Reiterating the Chamber’s demand from its letter of 9 September 2011, Gooding asked VBOE superintendent Dr. Cason at the 20 September VBOE forum to commit to meeting about what to do if the “unification” referendum passes.
Dr. Cason said that should have happened two years ago, and
Now is not the appropriate time.He said if the referendum passes, then the two school boards will sit down together. Dr. Cason didn’t say anything about inviting the Chamber or CUEE to such meetings, since, after all, neither the Chamber or CUEE would have any legal role.
Here’s the video:
Tom Gooding rebuffed @ VBOE 20 Sep 2011
education, referendum, consolidation, statement,
Forum at Valdosta Middle School, Valdosta Board of Education (VBOE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 20 September 2011.
Videos by George Boston Rhynes for bostongbr on YouTube.