Does Hatch nuclear Unit 1 have substandard fire protection, like
many reactors built before 1975?
Protection against fires that the NRC says cause about half
the core damage risk, such as at Fukushima, which is the same
design as Hatch?
According to 2 Jan 2012,
Fire Risk At Older Japan Reactors Shows Potential Worldwide Problem,
The [Japanese Nuclear Regulatory Authority] NRA announced recently that
reactors built before 1975 likely have sub standard fire protection
designs. This includes having important cables coated in fire resistant
insulation, isolating and protecting cables and creating barriers to
prevent fires from spreading to other areas of critical equipment.
The Mainichi, 1 Jan 2013,
Over 10 nuclear plants in Japan have flawed fire-prevention equipment: sources.
What else was built before 1975?
Plant Hatch Unit 1
“Operating License: Issued – 10/13/1974”,
according to the U.S. NRC.
100 miles from here,
and the same design as Fukushima.
DOE also instituted upgrades and changes to their reactor facilities
which included facility modifications as a result of Browns Ferry
fire. Private sector nuclear power reactors in the US are not all
fully up to the newer rules. The NRC has issued a number of
exemptions that watchdog groups have criticized as being unsafe.
Browns Ferry still does not meet the NRC fire rules for cables. 47
of 52 reactors in the US still do not comply with the 1980 fire
Plant Hatch is privately owned and operated.
Has it been upgraded?
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