Will three strikes against the prosecution make it give up on trying to convict the Quitman 10+2? Dear prosecutor, we know you read this blog, because you asked potential jurors at Lula Smart’s second trial,
Have you read or talked to or followed a blog called “On the Lake Front?”
So, dear prosecutor, when is enough enough?
Fannie MJ Gibs
notes that Quitman Free press
posted on facebook yesterday:
The retrial voter fraud case has been set for August 19 at Brooks County Courthouse. See this week’s issue for details.
So far as I know, Quitman Free Press only prints on paper and does not post any articles online, so we have to guess they’re referring to the Quitman 10.
When George Rhynes first posted about the arrests of the Quitman 10 in December 2010, he remarked:
Today’s arrest will surely end up in the courts.
Who would have expected it to be in the courts three times?
In July 2012, the Chair of the Brooks County Board of Elections
tried to throw George Boston Rhynes out of her board’s meeting Continue reading