Valdosta didn’t mention it and the Florida Department of Health doesn’t seem to know it,
Knights Creek is in the Alapaha River watershed.
Valdosta spilled sewage into it twice in February.
Plus that 16 February spill into Dukes Bay Canal
also ends up in the Alapaha River.
But never you mind,
Valdosta also spilled
into the Withlacoochee River through the usual Sugar Creek.
Somehow I don’t think all these spills are not Valdosta’s fault.
Seems like it’s time for Valdosta to finish fixing its wastewater problem.
And since the most recent spills were due to rainfall directly on
levee proposed by the Army Corps of Engineers on Sugar Creek
at the Withlacoochee River wouldn’t help,
nor would it help at any time for spills directly into the Withlacoochee
River at GA 133, nor for Dukes Bay Canal nor Knights Creek,
which flow into the Alapaha River.
News Release, Florida Department of Health (FDH), 27 February 2015, Florida Department of Health Advises of Possible Wastewater Contamination, Continue reading