Tag Archives: Board of Tax Assessors

Videos: Tax Assessor and Land Bank appointments, Assessment rate, VAWA, alcohol @ LCC Regular 2024-01-28

Update 2025-02-11: Lowndes County Considers Opting Out of House Bill 581 @ LCC Public Hearing 2025-02-10.

Commissioner Joyce Evans will rotate back into the Vice Chair position. On January 28, 2025, the Lowndes County Commission also reappointed to the Valdosta-Lowndes County Land Bank Authority.

[Collage @ LCC 28 January 2025]
Collage @ LCC 28 January 2025

In a break with tradition, the incumbent was not reappointed as a Tax Assessor. Gretchen Quarterman, the incumbent (although technically not, since the County Commission did not do reappointments before her term expired at the end of 2024) got a nomination and two votes. James Michael (Mike) Tanner also got a nommination and two votes. Commissioner Scottie Orenstein was not present for that item, since he came in late. That left Chairman Bill Slaughter to break the tie, and he voted for Tanner.

The previous morning, Commissioner Demarcus Marshall said he wanted to ask questions of the applicants for 6.a. Appointment to the Board of Tax Assessors. Chairman Bill Slaughter said they weren’t doing that in the Work Session because both applications were not there, but they can do it in the Regular Session Tuesday.

Mike Tanner did not attend the Regular Session. Gretchen Quarterman was there as usual, videoing the meeting.

The voted on the added agenda item, 8.d. Publish the intent to opt out of HB 581, to do that. That item and all the others were approved unanimously, except as noted above.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few comments by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also Continue reading

Packet: Tax Assessor and Land Bank appointments, Assessment rate, VAWA, alcohol @ LCC 2025-01-27

Update 2025-02-10: Videos: Tax Assessor and Land Bank appointments, Assessment rate, VAWA, alcohol @ LCC Regular 2025-01-28.

Finally received on February 6, 2025, the board packet materials are on the LAKE website for the January 27 and 28, 2025, Lowndes County Commission meetings.

[Packet: Collage @ LCC 2025-01-27]
Packet: Collage @ LCC 2025-01-27

See also the agenda and the LAKE videos of the Work Session; Regular Session up soon.

Lowndes County included this note with the board materials:

The January 27-28, 2025 meeting packet is attached. We did not receive the email on January 25th. Thank you for resending it.

As I mentioned in response: Continue reading

Videos: Tax Assessor and Land Bank appointments, Assessment rate, VAWA, alcohol @ LCC Work

Update 2025-02-10: Videos: Tax Assessor and Land Bank appointments, Assessment rate, VAWA, alcohol @ LCC Regular 2025-01-28.

Update 2025-01-28: Added back the inadvertently omitted video of the 8.c. Approval of the Solicitor General’s FY2025 VAWA Grant Application.

At this morning’s Lowndes County Commission Work Session, Commissioner Demarcus Marshall said he wants to ask questions of the applications for 6.a. Appointment to the Board of Tax Assessors. Chairman Bill Slaughter said they weren’t doing that in the Work Session because both applications were not there, but they can do it in the Regular Session Tuesday evening.

[Collage @ LCC 27 January 2025]
Collage @ LCC 27 January 2025

The Chairman asked to add an agenda item: Consideration for discussion of opting out of new homestead exemption law. Deadline to decide and paperwork to Department of Revenue is March 1, 2025. He noted he voted for this law, but he isn’t sure he completely understood it. For the county consider opting out, they first need to announce that possibility and ask the public for input. They discussed this for almost eight minutes.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few comments by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also the agenda. Continue reading

Agenda: Tax Assessor and Land Bank appointments, Assessment rate, VAWA, alcohol @ LCC 2025-01-27

Update 2025-01-27: Videos: Tax Assessor and Land Bank appointments, Assessment rate, VAWA, alcohol @ LCC Work 2025-01-27.

For discussion Monday morning and for voting Tuesday evening, the Lowndes County Commission will consider appointments to two boards: Tax Assessors (reappoint Gretchen Quarterman or appoint James Michael Tanner) and Land Bank Authority (reappoint Commissioner Joyce Evans).

[Tax Assessor appointment, Land Bank Appointment, Special assessment rate, VAWA, alcohol @ LCC 2025-01-27]
Tax Assessor appointment, Land Bank Appointment, Special assessment rate, VAWA, alcohol @ LCC 2025-01-27

They will also hear a change-of-ownership beer, wine, and liquor license application, set the special assessment rate to 9.5%, and probably approve purchasing cards for Tax Commission Clay Guess and Probate Judge H. Burke Sherwood.

Plus they will consider $26,371.00 in cash match while the Solicitor-General’s Office applies for $79,112.00 in federal funding related to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

Here is the agenda.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2025, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

Continue reading

Videos: Millage Public Hearing @ LCC 2024-10-15

Update 2024-10-17: Videos: ULDC text amendments, Loch Winn LTD rezoning, adoption of millage rates, USGS stream gauges, sprayfield expansion, watermain interconnection @ LCC Regular 2024-10-15.

Despite the longest Millage Public Hearing ever, people are still very confused by why, how, and how much taxes are going up.

This may be partly because most Lowndes County officials (elected, appointed, or employee) are not willing to say in public how we got here. Lowndes County Chief Appraiser Lisa Bryant did make a long presentation at the Historic Courthouse about that, but many people did not attend. Plus there are a few further wrinkles.

[Collage @ LCC 15 October 2024]
Collage @ LCC 15 October 2024

For many years, the Tax Appraisers were not keeping up with valuations as they changed due to increased sale prices of comparable properties.

When the appointed Tax Assessors first came in, many of their staff (the Appraisers) left, and the remaining staff are busily catching up. The appointed Tax Assessors spent a great deal of time at the office for the first year, getting this changeover started.

So valuations are going up. This pass they got to commercial valuations, which went up. Also, they’re applying the law about what is a business, which includes for example that some church properties being used for non-church purposes are not exempt. Property owners do get a letter from the Tax Assessors saying what the new valuation is and saying how the owner can appeal. Many appeals are successful. Some the Tax Assessors appeal to court, and some of those they win.

But remember, taxes are actually valuation (adjusted by homestead exemptions, conservation easements, LOST, etc.) times millage. Commissioner Clay Griner tried to explain that.

[Property Tax Example]
Property Tax Example

Finance Director Stephanie Black showed where the money goes: mostly to schools, Sheriff’s Department, and courts.

After her presentation, Lowndes County Chairman Bill Slaughter said that the Lowndes County Commissioners had no intent to raise the millage. Instead, they intended to roll back the millage to a lower number.

This was already hinted in the agenda for the Lowndes County Commission meetings:

The Board of Commissioners is required to set the millage rate for 2024. The county-wide millage for 2024 was advertised at 7.804 mills, requiring advertisement of a tax increase of 6.09% and three public hearings. The rollback millage for 2024 is 7.356 mills. The 2023 millage rate was 8.778.

So that’s a 16.2% decrease in the millage rate since last year. Which means very few people are going to see the 20% tax increase they fear. Really, more like 3 or 4%. Or, as Clay Griner said about the Unincorporated tax example, 5% over two years. In many cases, the increase is due to no valuation change in many years.

[Unincorporated Property Tax Example]
Unincorporated Property Tax Example

The actual taxes collected with the rollback millage will be 1.86% more than last year.

[Millage Calculation]
Millage Calculation

Meanwhile, the Board of Tax Assessors and the Tax Appraisers actually following state law has avoided what has happened in some other counties. McIntosh County, for example, Maggie Lee, The Current, July 15, 2024, McIntosh County must pay penalty or fix assessments: Tax audit for 2022 found deficiencies in taxation for homes, public utilities.

[The Georgia Department of Revenue] is ordering McIntosh to make equitable and uniform assessments or face a $63,070 penalty.

The county must provide its Board of Assessors with the equipment, personnel, supplies, transportation and software necessary to ensure that 2025 assessments can pass the state’s review, according to one of the top points in a consent order signed by the county and the state last month.

The order refers back to the 2022 tax year, when the state found deficiencies in McIntosh’s treatment of homes and public utilities and noted that the county had failed to correct prior problems.

Ware County is also under a Consent Order.

There is room for further improvement.

I can’t say that the county is supplying the Lowndes County Tax Assessors all the “equipment, personnel, supplies, transportation and software necessary” to do their job.

The Lowndes County Commissioners, the Chamber, the Development Authority, etc., keep pushing development northwards, into agricultural and forestry areas. I wish I could say the Tax Appraisers were no longer helping with that, but I cannot.

Also, the county could put the presentation slides on their own website. Along with the board packets.

Finally, people are rightly distressed over having to work two jobs to make ends meet. But the source of that problem lies way higher up, in price gouging by big corporations disguised as inflation.

Below are LAKE videos of each agenda item, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

Here is the LAKE video playlist:


Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!

Videos: Hurricane Recovery, Fire Department, expand Board of Tax Assessors, new water tower, appointments, election qualifying fees, insurance, and bids @ LCC Regular 2023-12-12

Update 2024-01-07: Appointing Tax Assessors is on the agenda for Monday, January 8, 2024.

Not on the agenda at the last 2023 Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission were two items. Special Presentation – Hurricane Recovery was by two executives of the debris hauling company the county hired, plus Kristin Hannah of the Boys and Girls Club, which got a grant from the hauling company.

The second was Special Recognition – Fire Department – Toys for Tots. You can see these presentations and the agenda items in these LAKE videos.

They also added an agenda item, 7.n. Utility and Access Easement for Lochwinn Farms, for a James Road Extension parallel to the railroad.

[Collage @ LCC 12 December 2023]
Collage @ LCC 12 December 2023

They spent a bit more than a minute on 7.l. Expanding Board of Tax Assessors, about the same on 6.a. Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center and Tourism Authority, and two minutes on 6.b. Lowndes County Public Facilities Authority.

They will actually appoint three new Tax Assessors in their first 2024 meeting, on January 8th.

They unanimously approved everything, taking Continue reading

Videos: expand Board of Tax Assessors, new water tower, appointments, election qualifying fees, insurance, and bids @ LCC Work 2023-12-11

Update 2024-01-07: Videos: Hurricane Recovery, Fire Department, expand Board of Tax Assessors, new water tower, appointments, election qualifying fees, insurance, and bids @ LCC Regular 2023-12-12.

Hear Elaine Grice, Executive Director of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for Lowndes and Echols Counties. CASA advocates for children who have been abused or neglected, and who are often in foster care. Lowndes County was one of the last to sign on to the program.

Her 10 minutes accounted for a third of the half-hour Lowndes County Commission Work Session of December 11, 2023.

They spent a bit more than a minute on 7.l. Expanding Board of Tax Assessors. One issue, said County Manager Paige Dukes, was that with only three Assessors, two constitutes a quorum, which limited their flexibility for meetings.

Earlier, Commissioner Clay Griner asked about appointments of Tax Assessors, pointing out that Assessor James Puckett’s term was up; this was in 6.b. Appointment – Lowndes County Public Facilities Authority. Chairman Bill Slaughter said those appointments would be on a January agenda. In the actual item about Tax Assessors, the County Manager said James Puckett would remain an Assessor until somebody was appointed to replace him, which would happen in January.

Second longest item at almost four minutes was 7.j. Lowndes County Juvenile Accountability Court FY24 Enhancement – Innovation, because Commission Demarcus Marshall asked about 17-year-olds, who would soon be entering the work force. Judge Council said some nonprofits helped, and he welcomed any other resources.

Third at more than two minutes was 8.b. Bid for Security Services at the Human Resources Building. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall asked if armed security guards cost more, and would being armed make a difference. Chairman Bill Slaughter said these guards man the metal detectors to keep people from bringing firearms in. There was more discussion.

Two water items got about a minute and a half each. In 8.c. Moody AFB Emergency Backup Water Connection Commissioner Demarcus Marshall wanted to know how long will the connection be. In 8.d. New Elevated Water Tower located at 2650 James Road Extension, the $3.5 million item, Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker wanted to know whether this tower was north of US 84. Utility Director Steve Stalvey said it would be south of US 84 but north of the railroad tracks. Nobody provided any detail for why it was being built. It’s probably not coincidence that this water tower comes after the March rezoning for a James Road apartment complex, which is apparently the same that was withdrawn back in August 2022. Let’s not forget all the previous subsidies to James Road (widening, water lines, etc.) after the infamous failed 2007 mega-mall boondoggle.

They ended with an Executive Session, of which we have no video.

[Collage @ LCC 11 December 2023]
Collage @ LCC 11 December 2023

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also the the agenda and the board packet. Continue reading

Packet: expand Board of Tax Assessors, new water tower, appointments, election qualifying fees, insurance, and bids @ LCC 2023-12-11

Update 2023-12-28: Videos: expand Board of Tax Assessors, new water tower, appointments, election qualifying fees, insurance, and bids @ LCC Work 2023-12-11.

Only tomorrow morning at 8:30 AM (or in the following LAKE video) will you hear from Elaine Grice, Executive Director of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for Lowndes and Echols Counties.

[Collage, LCC Packet, 2023-12-11]
Collage, LCC Packet, 2023-12-11

The rest of the agenda for the Lowndes County Commission is quite busy, with appointments to two boards, expansion of the Board of Tax Assessors from 3 to 5 members, among other items.

Cost What
$3,551,666.00New Elevated Water Tower located at 2650 James Road Extension
$886,352.50Moody AFB Emergency Backup Water Connection
$171,593.002024 ACCG Workers’ Compensation Insurance Renewal
$70,500.00UPS Replacement at the Naylor and Hahira Public Safety Radio System
$63,580.00Bid for Security Services at the Human Resources Building
$1,473.00Lowndes County Juvenile Accountability Court (LCJAC) FY24 Enhancement and Innovation Award
$0.00Loan to Valdosta Housing Authority

Oh, and $3.5 million for a new water tower.

The board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request is on the LAKE website. Here is the agenda.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2023, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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