Tag Archives: conservation

Videos: Appointment Development Authority, Mutual Aid, Quit Claim White Water Road @ LCC 2020-01-28

The Lowndes County Commission approved all items in four and a quarter minutes, at its Regular Session a month ago, including reappointing Teri Lupo to the Valdosta-Lowndes Development Authority. There were no other nominees.

The longest item at less than a minute was 6.a. 2020 Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement. Commissioners had no questions about that or any other item.

Lowndes County Emergency Management Director Ashley Tye

Below are LAKE videos for each agenda item, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also Continue reading

Videos: Appointment Development Authority, Mutual Aid, Quit Claim White Water Road @ LCC 2020-01-27

One month ago, the entire Lowndes County Commission Regular Work Session took eight and a half minutes. Plus an Executive Session for Real Estate.

Lowndes County Attorney Walter G. Elliott

Below are LAKE videos for each agenda item, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the agenda. The board packet is on the LAKE website.

Lowndes County Commission Annual Planning Meeting 2020-02-04-06

The annual Lowndes County retreat, er, Planning Meeting, is in the middle of this week, starting tomorrow morning.

When: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM, Tuesday – Thursday, February 4-6, 2020

Where: Quail Branch Lodge, 7601 Zeigler Road, Lake Park, GA 31636
The lowndescounty.com calendar item says “Board of Commissioners Administration Building”, but nevermind that.

Agenda: They never post an agenda in advance for these retreats.

Yes, LAKE will be videoing this meeting.


Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!

Appointment Development Authority, Mutual Aid, Quit Claim White Water Road @ LCC 2020-01-27

Development Authority, Mutual Aid, and a road quit claim: that’s all, on the lightest agenda in recent memory for the Lowndes County Commission Monday morning at 8:30 AM and voting Tuesday evening at 5:30 PM. You can speak Tuesday in Citizens Wishing to be Heard.

Georgia Power Region Vice President Terri Lupo wants to be reappointed to the Valdosta-Lowndes Development Authority, where she is currently Chairman. She was first appointed July 8, 2014.

Terri Lupo

The Mutual Aid Agreement the county made in 2016 with Continue reading

Videos: End-of-calendar-year wrapup and Remerton SPLOST Resolution @ LCC 2019-12-09

Remerton can’t use SPLOST VI funds for an office building, since the old mill building intended for that has been torn down. That was the longest item in the Lowndes County Commission Work Seesion of December 9, 2019: 7. Reports – County Manager – Remerton SPLOST Resolution.

Then Commissioner Clay Griner moved to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel. Chairman Bill Slaughter reminded him the Commission has only one employee. Griner agreed, and they went into Executive Session. The one employee is the County Manager.

They breezed through everything else their last meeting of calendar year 2019.

Below are LAKE videos of each agenda item, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the Continue reading

Packet: End-of-calendar-year wrapup @ LCC 2019-12-09

In its last meeting of calendar year 2019, the Lowndes County Commission had many items to wrap up, as you can see in the board packet, on the LAKE website. We don’t know why the county sent this packet in black and white.

LAKE videos of the Work Session and Regular Session will follow.

[WRPDO Site Map]
WRPDO Site Map

LAKE sent an open records request Continue reading

Videos: One county case: Knudson & Son Outdoor Activities @ ZBOA 2019-06-04

ZBOA granted some relief on parking, but not as much as they wanted, and not anything else: not setbacks, fencing, etc., to Knudson & Son Outdoor Activities, the only case on this month’s ZBOA agenda.

This is the case before the Lowndes County Commission today, after it Continue reading

One county case: Knudson & Son Outdoor Activities @ ZBOA 2019-06-04

Update 2019-06-10: LAKE video of the ZBOA meeting, in which the case didn’t look nearly so good when presented.

I have to admit I like this part, on page 9 of the one variance request, a Lowndes County case, the only case on the ZBOA agenda for today:

Requirements for variances: 9.02.03:

A. Due to the size of the property it would create a financial hardship to tear down current natural vegetation to build a fence around the activity area. Also one of the property lines goes through wetlands, and runs along a creek. I would have to disturb a considerable amount of wetlands to do a fence or wall. It would also create a hardship with my overall goals for the property. I plan to have it setup to where for the most part if you are standing at a property line you wont be able to see the field area. If I have to tear down natural buffer then it will be easier for neighbors to see the field from their property vs natural untouched woods. If we were also required to tear up an area to plant new trees and shrubs this would create a few hardships. The first would be financial as it would require several trees and shrubs due to the size of the property. The second is that it would strain the relationships with my neighbors as they will more than likely be able to see more of the recreation area vs if we left the vegetation that is currently in place.

[Map of setbacks requested]
Map of setbacks requested

The entire ZBOA board packet is on the LAKE website, thanks to ZBOA member Gretchen Quarterman.

Here is the agenda:

Valdosta – Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals

Matt Martin,
Valdosta Planning and Zoning Administrator
300 North Lee Street, Valdosta, Georgia
(229) 259-3563

Lowndes County Zoning Office
327 North Ashley Street, Valdosta, Georgia
(229) 671-2430

June 4, 2019
2:30 p.m.

  1. Call to Order


    Continue reading

Tax Assessors Special Called Meeting, Lowndes County, Georgia 2018-10-25

In the VDT Community Calendar:

Board of Assessors Special Called meeting, 9 a.m. Oct. 25, 1st floor, Lowndes County Governmental Building, 302 N. Patterson St.

302 N Patterson, Street View

There’s no agenda, and nothing about this on Continue reading

Still inconsistent, but has speed humps: Lowndes County Thoroughfare Plan 2018

The little-known Lowndes County Thoroughfare Plan drives development in Lowndes County. With no public notice and no public hearing. the Commissioners voted on it Tuesday, April 10, 2018. Probably you only heard that would happen if you looked at their agenda late last week, or you happened to read what I wrote about it Monday.

Lowndes County Road Map

Obtained through open records request, it’s on the LAKE website now.

Like the 2009 plan, Continue reading