Tag Archives: George Boston Rhynes

The Quitman 10 in Quitman: 18 June 2011

Information from George Rhynes:
What: Quitman 10 Support Rally
When: 2 PM Saturday 18 June 2011
Where: Walker Street Auditorium, Quitman, Georgia
Here are more details.

George explains:

Once again, no comments or interviews from the Quitman Ten on the alleged voter fraud charges against them. Moreover, nothing has been published about the Quitman Ten receiving support and recognition from Brooks County Community Leaders, Georgia State Senators, Representatives, President of GABEO, Chairman of the Peoples Agenda, and other Civil and Human Rights Leaders and organizations.
I will note that I took the video in that blog entry for LAKE, and LAKE published it in January, so it’s not quite nothing has been published, but George has a point about newspapers and TV. Here’s the video:

More from George (I’ve added a few LAKE blog links to his links to his blog): Continue reading

Dialog and VSEB —John Robinson

Mr. John Robinson pointed out that school board problems and biomass are not the only issues around here, and for example the south side of town needs money so people there can become more productive citizens. At the 21 April 2011 Valdosta City Council meeting, He specifically recommended getting Valdosta Small Emerging Business (VSEB) up and running.

Here’s the video:

Let us try to come together and find some method —John Robinson
Regular monthly meeting of the Valdosta City Council (VCC),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 21 April 2011,
Videos by George Boston Rhynes for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.

George Rhynes posted a complete transcript. Here are a few excerpts: Continue reading

He didn’t like it —Roger Budd III @ VCC 21 April 2011

Roger Budd III read a speech about socialism and communism and government oppression. He didn’t like not being able to build a restaurant because he hadn’t yet been able to get a building permit. Hm, I guess he wouldn’t like the city paying for making videos of its meetings available to the public, like me and my socialist buddy Dan Davis suggested.

Here’s the video:

He didn’t like it —Roger Budd III @ VCC 21 April 2011
Regular monthly meeting of the Valdosta City Council (VCC),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 21 April 2011,
Videos by George Boston Rhynes for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.


The mayor’s expenses —Roy Taylor @ VCC 21 March 2011

After a student award was announced, Roy Taylor’s attorney addressed the council about the mayor’s expenses during Citizens to be Heard. Roy Taylor is visible in the audience as the camera pans. The mayor was not there; he has since explained he was spending quality time with his family.

Here’s Part 1 of 3:

The mayor’s expenses —Roy Taylor @ VCC 21 March 2011 Part 1 of 3:
Regular monthly meeting of the Valdosta City Council (VCC),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 21 April 2011,
Videos by George Boston Rhynes for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.

The attorney continued with request number 2, Continue reading

To Speak or Not To Speak @ VCC 21 April 2011

Can Council members answer in Citizens to Be Heard, or can’t they? One did; another says she can’t.

In Council Comments at the end of the 21 April 2011 Valdosta City Council meeting, Sonny Vickers talked about bids.

Then Deidra White said she would attend any meeting where she could hear and reply to citizens’ concerns, but she can can’t say anything about Citizens to be Heard because there’s a Council policy.

That’s interesting, considering that in the previous Valdosta City Council meeting, in Citizens to be Heard, Council Sonny Vickers responded to Dr. Mark George saying that he had already told everyone that he was for the biomass plant. Does this mean that Council supporters of the biomass plant can speak Continue reading

Frank Barnas @ VCC 7 April 2011

George Boston Rhynes said:
Every time Frank Barnas asks one of you representatives while you all are on that radio broadcast, he gets answers. So many people who come before the city council who have answers don’t get answers.
While George Rhynes was talking Frank Barnas seemed quite amused by all that.

Here’s the video:

Frank Barnas @ VCC 7 April 2011
Regular monthly meeting of the Valdosta City Council (VCC),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 7 April 2011,
Videos by Gretchen Quarterman for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.

You know, when Roy Taylor and George Rhynes, about as far apart on the political spectrum as two people can get, think there’s something wrong with your council, maybe it’s worth thinking about.


PS: George Rhynes was not one of the people Scott Orenstein was saying don’t stay for the whole meeting; George was the videographer Scott referred to. George stayed even after the meeting was over, and talked to Council Deidra White on the way out of the building.

South Georgia GBI; Roundup of Blacks In Quitman

In the appended post about yesterday’s events in Quitman, George Rhynes cites the WCTV and WALB stories. Curiously, the nearest local daily newspaper, the Valdosta Daily Times, seems to have nothing online about this. -jsq
At 8:30 AM, I began receiving phone calls from Quitman, Georgia in the County of Brooks where the County Sheriffs Office was arresting citizens at random concerning the recent Absentee Ballot Problems.

These arrests reminded me of the alleged problems Black Voters/Citizens have had with the GBI harassing them during their investigation before and during the last run off election. This included alleged actions by the GBI Investigators that local citizens complained about intimidation before, during and after the election. However little or no Public Media Attention was given to alleged Black Voter intimidation by local media. Moreover, little to nothing was published in the FREE PRESS surrounding citizen’s fear from GBI Investigators. This was a major point of discussion when I along with a local Pastor from Valdosta, Georgia walked the streets to get a better understanding of what Brooks County Voters had to go through during the last election.

Today’s arrest will surely end up in the courts.

Continue reading

George Rhynes is not in favor of the biomass plant

A citizen responds:
TO: Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority, Local and State SCLC, NAACP, ICU, Churches, Editors, and beyond http://kvci.blogspot.com

On September 27, 2010 while attending the Valdosta City School Board Meeting held at J.L. Newbern Middle School at 7:00. When Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority Executive Director Brad Lofton, and Mr. Allen Ricketts, did their presentation before the school board concerning the Biomass Plant projected to come into our community.

What concerns me was Mr. Ricketts using my name during his presentation that could have given the impression that I (George Boston Rhynes) was in support of the Biomass plant coming into the minority community that already have too many existing pollutants. School Board Chairman Love closed the meeting before I could respond to Mr. Ricketts before the meeting was adjourned.

Mr. Ricketts comments during his presentation: “…the practical matter is once you put the electricity on the grid we don’t know where it will flow but most likely it will stay in Georgia because it will be purchased by a Georgia utility. Ah, of that 40 mega watts about two will be used to run the plant because the plant will be self sustainable. Ah, it will be able to produce enough electricity to carry forth its own operation.” &ldquoGeorge, you and I talked about that. Ah a couple of months ago when you was in my office. We had a good conversation about that. Now let us talk about what that means….”

MY RESPONSE! I would like to say to the board. That I know you have adjourned the meeting. But because my name was used I need to respond because I value my credibility and my name means everything go me. So I want each board member to know that George Boston Rhynes does not sign off on any part of the Biomass Plant. This I want to make perfectly clear so there is no confusion; about where I stand concerning the Biomass Plant coming into the minority community. Because I do NOT approve of it!

I live closer to Cherry Creek, than I do Mud Creek. And I would rather see

Continue reading

On behalf of local workers

From: George Boston Rhynes
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 16:21:27 -0400
Subject: Citizens To Be Heard At Valdosta City Council Meetings, Mr. Roy Taylor on behalf of local workers!

August 13, 2010

George Boston Rhynes (229-251-8645) Valdosta, Georgia 31605

TO: All Editors and Beyond

The Valdosta Daily Times Article on Aug 11 that read; “Order in the Court, a look at the Lowndes County Court House.” It highlighted the history and benefits of the old 1905 Lowndes County Court House but did not address diversity, gender, and who mostly benefited through employment from building this new facility. That is except for the employers and immigrants from Mexico. Continue reading