Tag Archives: Elections

Videos: Day 3 of Budget Hearings @ LCC Budget 2015-03-05

The Airport Authority got inserted among the judges and lawyers, and the Coroner’s Office failed to turn in a budget. The day was mostly sitting around waiting, because most of the actual presentations were only a few minutes each, yet were scheduled hours apart, in the last day of the three days of “Budget Hearings” which aren’t really hearings because nobody from the public can speak and they don’t have a budget to hear yet. See the first day for the agenda.

Here are links to videos of each item with some notes by Gretchen, followed by a video playlist. No video for the first item, EMS, due to camera failure; sorry. For the rest, as the Chairman said, referring to Gretchen and the LAKE camera:

We have our videographer back there, so we’re ready.

Hm, maybe LAKE should submit a budget request to the county…. Continue reading

Videos: Day 2 of Budget Hearings @ LCC Budget 2015-03-04

Maybe Georgia should fund mental health facilities instead of local jails having to act as mental hospitals. On a positive note, Agriculture is an $81M industry in Lowndes County. Law, taxes, and education, in the second day which was only in the morning, of the three days of “Budget Hearings” which aren’t really hearings because nobody from the public can speak and they don’t have a budget to hear yet. See yesterday for the agenda. Here are links to videos of each item with some notes by Gretchen, followed by a video playlist. And one more day to go today. Continue reading

Videos: Day 1 of Budget Hearings @ LCC Budget 2015-03-03

300x400 Commission and agenda, in Agenda, by John S. Quarterman, 3 March 2015 It’s good the Commission is having these meetings where they can hear directly from the various department heads. And with LAKE’s videos, you the citizens can hear what the departments are asking for.

Also, why are these called budget hearings? The public doesn’t get to speak, so they are not actually public hearings, and they are not the state-required budget hearings before passing a budget: they don’t even have a draft budget yet. And the next time the Commission rushes citizen speakers to finish, remember this 14 minutes of dead air or the several others like it in yesterday’s meeting.

They met in the Commission Chambers, nevermind the address on the Commission’s calendar yesterday, and still says for today’s meeting.

There’s still no agenda posted, except for paper copies in the Commission building, which read as below. Continue reading

Three days of Budget Hearings @ LCC Budget 2015-03-03

Billed back in December as “Commission Meets with Constitutional Officers, Elected Officials, and Outside Agencies” and two weeks later than originally scheduled, it’s three days of what is on the County’s calendar now as Budget Hearings, today, Wednesday, and Thursday, all three days at the Lowndes County Governmental Building, 300 N. Patterson St., Valdosta, GA 31601.

There’s no agenda posted.

At least these meetings are on the county’s calendar before the last minute, which is an improvement on last year. However, last year they did publish an agenda. Here are videos of last year’s similar hearings.


Videos: ESPLOST V kickoff meeting @ ESPLOST 2015-02-24

Co-Chair Jerome Tucker emphasized that ESPLOST helping public schools also helps economic development. See below for who we now know are the committee members for the Educational Special Local Option Sales Tax (ESPLOST). It’s mysterious why that information wasn’t in the PR before the meeting, but now we know, since Gretchen went and took the videos and collected the flyers you’ll find below.

Early voting already started that same day and continues through March 13th, with the final Election Day 17 March 2015.

600x450 Crowd picture, in ESPLOST Kickoff and Press Conference, by Gretchen Quarterman, 24 February 2015

Lowndes/Valdosta Citizens for Excellence in Education
Education Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax
For Lowndes County Schools and Valdosta City Schools Continue reading

Board of Elections meeting @ Elections 2015-01-13

Received by email 8 January 2015, with no agenda and no other materials. -jsq

Notice is hereby given that the Lowndes County Board of Elections will conduct a public meeting on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 4:30 p.m., at the Lowndes County Elections office, located at 2808 N Oak St., Valdosta, GA 31602.

All interested parties are invited to attend.

For meeting information, please call the Elections office at 229-671-2850 or e-mail elections@lowndescounty.com.

Videos: Swearing Commissioners this morning @ LCC 2014-12-19

Here are videos of swearing in the new Commissioners, Commissioners, Mark Wisenbaker (District 3) and Scott Orenstein (District 2), and also the re-elected Commissioner, Demarcus Marshall (District 4), by Senior Superior Court Judge, H. Arthur McLane, at 10 AM this morning, 19 December 2014. Continue reading

Special Election, Budget, Meters, and Rezoning @ Lake Park 2014-12-02

They called a special election to fill the unexpired term of Sandy Sherrill, who had resigned unexpectedly, plus a referendum for Sunday off-premisses liquor sales, at the Lake Park City City Council Regular Session of 2 December 2014. They amended the 2014 budget and adopted a 2015 budget. More than half an hour on a presentation about water meters. Professional therapy, including massage therapy, at the location being rezoned for Keith Sandlin in rezoning LP-2014-10-20. The Planning Commission 24 November 2014, previously unanimously recommended approval. The Lake Park City Council voted 2 for 1 against, so it passed. And they had direct reports by Police, Fire/Rescure, and Maintenance, since they don’t have a city manager. They appointed an additional member to the cemetery committee. They discussed executive sessions being each time a choice and participants in executive sessions not being bound to secrecy, the real test being not violating the public trust.

Here’s the agenda, and below are the videos, followed by a video playlist. Continue reading

Board of Elections @ Elections 2014-12-09

They usually have Citizens Wishing To Be Heard first and they let citizens converse with them during the rest of the meeting. They meet 4:30 PM Tuesday, December 9, 2014 at the Lowndes County Elections office, 2808 N Oak St., Valdosta, GA 31602. There’s no posted agenda that I can find, and no posted list of board members. I’ve sent them an inquiry.

Agenda PDF and inline below. -jsq

300x300 4:30 PM 9 December 2014, in Notice of Public Meeting, by Lowndes County Board of Elections, 9 December 2014

Lowndes County Elections

Deb Cox

Madlyn Hightower

LEGAL NOTICE Continue reading

Videos: Candidates in Lake Park @ LPCoC 2014-10-16

Sitting at a table, the local candidates laid out their positions in Lake Park. See also LAKE videos of the previous candidate forum in Valdosta. Continue reading