption, HB 581 @ LCC 2025-02-24

Update 2025-02-25: Videos: Final Public Hearing: Intent to Opt Out of Homestead Exemption, HB 581 @ LCC 2025-02-24.

The Lowndes County Commission is considering doing what the Lowndes County School System is doing: opting out of the homestead exemption scheme passed by the state legislature as HB 581. The county already has better homestead exemptions for both people younger than 65 years and older. Staying in would have no option of opting out later. Opting out leaves the possibility of opting in later.

[Final Public Hearing, Intent to Opt Out of Homestead Exemption, HB 581 @ LCC 2025-02-24]
Final Public Hearing, Intent to Opt Out of Homestead Exemption, HB 581 @ LCC 2025-02-24

At the previous two hearing, Commissioners did not seem in favor of the state’s idea of an additional one-cent sales tax to reimburse property owners.

LAKE videos and minutes of the two previous Public Hearings are here: Continue reading

Videos: Lowndes County Considers Opting Out of House Bill 581 Public Hearing 2025-02-11

Update 2025-02-24: Final Public Hearing: Intent to Opt Out of Homestead Exemption, HB 581 @ LCC 2025-02-24.

Lowndes County Commissioners and staff emphasized that they were working on further homested tax exemptions for seniors, as is the Lowndes County School System, without need for the state’s exemption. And they did not seem in favor of the state’s idea of an additional one-cent sales tax to reimburse property owners.

Here are LAKE videos of yesterday’s second Public Hearing about Lowndes County considering opting out of the statewide homestead exemption legislated last year by HB 581, effective January 1, 2025.

Three citizens spoke. The first two seemed to be addressing some other meeting. The Chairman had to tell the second speaker that her school system concerns should be brought to the school board.

The third speaker was more to the subject: Pam Hubbard, at 9 minutes and 50 seconds:

[Opt out of GA HB 581? Public Hearing 2025-02-11, Re: Homestead Property Tax Exemption, Lowndes County Commission]
Opt out of GA HB 581? Public Hearing 2025-02-11, Re: Homestead Property Tax Exemption, Lowndes County Commission

A final Public Hearing will be Monday, February 24 at 9:00 a.m.

The School System already had its Public Hearings.

The Lowndes County Commission will vote on the subject on Tuesday, February 25.

So go to that last public hearing and speak up, or call or write your Lowndes County Commissioner.

After the videos below, there is a LAKE video playlist.

For other related material (the bill, the Lowndes County press release, the ACCG and GMA position, etc.), see the LAKE blog post on the first such Public Hearing:
http://www.l-a-k-e.org/blog/?p=24786 Continue reading

Lowndes County Considers Opting Out of House Bill 581 @ LCC Public Hearing 2025-02-10

Update 2025-02-13: The second one: Videos: Lowndes County Considers Opting Out of House Bill 581 Public Hearing 2025-02-11.

Here are LAKE videos of yesterday’s Public Hearing about Lowndes County considering opting out of the statewide homestead exemption legislated last year by HB 581, effective January 1, 2025.

There will be another Public Hearing this evening, Tuesday, February 11 at 6:00 p.m.

A final Public Hearing will be Monday, February 24 at 9:00 a.m.

The Lowndes County Commission will vote on the subject on Tuesday, February 25.

So go to one of these public hearings and speak up, or call or write your Lowndes County Commissioner.

[Collage @ LCC Public Hearing 10 February 2025]
Collage @ LCC Public Hearing 10 February 2025

After the videos below, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, there is a LAKE video playlist.

Plus a link to the LAKE video of the Lowndes County Commission decision on January 28, 2025, to hold these Public Hearings, and a copy of the Lowndes County press release announcing these Public Hearings.

As well as the text of the referendum that appeared on the November 5, 2024, general election ballot, the text of HB 581, and links to guidance by ACCG and GMA,

Personally, I find this point alone convincing:

  • Lowndes County already has a $6,000 homestead exemption for homeowners up to 65 years of age and a $10,000 homestead exemption for homeowners 65 and older. These exemptions are significantly more than the state statutory exemptions.

FYI, I have reason to believe the City of Valdosta is equally concerned about HB 581. Continue reading

Okefenokee resolution, Planning Commission, Airport, Sewer system, Road renaming moratorium @ VCC 2021-11-11

With a packed agenda, the Valdosta City Council passed eight resolutions, approved five bids or purchases, and appointed people to four boards, yet the longest discussion was after all that.

[Mayor, Howard, Gibbs, WWTP, Manager & Tooley, Suwannee Riverkeeper]
Mayor, Howard, Gibbs, WWTP, Manager & Tooley, Suwannee Riverkeeper

Perhaps the most far-reaching item was one of the briefest, presented by Mayor Scott James Matheson: 3.f. Resolution in Opposition to a proposed strip mine near the Okefenokee Swamp, opposing the proposed Twin Pines Minerals (TPM) strip mine or any others within ten miles of the Swamp, asking the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to reverse its abdication of oversight, asking GA-EPD for a moratorium on all mining permits until effects are settled of the recent court overruling of 2020 Clean Water Act changes, as well as to reject the TPM permits, or at least to review those applications as thoroughly as the Army Corps would, and asking the Georgia legislature to prevent such strip mines near the Swamp or any blackwater rivers in the Suwannee River Basin. Continue reading

Local government pipeline responsibilities

Make pipeline companies answer questions, motivate implementation of safety standards, announce FERC Scoping meetings, and enforce reasonable local zoning restrictions: these are things local governments can do, and NTSB and FERC say they should do most of them. Gilchrist County Commission in Trenton, Florida has done most of them, and plans to continue doing more. The Lowndes County Commission and the Valdosta City Council still can, too, plus all the other county and city governments along the proposed pipeline path, and their statewide county and city government associations. Will our local elected officials represent we the people?

Make pipeline companies answer questions

There were Real questions at the Gilchrist County Commission meeting in Trenton, Florida Monday. Two hours of first questions from a citizens committee with Spectra’s reps expected to answer right there in front of everybody, then questions from locals and people from many counties around, including attorneys representing landowners and other county commissions cross-examining Spectra on the spot. The Chairman of the Gilchrist County Commission said there was a general opinion among the populace that they were asking specific questions and getting only general answers. Congratulations, Chairman, Commission, staff, Committee, and everyone who asked questions for showing the world how it’s done, and for exposing Spectra’s evasions to public scrutiny.

This is in sharp contrast to Continue reading

Secret meeting of Lowndes County Commission and state reps @ LCC 2013-12-20

Dexter Sharper (District 177) The VDT report doesn’t say when or where, and doesn’t say whether Dexter Sharper (District 177) wasn’t invited or chose not to attend.

There’s nothing about this meeting in the online agendas or calendar, even though that calendar lists Pictures with Santa at the Historical Courthouse (12/19/2013).

There is this undated public notice with no agenda:

Paige Dukes, Lowndes County Clerk The Lowndes County Board of Commissioners will meet with members of Lowndes County’s Legislative Delegation on Friday, December 20, 2013, at 4:00 p.m. in the Commissioner’s Conference Room located on the 3rd floor of the Judicial-Administrative Complex, 327 North Ashley Street, Valdosta, Georgia.

K. Paige Dukes, County Clerk

pdukes@lowndescounty.com 229-671-2400

Tim Golden (District 8) Matthew Woody wrote for the VDT 22 December 2013, Commissioners host local delegation, oddly omitting the when and where and much of the why from the traditional who, what, when, where, and why of journalism.

Amy Carter (District 175) The Lowndes County Commission hosted Continue reading

Lancaster, CA solar capital?

What does it take to turn a city into a solar power powerhouse of jobs and clean energy profit? Mostly the will to do it, plus some public relations and business relations.

Felicity Barringer wrote for NYTimes 8 April 2013, With Help From Nature, a Town Aims to Be a Solar Capital, the mayor of Lancaster, California, R. Rex Parris, said,

“We want to be the first city that produces more electricity from solar energy than we consume on a daily basis,”

And then the city of Lancaster took action, requiring

that almost all new homes either come equipped with solar panels or be in subdivisions that produce one kilowatt of solar energy per house. He also was able to recruit the home building giant KB Home to implement his vision, despite the industry’s overall resistance to solar power.

Result, according to one solar tracker?

Continue reading

SB 104 that changed comprehensive plan rules: good or bad?

The Georgia legislature overwhelmingly passed a rather brief bill that changes the requirements for Comprehensive Plans by local governments. ACCG and GMA both supported it. It seems to be related to recent Department of Community Affairs (DCA) rulemaking that was mostly positive. Does that make it a good law? Opinions seem to differ. Here’s what I’ve found.

The Bill: SB 104

Continue reading

ALEC again: GA HB 176 for higher cell towers with less local government oversight

After massive public opposition just fought off a subdivision near Moody’s gate, do we want telephone cell towers popping up in Moody’s flight lines? Trying to outlaw municipal broadband isn’t the only thing telecom companies and ALEC are up to in the Georgia legislature: they’re also pushing a bill for higher cell towers with less local government control over height or siting. Do you want one next to you without even an opportunity for a local government hearing?

Here’s what ACCG says about HB 176, renamed from ‘Advanced Broadband Collocation Act’ to ‘Mobile Broadband Infrastructure Leads to Development (BILD) Act’:

Cell Tower Siting Preemption Legislation Progresses

HB 176 passed a House Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications Sub-Committee on Thursday. Representatives from ACCG, Cobb County, Gwinnett County, GMA and several cities expressed concerns on the impact this legislation will have on local cell tower siting ordinances. This bill significantly preempts local governments in reviewing and approving applications for both the modification of existing cell towers and structures (collocation) and the construction of new cell towers and structures local communities. As HB 176 is the top priority of the wireless industry this session and is being backed by many other influential groups including the Americans for Prosperity and the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, it has very strong momentum. Please have your county staff review the bill and inform your House members of any negative implications it has on your local zoning, land use or tower/equipment application review processes. This legislation will likely be heard on the House floor soon.

Guess who’s chair of the Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications SubCommittee? Continue reading