“What you all have proposed is total insanity….
experts lie…
The companies, they don’t care.
It’s just greed and arrogance,”
a Marcellus Shale drilling veteran.
Karst mitigation
won’t work
according to
Sabal Trail’s own FERC filings,
children downwind of compressor, Sabal Trail
quashing evidence
of its
unwanted, unneeded, and unsafe Sinkhole Pipeline,
FERC is cigarette companies pushing cancer cigarettes:
on the wrong side of history.
aren’t your test subjects
and we can win!
Introduction –John Peconom
Compressor #6 Reroute –Joseph Hanratty, Jeffrey Purdue
Pipeline unnecessary, unsafe, not wanted –Jim Tatum, OSFR
Pipeline risk for rivers & our mother aquifer –Pamela Smith, Pres. OSFR
Karst “mitigation” won’t work in Floridan Aquifer –Chris Mericle, WWALS
Off Withlacoochee R. in FL, now get off Suwannee & Aquifer –Deanna Mericle
Stop new fossil fuel projects; go solar –Laura Dailey, TREPO
Our children & grandchildren deserve clean drinking water –Sue Karcher
No pipeline in springs heartland –Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson, OSFR
3,500 Sabal Trail: N FL, S GA fragile karst –Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson, OSFR
Karst in Fossil-fuel-funded & written DEIS –Debra Johnson, SpectraBusters
BP’s Deepwater Horizon was supposed to be safe, too –Patricia Tayman
Pipeline union believes pipelines are safe –Daniel Kurzei
Retired pipeline operator says they’re trained –Larry Jordan
Sabal Trail quashing evidence, WWALS v. Sabal Trail & FL-DEP –John S. Quarterman
No unwanted, unneeded, unsafe Sabal Trail pipeline! –Harry Patterson, Green Party
No dangerous, destructive, unwanted, greedy pipeline –Billie Jo Bennett, OSFR
Ludicrous to gamble water against energy –Harry Gentes
Sabal Trail: insanity in karst aquifer –Rocky Stewart, Marcellus Shale Driller
Don’t frack Florida and no pipeline! –Victoria Machado
David Sheilds spelling
Children downwind of compressor: for somebody else’s profit–David Shields
Welcome back to Florida! –Marihelen Wheeler
See through the greed and stop Sabal Trail –Marihelen Wheeler
End of list of speakers –John Peconom
Lost a cow in a sinkhole near springs and Suwannee River –Donna Ellison
Follow Duke Energy corridor, compressor #6 Reroute –Joseph Hanratty
FERC: tobacco companies pushing cigarettes to children –John S. Quarterman
We aren’t your test subjects! –Debra Johnson, SpectraBusters
Karst filters water: oil and gas can’t speak louder –Harry Gentes
Wrapup –John Peconom
Videos from previous FERC meetings: