25th Semi-Annual Alapahoochee Historic Farm/Heritage Days will take
place April 10-11 from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Located at
202 Bethel Church Road in Echols County.
Here’s their flyer on their facebook page. Continue reading
25th Semi-Annual Alapahoochee Historic Farm/Heritage Days will take
place April 10-11 from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Located at
202 Bethel Church Road in Echols County.
Here’s their flyer on their facebook page. Continue reading
Co-Chair Jerome Tucker emphasized that ESPLOST helping
public schools also helps economic development.
See below for who we now know are the
committee members for the Educational Special Local Option Sales Tax (ESPLOST).
It’s mysterious why that information wasn’t in
the PR before the meeting,
but now we know, since Gretchen went and took the videos
and collected the flyers you’ll find below.
Early voting already started that same day and continues through March 13th, with the final Election Day 17 March 2015.
Lowndes/Valdosta Citizens for Excellence in Education
Education Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax
For Lowndes County Schools and Valdosta City Schools Continue reading
What does “conversion of the Land Bank Authority” mean? What are they converting this Authority to? Or do they mean the Authority is voting on converting some real estate from non-taxable to taxable?
Valdosta News, City of Valdosta, 23 February 2015, In The City This Week, Feb. 23-28,
Feb. 25: Land Bank Authority Meets. Members of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Land Bank Authority will hold a meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 25, at 9 a.m., in the Neighborhood Development Conference Room (Room 202, Valdosta City Hall Annex). This meeting is being held to vote on the conversion of the Land Bank Authority. The Land Bank Authority exists to foster the public purpose of returning property which is in a non-revenue generating, non-tax producing status to effective utilization status in order to provide housing, new industry and jobs for citizens. For information, call (229) 671-3617.
Even the state doesn’t have up to date information about this board. According to the Continue reading
A committee of unknown members is holding a kickoff meeting today
for the Educational Special Local Option Sales Tax.
Various local news media carry the announcement below,
but none of them seem to have the names of the committee members
beyond one co-chair.
I guess we’ll find out from the videos Gretchen is going there now to take.
In the City of Valdosta’s In The City This Week, Feb. 23-28,
Feb. 24: ESPLOST V Campaign. The ESPLOST joint committee will host a campaign kickoff on Tuesday, Feb. 24, at 5 p.m., in the Valdosta City Hall Annex Multi-Purpose Room. At the meeting, committee members will share proposed projects for Lowndes County and Valdosta City Schools with citizens. Early voting runs Feb. 23 through March 13. The final opportunity to vote will be on the official Election Day, March 17. For more information, email Co-Chair John Eunice at jleunice@yahoo.com.
Update 2015-01-20: Actually that’s Wednesday 21 January 2015 for Gretchen on the Chris Beckham radio show, 105.9 FM, still at 8AM.
Gretchen Quarterman will be
on the radio
7:30 AM this morning on the Scott James show 92.1 FM and 8:00 AM
tomorrow January 21st on the Chris Beckham show 105.9 FM,
talking about
South Georgia Growing Local 2015,
a full day of five parallel tracks of talks about soil, planting, fruits, vegetables, oils, permaculture, hydroponics, bees, bugs, invasive plants, citrus, chickens, goats, hams, cooking, water, and solar power, all here below the gnat line in our loamy soil and above our Floridan Aquifer.
The conference is 9AM to 5PM Saturday January 24th 2015 at Pine Grove Middle School, on River Road north of Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia.
See you there!
People are still sick and dying in Waycross, and
answers are still few, but now there’s increasing help,
and organization at a meeting next Tuesday.
wastewater from
the Waycross SevenOut SuperFund site was sent to the Pecan Row
Landfill in Valdosta, and
we could have similar sites here, too.
Helping Waycross is helping everyone deal with toxic chemicals. -jsq
Facebook event, Meeting Announcement – Tuesday Evening, January 6, 2014, Continue reading
Repeat speaker Dr. Michael Noll asked the Commissioners
to do what Dougherty County has done and pass a resolution
against the unnecessary and hazardous Sabal Trail pipeline,
the 11 November 2014 Lowndes County Commission Regular Session.
Video. Like the previous speaker, Dr. Noll asked everyone there about this topic to stand up, and about 30 people did. Continue reading
A first-time speaker against the Sabal Trail pipeline
demonstrated there was opposition and reminded us all we have
a voice, and asked the Lowndes County Commission to speak up as well,
the 11 November 2014 Lowndes County Commission Regular Session.
Video. Robbie Dixon said he had been approached by their contractors asking to reroute the pipeline onto his property, which would take about half his property. He asked anybody in the audience who was there about Sabal Trail to stand up. About 30 people did. He said he did that because there are a lot of rumors that only a few people were concerned. He said there was no local benefit to landowners, and any potential tax benefit to the county shouldn’t be considered without consideration of the ill effects to landowners. Continue reading
“Why do we have to kneel before their wishes? How is it that a single foreign corporation can have greater power and say than the hundreds of property owners and their supporters?” asked Jim Parker
the 11 November 2014 Lowndes County Commission Regular Session. Continue reading
Sitting at a table, the local candidates laid out their positions
in Lake Park.
See also
LAKE videos of the previous candidate forum in Valdosta. Continue reading