Multiple attorneys (ka-ching!) were needed
to negotiate access for the county to fix private Carter Way,
which the Lowndes County Commission approved unanimously at its 10 May 2016
Regular Session.
This is the same Commission that signed an easement with Sabal Trail
because they didn’t want to spend attorney fees to defend a lawsuit.
The same Sabal Trail that wants to put its three-foot pipe only three feet deep
just downhill from where Carter Way washed out.
County Planner Jason Davenport showed an updated site plan for 6.a. REZ-2016-10 Freedom Heights, 4301 Bemiss Rd, C-H to P-D, but as usual it’s not posted on the county’s website, and you had no way of seeing it before the meeting unless you filed an open records request three days before.
Commissioner Clay Griner remembered flooding, fence, and forgot the third thing a constituent asked him for about 6.b. REZ-2016-11 Creekside West Subdivision, 7551 GA Hwy 122 W. Developer Young Tillman said the changes were because Continue reading