Tag Archives: Brooks County

D.A. Joe Mulholland on Fox News on the Quitman 10

This is what local TV viewers are hearing and seeing about the Quitman 10. Somebody tell me, is it appropriate for a district attorney to declare people guilty before trial?

Justin Schuver wrote for the Post-Searchlight 29 November 2011, Mulholland interviewed on Fox News

Local viewers of Fox News on Sunday morning might have seen a familiar face on their screen, as South Georgia Judicial Circuit District Attorney Joe Mulholland was interviewed by the national news station about his prosecution of a voter-fraud case in Brooks County, Ga.

Mulholland spoke to Fox News newsman Eric Shawn for approximately four-and-a-half minutes about the case, which involves 12 citizens charged for allegedly tampering in a July 2010 primary election.

According to the Valdosta Daily Times, school board incumbents Gary Rentz and Myra Exum were leading in their races, before the absentee ballots were counted. After those 979 absentee ballots were tabulated, challengers Linda Troutman and Elizabeth Thomas were able to overtake the incumbents’ leads and eventually win election in November.

On Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2010, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation arrested

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Quitman 10, Rally & News Media Whiteout! Nearly 200 Citizens Ignored! —George Boston Rhynes

Received yesterday. It’s a YouTube video. -jsq

Video by George Boston Rhynes for K.V.C.I. Keeping Valdosta Citizen Informed

George has written up most of this in K.V.C.I. with pictures and YouTube videos.

Also, I appreciate the shoutout, George, and I’m sure the other people involved with LAKE and this blog do, as well.


Quitman 10 host organization of NAACP in Brooks County

The Quitman 10 started out as activists, and now they’re taking it a step further: they hosted an organizational meeting for an NAACP branch in Brooks County. George Boston Rhynes was there and made this video of students singing about education, not incarceration:

Education, not Incarceration
Organizational Meeting, Brooks County NAACP,
Quitman, Brooks County, Georgia, 18 July 2010
Videos by George Boston Rhynes for K.V.C.I.

George videoed the whole meeting and posted it on his blog. He wrote in his introduction to this series of videos: Continue reading

Juneteenth in Brooks County: 18 June 2011

Juneteenth started in Galveston, Texas, where the news of the Emancipation Proclamation arrived on the 19th of June, 1865. This year in Brooks County, Georgia, Juneteenth will be celebrated on Saturday the 18th of June from 8AM to 3PM at the Brooks County Courthouse.

According to WCTV:

Brooks County Juneteenth Festival. The mission is to restore, explore and preserve African-Indian history in Brooks County Georgia. The purpose is to honor, cherish and acknowledge the sacrifices our ancestors suffered and endured to allow us the blessings we enjoy today. The theme is “Honoring Our Past to Celebrate Our Future”. Anyone interested in being on committee, participating as vendor, performer or display an exhibit should call.
More details from Fannie Jackson in a facebook note dated 11 June 2011: Continue reading

The Quitman 10 in Quitman: 18 June 2011

Information from George Rhynes:
What: Quitman 10 Support Rally
When: 2 PM Saturday 18 June 2011
Where: Walker Street Auditorium, Quitman, Georgia
Here are more details.

George explains:

Once again, no comments or interviews from the Quitman Ten on the alleged voter fraud charges against them. Moreover, nothing has been published about the Quitman Ten receiving support and recognition from Brooks County Community Leaders, Georgia State Senators, Representatives, President of GABEO, Chairman of the Peoples Agenda, and other Civil and Human Rights Leaders and organizations.
I will note that I took the video in that blog entry for LAKE, and LAKE published it in January, so it’s not quite nothing has been published, but George has a point about newspapers and TV. Here’s the video:

More from George (I’ve added a few LAKE blog links to his links to his blog): Continue reading

Statewide Rally: the Quitman 10 in Macon

The Quitman 10 were arrested in Brooks County for alleged irregularities with absentee ballots, the day after two of them were elected to the Brooks County Board of Education. Saturday (tomorrow) a statewide rally for them will be held in Macon:

When: Saturday at 11:00pm – Sunday at 2:00am
Where: Stewart Chapel AME Church, 887 Forsyth Street
Who: Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sen. Robert Brown, Rep. Tyrone Brooks, Sen. Vincent Fort, Rep. David Lucas, Ms. Helen Butler
See the facebook event invitation by George Boston Rhynes. He has posted background on the Quitman 10 in his blog. See also these previous posts in On the LAKE Front.


Master Gardeners Graduate

Grand Bay Master Gardeners (GBMG) has been holding a class to become master gardeners, and they just graduated yesterday!

I’m not going to attempt to name all of them, because the ones I missed would be miffed. I will say that’s Gretchen Quarterman on the right. And that these are people from all over the area, city and country, Democrat and Republican. Growing food is the universal community builder.

GBMG is “organized as a cohesive working group in Lowndes, Brooks, Echols, and Lanier Counties”. They’ll be holding more classes, so you, too, can become a master gardener.


Quitman solar electricity and hot water

California can do it, and it turns out Brooks County can do it: install solar hot water heaters on low-cost housing. In Brooks County, they also installed solar electric panels.

Kevin Skeath explains the 2.03 kilowatt solar electric panels on an apartment office, 9 solar thermal systems on the apartments, and how you can reduce your power bill upwards of 30% just by heating your regular hot water, and even more by using it for heating your rooms. Continue reading

The Quitman 10 at the Georgia capitol

George Rhynes writes about the Quitman Ten, On Georgia State Capital Steps, Standing Strong for Georgians Right to VOTE!
I traveled to the Georgia State Capital February 22, 2011; in support of the Quitman Ten. These brave, courageous freedom fightes stood and are standing strong on behalf of Georgia Voter’s right to vote. This is a short preview of what will be posted here as a reflection of what took place at this meeting and historical event. As a concerned citizens from the South Georgia, I commend the Georgia citizens that stood in support of the Quitman Ten as they received rewards for their courage and perhaps being forced to bring South Georgia into the 21st Century along with other cities.
He reminds us of the not-so-distant past: Continue reading

“No person shall be eligible as a write-in candidate…” –Ga. Code

Calling investigative reporters: here’s a trail of fishy behavior in the Brooks County elections. George Rhynes brings up an interesting point in Quitman Ten, Judge Porter’s decision, News Media Outlets, Is Another Investigation Needed, and can Justice Be Found in South Georgia? The two write-in candidates in the general election for the Brooks County Board of Education were allowed to run despite a clear restriction in the Georgia code, O.C.G.A. 21-2-133. This restriction is mentioned in the Ga. Secretary of State Candidate Training Guide:
No person shall be eligible as a write-in candidate in a general or special election if such person was a candidate for nomination or election to the same office in the immediately preceding primary.
Also in the same department’s Continue reading