Tag Archives: GLPC

Tiny to large, Lake Park and Lowndes County @ GLPC 2017-08-28

Tonight at the Planning Commission, a small 1.687 acres Lake Park rezoning LP-2017-08-04 Leona Register and three sizes in the county from tiny 0.84 acres REZ-2017-08 West Side Business Park to medium 6.04 acres REZ-2017-07 Tomlinson to quite large ~138 acres REZ-2017-09 Robert A. Register Estate.

Several properties around Lake Park
Parcels 0199 212 and 0223A 001, REGISTER ROBERT A AKA R A REGISTER AS TRUSTEE, and parcels 0223A 005 and 0221C, REGISTER ROBERT A & IRENE TRUSTEES, Lowndes County Tax Assessors.

Here is the the agenda.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission Continue reading

Videos: Crowd for three rezoning cases @ GLPC 2017-07-31

They meet again tonight. The longest case last month at the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission was: 5. VA-2017-11 Tombrooks LLC 316&318 Eager Road PD in R-10 at almost 56 minutes. Together with its companion 4. VA-2017-10 Tombrooks LLC 318 Eager Road R15 to R10 at 27 minutes, those two took longer than the pair of Jon Nijem Baytree Road rezonings and the Hahira Wilby Coleman Stanfill Street rezoning put together. That last one is apparently since Hahira is getting redesigned so much by the exit 29 reworking and a new ball park that anybody nearby might as well try to do something with their property.

Below are Continue reading

Videos: Lake Park Zoning Amendment, Valdosta personal care CUP @ GLPC 2017-06-26

They meet again tonight at 5:30 PM. Last month was a very rare meeting where nobody showed up to speak for or against either item at the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission, June 26, 2017: one zoning change from Lake Park, and one Valdosta rezoning for a “personal care salon” on Woodrow Wilson Drive.

Below are links to each LAKE video followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the agenda. Continue reading

Crowd expected for three rezoning cases @ GLPC 2017-07-31

Three rezoning cases, one in Hahira on W. Stanfill St. and two in Valdosta on Eager Road, may be controversial tonight at 5:30 PM.

Daniel DeMersseman, VDT, 26 July 2017, Planning Commission expects crowd,

“It’s just three properties but they’re not simple ones. Each of these has the potential to bring a crowd,” [Valdosta and Hahira Planning and Zoning Administrator Matt] Martin said.

316 Eager Road, with 318 Eager Rd to its left
Map: Lowndes County Tax Assessors, of 316 Eager Road, with 318 Eager Rd to its left

Here’s the agenda, which the county put on their website after Gretchen called and asked. She will be there with the LAKE video camera. Continue reading

Agenda: Lake Park Zoning Amendment, Valdosta personal care CUP @ GLPC 2017-06-26

Another very light agenda at the Planning Commission, with one zoning change from Lake Park, and one Valdosta rezoning for a “personal care salon” on Woodrow Wilson Drive.

Parcel ID 0114A 006
Parcel ID 0114A 006, 401 Woodrow Wilson Drive, Lowndes County Tax Assessors

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
Lowndes County City of Valdosta City of Dasher City of Hahira City of Lake Park REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING

Monday, June 26, 2017 * 5:30 P.M. * Public Hearing
Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue

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Videos: Lake Park Zoning Amendment, 2 VLD, Lowndes County P-D to C-G @ GLPC 2017-05-30

The rezoning at New Statenville Highway and Boring Pond Road might have passed with no conditions if they hadn’t mentioned it’s for a Dollar General.

The Planning Commissioners wanted to see a map of the effects of the proposed Lake Park text amendment, so they tabled it. They considered the two Valdosta items together and unanimously approved each of them separately.

Here are links to Continue reading

Lake Park Zoning Amendment, Lowndes County P-D to C-G @ GLPC 2017-05-30

Update 2017-05-31: Forgot the two Valdosta cases.

Tonight there’s a very light agenda at the Planning Commission, with one zoning change from Lake Park, and one very small rezoning in Lowndes County at the corner of New Statenville Highway and Boring Pond Road.

Parcel ID 0239 069
Parcel ID 0239 069, Lowndes County Tax Assessors

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Videos: Inner Perimeter Overlay Zone, Personal Care, and Estate Agriculture @ GLPC 2017-04-24

The Planning Commission welcomed a new member, Mrs. Vicki Rountree representing Hahira, but neither Valdosta’s nor Lowndes County’s websites have her listed; they both still list Ted Raker for Hahira.

They unanimously recommended a split rezoning to conservation and E-A for REZ-2017-04 Jeffrey Taibl, and they unanimously recommended REZ-2017-05 Cody Califf’s rezoning of agricultural to residential development. Nobody spoke for or against either Lowndes County case, both of which are on the Lowndes County Commission agenda for this Monday and Tuesday.

The front yard was the main concern on the Valdosta case about the CU-2017-02 Personal Care Home on Hollywood Street, which they recommended unanimously after adding a condition to keep staff from parking on the street. The other two Valdosta cases involved the Inner Perimeter Road Corridor Overlay District of Valdosta’s Land Development Regulations. CU-2017-03 Flint Equipment wants to be an additional John Deere dealer, and Planning Commissioners unanimously approved their request, which had already been slightly reduced by city staff. VA-2017-07 Sapelo Sound Investments wants “signage ability like their commercial neighbors” and Planning Commissioners unanimously recommended that.

Below are links to each of the LAKE videos, followed by a video playlist. See also Continue reading

Inner Perimeter Overlay Zone, Personal Care, and Estate Agriculture @ GLPC 2017-04-24

Two of the three Valdosta cases for tonight involve the Inner Perimeter Road Corridor Overlay District of Valdosta’s Land Development Regulations. The other Valdosta case is about a Personal Care Home on Hollywood Street. The two Lowndes County cases on ‘ the Planning Commission agenda are opposite: REZ-2017-05 Cody Califf wants the usual rezoning of agricultural to residential development, but REZ-2017-04 Jeffrey Taibl wants to return to Estate Agricultural.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
Lowndes County City of Valdosta City of Dasher City of Hahira City of Lake Park REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING

Monday, April 24, 2017 * 5:30 P.M. * Public Hearing
Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue

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Videos: Calles back again for Alexandria Street + another County + 2 Valdosta @ GLPC 2017-02-27

Here are the LAKE videos for the 27 February 2017 Greater Lowndes Planning Commission, with Wilmer Calles on behalf of Rosa Calles again about going “backwards” to agricultural zoning (the neighbors don’t like it). See the agenda. Plus another county rezoning (the county votes on those two tonight). There were also to Valdosta rezonings, but Gretchen had to leave with the LAKE camera before the first one was finished. The county or the city could video these Planning Commission meetings themselves. Continue reading