Tag Archives: Coy Brightwell

Glen Laurel Against

Here Coy Brightwell asks for a show of hands for those against rezoning for the Glen Laurel subdivision on Old Pine Road. Many hands went up throughout the packed room. Even more to the point, not one neighbor spoke for the rezoning.

He ends with an additional disclaimer that he’s not against development; he’s against the density of this development in this place. VDT quoted him as saying:

“We are not against progress. We are not against the development of Lowndes County … The part that we do have a problem with is the density of this proposal. We’re just not in agreement with the drastic changes that will take place in our community (and) we are here for a compromise.”

Another view of the show of hands: Continue reading

Glen Laurel and Comparable Subdivisions

An interesting series of exchanges here. First Coy Brightwell compared the proposed Glen Laurel subdivision (on Old Pine Road) to the existing Greyfield subdivision (off Oak Street Extension) with a number of specific points: run down quickly, rental property, etc.:

Then a Mr. Mulligan gets into an interesting discussion about code enforcement: Continue reading

Glen Laurel Rezoning

Coy Brightwell, 3937 Old Pine Rd The Glen Laurel Subdivision rezoning case that the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners decided on Tuesday June 8 (REZ-2010-06) raises all sorts of issues. Let’s start by hearing Coy Brightwell (he lives just across Old Pine Road from the proposed subdivision) summarize some points against the rezoning, saying going all the way from RA to PD is too far, and that the neighbors are asking for a compromise:

There’s a theme here: “we’re not against development”. We’ll come back to that.
