Tag Archives: Education

5.a. motion to deny education referendum —Sonny Vickers @ VCC 25 August 2011

Some backers of school consolidation have a hidden agenda of consolidating the city and county governments, said Council Sonny Vickers.

Council Sonny Vickers made a motion to deny the school consolidation referendum, and then stated a number of reasons, among them that unification would do nothing to improve education, judging by many previous examples. Plus he noted a hidden agenda of some of the backers of consolidation who spent thousands of dollars: consolidation of the city and county governments.

Here’s the video:

5.a. motion to deny education referendum –Sonny Vickers @ VCC 25 August 2011
petition, education, referendum,
Regular Session, Valdosta City Council (LCC),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 25 August 2011.
Videos by Gretchen Quarterman for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.


5.a. has common sense prevailed over precedent? —Robert Yost @ VCC 25 August 2011

Council Robert Yost wondered could the council have voted down the city school system’s millage? The City Attorney said they were required to vote on it but could have voted it down (I think that’s what he meant). The mayor noted again that a vote against the petitioned referendum would probably cost the city more money. See for yourself.

Here’s the video:

5.a. has common sense prevailed over precedent? –Robert Yost @ VCC 25 August 2011
Regular Session, Valdosta City Council (LCC),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 25 August 2011.
Videos by Gretchen Quarterman for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.


5.a. petition for school referendum —Tim Carroll @ VCC 25 August 2011

Council Tim Carroll noted citizens have a right to petition their government according to the Georgia Constitution, and wondered if it would be “against the Constitution” for the council to deny such a petition. City Attorney Talley noted that the language of a legal precedent says the council shall. The mayor noted there could be frivolous petitions such as to change the name of Friday to Thursday, that wouldn’t require affirmation, but the state has certain guidelines, and school systems especially fall under those guidelines.

Here’s the video:

5.a. petition for school referendum —Tim Carroll @ VCC 25 August 2011
Regular Session, Valdosta City Council (LCC),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 25 August 2011.
Videos by Gretchen Quarterman for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.


Tonight: school consolidation referendum vote at Valdosta City Council

Now that CUEE got its 95 signatures more than 25% for a school consolidation referendum, the Valdosta City Council votes tonight on this item which has been added to their agenda:
5.a) Consideration of an Ordinance for a referendum to allow citizens of the City of Valdosta to vote on whether to annul and repeal the special independent school system so that the City of Valdosta public school system shall become part of the Lowndes County public school system.
This appears to be a pro-forma vote to put the referendum on the ballot. But you never know what might happen, especially in council comments or Citizens to Be Heard. Maybe FVCS will show up.

Thanks to Barbara Stratton for the heads-up.

Here’s the agenda.

5:30 PM Thursday, August 25, 2011
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The Happening is today

One of the biggest events around here is on the VSU front lawn today: The Happening. I would post VSU’s description, but I went to their page on it and all I got was this picture:

It’s not on VSU’s facebook page, either.

The VDT doesn’t have it listed in its Community Calendar.

Even Jane Osborn doesn’t have it in her Community Calendar.

Well, I hear that it’s elevenish to threeish. I hope somebody told the students.


Why is Finland at the top of the world in education?

Attention to weak students. Status and autonomy for teachers. Educators running the show, not business people. All this creates a real educated workforce.

Lynnell Hancock wrote for Smithsonian Magazine September 2011, Why Are Finland’s Schools Successful? Here’s a clue:

“Children from wealthy families with lots of education can be taught by stupid teachers,” Louhivuori said, smiling. “We try to catch the weak students. It’s deep in our thinking.”
So what do they do? Drill the weak students on test questions? Nope: Continue reading

Alabama bishops criticize ALEC’s immigration law

Some churches actually speak in public on what they profess to believe.

Campbell Robertson wrote for the New York Times 13 August 2011, Bishops Criticize Tough Alabama Immigration Law

Josh Anderson for the New York Times
CULLMAN, Ala. —On a sofa in the hallway of his office here, Mitchell Williams, the pastor of First United Methodist Church, announced that he was going to break the law. He is not the only church leader making such a declaration these days.

Since June, when Gov. Robert Bentley, a Republican, signed an immigration enforcement law called the toughest in the country by critics and supporters alike, the opposition has been vocal and unceasing.

Thousands of protesters have marched. Anxious farmers

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NAACP paradigm shift

Why does it matter that the NAACP wants an end to the War on Drugs?

Leonard Pitts Jr. wrote for the Miami Herald 30 July 2011, NAACP’s paradigm shift on ending the Drug War

Here’s why this matters. Or, more to the point, why it matters more than if such a statement came from Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. The NAACP is not just the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization. It is also its most conservative.
Conservative as in:
…denoting a propensity toward caution and a distrust of the bold, the risky, the new. And that’s the NAACP all over.

…there has always been something determinedly middle class and cautious about the NAACP. This is the group whose then-leader, Roy Wilkins, famously detested Martin Luther King for his street theatrics.

For that group, then, to demand an end to the Drug War represents a monumental sea change.

How monumental? Continue reading

NAACP calls for end to War on Drugs

Nafari Vanaski, wrote for Gateway newspapers 18 August 2011, NAACP calling for truce in nation’s drug war
If you grew up at the same time that I did, you’ll remember the “Just Say No” anti-drug campaign that became popular in the mid-1980s and early 1990s.

It manifested itself in many ways, from the posters and talks in class to the “very special episodes” of shows such as “Blossom” and “The Facts of Life,” where a character encounters a kid from the wrong side of the tracks who is pressuring him or her to try drugs. Inevitably, good prevailed and the druggie turned out to be from a broken family and needed only a good face-to-face with Nancy Reagan, the driving force behind the campaign, to overcome his addiction. (She appeared on “Diff’rent Strokes,” and considering the real-life histories of Gary Coleman, Todd Bridges and Dana Plato, she probably should have stuck around for a five-episode story arc.)

“Just Say No” was part of the larger war on drugs the Nixon administration declared in 1971. For grown-ups, that war symbolized a lot more than sappy primetime television. Especially for black adults. For them, it meant stricter laws for those found buying, selling and distributing illegal drugs.

To that end, the NAACP took an interesting step at its national convention last month. It approved a resolution to end the war on drugs because of its devastating effect on the black community.

Interesting how the headline writer watered that down: NAACP called Continue reading

Retrofitting suburbia —Ellen Dunham-Jones

There are many jobs in this. The Five Points redevelopment is an example of what she’s talking about. It’s a lot better than building more sprawl: safer, less expensive, more jobs, less energy cost, more energy independence, better health, and more community.

Georgia Tech Professor Ellen Dunham-Jones spole January 2010 at TEDxAtlanta, Retrofitting suburbia

In the last 50 years, we’ve been building the suburbs with a lot of unintended consequences. And I’m going to talk about some of those consequences and just present a whole bunch of really interesting projects that I think give us tremendous reasons to be really optimistic that the big design and development project of the next 50 years is going to be retrofitting suburbia. So whether it’s redeveloping dying malls or re-inhabiting dead big-box stores or reconstructing wetlands out of parking lots, I think the fact is, the growing number of empty and under-performing, especially, retail sites throughout suburbia gives us actually a tremendous opportunity to take our least-sustainable landscapes right now and convert them into more sustainable places. And in the process, what that allows us to do is to redirect a lot more of our growth back into existing communities that could use a boost, and have the infrastructure in place, instead of continuing to tear down trees and to tear up the green space out at the edges.
Here’s the video: Continue reading