Tag Archives: GLPC

Videos: GLPC appointments, ULDC Amendments, 2 rezonings, Street Lighting, Beer and Wine, UPS, infrastructure acceptance, Regional Transit, Georgia Power, VSU, LMIG, Fire @ LCC Work 2024-11-12

Update 2024-11-16: Videos: GLPC appointments, ULDC Amendments, 2 rezonings, Street Lighting, Beer and Wine, UPS, infrastructure acceptance, Regional Transit, Georgia Power, VSU, LMIG, Fire @ LCC Regular 2024-11-12.

There was so much discussion at the Work Session this morning that the meeting was 30 minutes long. They spent ten minutes on the ULDC Text Amendments; the ones that remove pine trees from being protected species. Even the UPS replacement got discussion.

Regarding the purchase of VSU South Campus, Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker wondered how this could so easily move forward when the proposed animal shelter is taking so long. There was a little discussion.

They vote at 5:30 PM this evening.

[Collage @ LCC 12 November 2024]
Collage @ LCC 12 November 2024

Here are LAKE videos of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also the Continue reading

Agenda: GLPC appointments, ULDC Amendments, 2 rezonings, Street Lighting, Beer and Wine, UPS, infrastructure acceptance, Regional Transit, Georgia Power, VSU, LMIG, Fire @ LCC 2024-11-12

Update 2024-11-12: ULDC text amendments remove pines and pecans from protected trees @ LCC 2024-11-12.

Because Monday is Veterans Day, both the Work and Regular Sessions of the Lowndes County Commission will be Tuesday, November 12, 2024.

[Collage @ LCC Agenda 2024-11-12]
Collage @ LCC Agenda 2024-11-12

Most of the almost $2.5 million being contemplated is for the purchase of the VS U South Campus.

Cost What
$2,156,000.00Purchase of VSU South Campus Property
$111,223.17LMIG Supplemental Local Road Assistance (LRA) 2024 Restriping Bids
$85,097.4.00Bid for 60 SCBA Cylinders for the Fire Department
$72,103.12UPS Replacement at the Valdosta and Clyattville Public Safety Radio System Tower Sites

Here is the quite long agenda.

We don’t have the board packet, because I forgot to send in the open records request. However, the packet materials for the rezonings will probably be much like the ones from the preceding GLPC meeting, and the ULDC amendments should be somewhat similar to those the Lowndes County Commission previously tabled.

For the VSU South Campus, see Packet: DRC Emergency Services and VSU South Campus Purchase @ LCC 2024-10-22.

327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

Continue reading

Packet: 2 Lowndes, 8 Valdosta, 1 Hahira @ GLPC 2024-10-28

The Loch Winn Farms subdivision rezoning on Loch Laurel Road, long delayed due to the Planning Commission not meeting because of lack of quorum and then hurricane, plus in between being tabled by the Lowndes County Commission waiting on Planning Commission review, finally got that on Monday, October 28, 2024.

[Collage @ GLPC Packet 2024-10-28]
Collage @ GLPC Packet 2024-10-28

GLPC also heard a new Lowndes County case, REZ-2024-17 Evans Property, Bemiss Rd., 0145B 100, ~1.4 acres, R-1 to C-H, “to allow the property to be used at its highest and best potential.”

Plus six Valdosta cases from the previous month’s GLPC agenda, and one new Valdosta case (a church) and one new Hahira case (a parking lot for a restaurant).

There are no LAKE videos of this GLPC meeting, because Gretchen was out of state as was jsq.

You may wonder, as I do, why doesn’t Lowndes County video it? Or why doesn’t Valdosta do facebook live, like for Valdosta City Council meetings?

Maybe you’d like to ask that Commission and that Council those questions.

Here is the agenda: Continue reading

Packet: ULDC text amendments, Loch Winn LTD rezoning, adoption of millage rates, USGS stream gauges, sprayfield expansion, watermain interconnection @ LCC 2024-10-14

Update 2024-10-21: Agenda: DRC Emergency Services and VSU South Campus Purchase @ LCC 2024-10-21.

The TXT-2024-03 ULDC Text Amendments are quite long and detailed. The county still has not published them for the tax-paying and voting public to see. You can see them now, because LAKE got them with an open records request, and now they are on the LAKE website.

[Packet: ULDC text amendments, Loch Winn rezoning, millage rates, river gauges, sprayfield expansion, watermain interconnection: Grove Pointe, Nelson Hill @ LCC 2024-10-14]
Packet: ULDC text amendments, Loch Winn rezoning, millage rates, river gauges, sprayfield expansion, watermain interconnection: Grove Pointe, Nelson Hill @ LCC 2024-10-14

It’s good the Lowndes County Commissioners decided Tuesday to table those amendments (and the rezoning) until the Planning Commission can review them.

Cost What
$3,369,213.71 Sprayfield Expansion Phase
$78,392.6.00 Grove Pointe Nelson Hill Watermain Interconnection
$3,025.00 Joint Funding Agreement with USGS for Stream Gauge Maintenance

The board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request, is on the LAKE website.

See also Continue reading

Videos: ULDC text amendments, Loch Winn LTD rezoning, adoption of millage rates, USGS stream gauges, sprayfield expansion, watermain interconnection @ LCC Regular 2024-10-15

Update 2024-10-17: Packet: ULDC text amendments, Loch Winn LTD rezoning, adoption of millage rates, USGS stream gauges, sprayfield expansion, watermain interconnection @ LCC 2024-10-14.

As Chairman Bill Slaughter said they would in the preceding Millage Public Hearing, they adopted the roll back millage rate of 7.356 rather than the advertized rate of 7.804. Last year (2023) the rate was 8.778.

The Fire District Millage Rate is continuing at 2.5 mil. The commission plans to continue this rate for 5 years from the start date. This is probably year 3, so apparently 2 more years.

[Collage @ LCC 15 October 2024]
Collage @ LCC 15 October 2024

They actually did table the 5.a. TXT-2024-03 ULDC Text Amendments and the rezoning 5.b. REZ-2024-15 Loch Laurel – Carroll Ulmer so the Planning Commission could hear them at the October 28 meeting and then voted on at the November 12 Lowndes County Commission Regular Meeting.

There was quite a bit of discussion between Commissioners and Lowndes County Manager Paige Dukes and Utilities Director Steve Stalvey about the Sprayfield Expansion. Continue reading

Videos: Forestry, Weather, ULDC text amendments, Loch Winn LTD rezoning, adoption of millage rates, USGS stream gauges, sprayfield expansion, watermain interconnection @ LCC Work 2024-10-14

Update 2024-10-17: Videos: Millage Public Hearing @ LCC 2024-10-15.

Only in the Work Session this morning, and if you weren’t there, only in these LAKE videos:

[Collage @ LCC Regular 14 October 2024]
Collage @ LCC Regular 14 October 2024

In regular items, County Planner JD Dillard recommended tabling the ULDC Text Amendments until stakeholders have more time to comment. He referred to the copy Commissioners had in their packet. We the taxpayers and voters do not have a copy.

He also recommended tabling 5.b. REZ-2024-15 Loch Laurel – Carroll Ulmer until the Planning Commission can review it. Which indicates that GLPC did not meet last month, even though there was no announcement that it had been cancelled.

Finance Director Stephanie Black said there would be a Millage Public Hearing at 5PM tomorrow, Tuesday, October 15, before the 5:30 PM Regular Session.

There was discussion in 7.a. Sprayfield Expansion Phase I. Continue reading

Agenda: ULDC text amendments, Loch Winn LTD rezoning, adoption of millage rates, USGS stream gauges, sprayfield expansion, watermain interconnection @ LCC 2024-10-14

Update 2024-10-14: Videos: Forestry, Weather, ULDC text amendments, Loch Winn LTD rezoning, adoption of millage rates, USGS stream gauges, sprayfield expansion, watermain interconnection @ LCC Work 2024-10-14.

The long-quorum-and-hurricane–delayed REZ-2024-15 Loch Winn LTD rezoning will probably be decided Tuesday evening by the Lowndes County Commission. Before that, it will be heard at the Work Session Monday morning 8:30 AM, along with suprise ULDC text amendments, two millage rates, river gauges, sprayfield, and watermain interconnection between two northside subdivisions.

The adoption of the regular and Fire District millage rates will presumbably get presentations much like the last Millage Public Hearing on September 19.

We get a one-paragraph summary of TXT-2024-03 ULDC Text Amendments, but not the actual text.

We would have seen the text in the GLPC packet, but back in June the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission abdicated oversight of ULDC text amendments. And in June, the Lowndes County Commission rubberstamped that abdication.

The agenda item says, “9/2024 VDT Advertisements Published (Public Notice)” but I can’t find that in GeorgiaPublicNotice.com.

What is it the county planners and Commissioners do not want the public to see?

[ULDC text amendments, Loch Winn rezoning, millage rates, river gauges, sprayfield expansion, watermain interconnection: Grove Pointe, Nelson Hill @ LCC 2024-10-14]
ULDC text amendments, Loch Winn rezoning, millage rates, river gauges, sprayfield expansion, watermain interconnection: Grove Pointe, Nelson Hill @ LCC 2024-10-14

Here’s a refresher for where this would be, between Old US 41 North and Val Del Road: Grove Pointe Nelson Hill Watermain Interconnection. Continue reading

One Lowndes County Case, six Valdosta cases @ GLPC 2024-09-30

One of the two county cases from the lack-of-quorum GLPC cancellation last month is back on the agenda for tomorrow evening. The other former case was passed anyway by the Lowndes County Commission, without GLPC review.

[Collage @ LCC Packet 2024-09-30]
Collage @ LCC Packet 2024-09-30

The six Valdosta cases are new, and are all for small rezonings or the like.

Here is the agenda. Assuming the meeting actually happens despite hurricane damage.

The board packet materials, recieved in response to a LAKE open records request, are on the LAKE website.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
~ Lowndes County ~ City of Valdosta ~ City of Dasher ~
~ City of Hahira ~ City of Lake Park ~ City of Remerton ~

Monday, September 23, 2023 5:30 P.M. Work Session
Monday, September 30, 2023 5:30 P.M. Regular Session
Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue, Valdosta, Georgia Continue reading

Videos: Loch Laurel Road subdivision tabled; Pine Grove Road townhouses passed; TIA Orr Road Extension @ LCC Regular 2024-09-10

Update 2024-09-29: One Lowndes County Case, six Valdosta cases @ GLPC 2024-09-30.

They tabled the Loch Winn Farms subdivision until it could be heard by the Planning Commission.

But they passed the Pine Grove Road Townhouses, without any Planning Commission review.

I guess the Planning Commission doesn’t matter if it’s in the Lowndes County Commission’s preferred development corridor in what staff call Central Lowndes County. Also, nobody spoke against, and Jack Langdale spoke for.

[Collage @ LCC 10 September 2024]
Collage @ LCC 10 September 2024

Commissioner Demarcus Marshall asked for a timeline for 6.a. Orr Road Extension, P.I. 0016273 TIA Project Agreement. Answer from County Engineering Services Director Chad McLeod: late 2025 bid process.

One citizen spoke: William Cary, about plastic recycling, saying Waste Management will no longer pick up plastic.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also the Continue reading

Videos: Rezonings Loch Laurel Road subdivision & Pine Grove Road townhouses; TIA Orr Road Extension @ LCC Work 2024-09-09

Update 2024-09-11: Videos: Loch Laurel Road subdivision tabled; Pine Grove Road townhouses passed; TIA Orr Road Extension @ LCC Regular 2024-09-10.

The Lowndes County Commissioners spent quite a while discussing whether they would table 5.a. REZ-2024-15 Loch Winn Farms, LTD, ~62ac, R-A to R-1 – R-A, indicating they probably would, but informing the public was difficult, because the actual decision would be made at the Regular Session the next day.

They did not have as much discussion about tabling for 5.b. REZ-2024-16 Pine Grove Road Townhouses, 6.3ac, C-H to P-D, which may well be a signal that they won’t table.

Both rezoning cases were not heard by the Planning Commission due to a lack of quorum.

[Collage @ LCC 9 September 2024]
Collage @ LCC 9 September 2024

They didn’t have much to say about the $1,175,000 6.a. Orr Road Extension, P.I. 0016273 – TIA Project Agreement. Sure, that’s state money, but it’s still your tax dollars.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also the Continue reading