Nothing gets the attention of the incumbent duopoly of telcos and cablecos
like an upstart doing it 10 times faster for a lower price,
and claiming that can be profitable.
Dan Graziano wrote for BGR yesterday, Google expects Fiber to be profitable, hints at new markets,
Google Fiber is seen by many as a regional experiment that will push current Internet service providers to offer faster speeds at more affordable speeds. Google Fiber head Milo Medin countered that perception at an event on Wednesday, however. Speaking at a Fiber-to-the-Home Council meeting, the executive explained that the company’s fiber-optic broadband network isn’t just an expensive research project but a great and profitable business for Google, CNET reported.
Medin noted that Google has kept costs down by partnering with cities that are interested in bringing the company’s gigabit fiber network to its residents. Partners help Google build a less expensive and less time-consuming network.
Any local cities around here interested in partnering with Google?