With the new 2.5 mil fire millage on unincorporated Lowndes County, property taxes in unincorporated Lowndes County will still be lower than in Valdosta.
The slides, presented by Finance Director Stephanie Black, were informative, although somewhat hard to read on the screen behind the Commissioners. They are not on the county’s website, and also not in the board packet.
Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker asked one question, wanting to know what the total millage would be for residents in the unincorpated parts of the county. Answer: 13.1.
Nobody spoke for or against at the Millage Rate Hearing, so it took less than eleven minutes.
Slides, Finance, Fire millage, Commission
The Lowndes County Commission voted in its Regular Session 20 minutes later.
Here is the LAKE video of the Millage Public Hearing. See also Continue reading