a bus system and local commuting becomes very practical.
People could take the train to town and catch a bus to work.
Many people could walk or take a bicycle to their work from the
train station.
This could work the other way around, too.
People could live in Valdosta and work in Ray City or Lakeland or
Hahira or Lake Park or Clyattville and not have to drive to get there.
That would save
a lot of wasted time and wasted fuel.
This kind of mass transit would attract the knowledge-based workers
we supposedly want around here.
Including jobs our high school and college graduates could take,
so they wouldn’t have to move elsewhere.
And upgrading the railroads, building stations, building and refurbishing houses and apartments near the stations, etc., would employ a lot of construction workers; probably as many as road projects and sprawling subdivision projects, but without the sprawl.